November 28, 1996

(11th anniversary of True Life in God.)

Blessed be my Rock,
Blessed be my Saviour,
Blessed be His Sacred Heart,
this Heart that displays its Love for all mankind,
This Heart which is more desirable than the finest gold,
because the treasures1 it contains are sweeter than honey;

Blessed be His Sacred Heart,
this Heart that lifted me and formed me,
O Lord, come and display to mankind Your marvels,
come and display Your marvellous kindness!

I will never fail you; My Sacred Heart was offered to you so that It becomes the sunshine of your soul, the delight of your heart and the joy of your life;

My desire was to revive you and hear you …. caress Me with your love; your thirst for Me is a soothing balm on My wounded Heart …. come, allow Me to pour through you a spirit of kindness and prayer so that I remind the world of My marvels and the power of My Mercy in My loving kindness;

My Heart is inflamed with love for all mankind and the more they will advance reading Me the more sanctifying graces will I be pouring on them, to draw them deeper into the flames of My Heart; – I am infinitely rich in grace and I want to draw them into this2 Heart, this Heart that delights to be with the sons and daughters of men;

in My Sacred Heart are riches and honour, lasting wealth and loyalty; My Treasures will make you walk in the path of virtue; happy the eyes that see what they see in My Heart, and obtain it; he will obtain life and he will win My Father’s favour, and We will be by his side, delighting him day after day, pouring blessing after blessing on him and on his whole household; My Sacred Heart is like an appeasing fragrance; It is like the sun shining in your obscurity; My Sacred Heart is sweeter than honey and I welcome all mouths to taste My sweetness; My Sacred Heart is like a bed of selected roses; My Sacred Heart is filled with graciousness; yes, It is like a wellspring of life;

turn your eyes on My Sacred Heart and Its brightness will fill your dark night into the fullness of day; hold My Sacred Heart and embrace It and Its closeness to you will set a crown of sanctified grace on your head, which will bring your feet into the path of loyalty, even to accept shedding your blood for My honour; the Invincible holiness of My Sacred Heart can be your shield when evil is glorified by evil;

My Sacred Heart is like a tree filled with fruit, with rich foliage in which you can take shelter beneath Its branches; the fire from My Heart is the power to give you light in your soul, not even the most blazing stars could ever illuminate the dreadful night of your soul as the fire coming from within My Heart; indeed, the fire of My Sacred Heart is a thousand times more resplendent than the sun; it is like putting a thousand times more than all the constellations of the universe together;

with Me are divine love, divine mercy, divine fruit, divine light, divine sweetness, divine springs, divine wealth, enriching those who approach Me, filling their treasuries with My purity; anxious to save My people from death, I said: „I shall come to them with My Heart in My Hand and open My Heart like a reservoir and immerse them with My divine Treasures; I will come upon them like a huge ocean, to fortify them;”

with what can you compare My Heart, this Heart that laid down the Foundations of My Sanctuary? like a sprig of frankincense in summer-time? like the melody of a harp? like some jewel of crystal-clear diamond? nothing can be compared to the invincible holiness of My Sacred Heart, for within My Heart are sanctified graces, because It is unique in Its splendour, manifold in Its graces and virtues, subtle, gentle and compassionate even to the most wretched among you;

My Heart is active because I am the Word and the Word of God is something alive and active; My Heart is invulnerable in Its Glory; It is benevolent and full of mercy when you are in need of help; since My Heart is the throne of grace, have confidence in My benevolence, I sympathise with your ignorance; do not lose courage, know that you have a permanent place in My Sacred Heart;

I am the Word of God and from My Mouth comes an incisive sword; I am here, and My Heart will undertake all things that are not right and put them right with My sword; My Sacred Heart is not complicated, I am not a complicated God, because I am like a lamp, shining from within and from without, and completely lucid, therefore, you will never be misled, and I will reassure you all the time that holiness will be rewarded in the end;

My Sacred Heart is so lucid and pure, It is the Light of the world; divine and irresistible is My Sacred Heart, for It holds all the riches of your salvation; it is he who receives this Heart graciously that will be acknowledging Us as thrice Holy with reverence, faithfulness and honour, and in My divinity I will lead him into eternal life;

My Sacred Heart throbs with love for mankind because It is loving to man; if you approach Me like a child, I will place My Sacred Heart in the palm of your hand and when you will see My Treasures, with learned sayings revealing My mysteries and My secrets, your holy fear for Me will seize you because you will realise that I am God, Triune but One in the unity of essence, dearer to you than all the wealth of the world and even your own life;

ah, Vassula …. mercy is to be found with Me, yet so many of My children abandon and scorn this merciful Heart; exile though you are on earth, creation, open your eyes to contemplate My Sacred Heart, open your eyes and your heart to the marvels engraved in My Heart; I will not hide My inestimable Treasures from you; although you are an exile, I shall open the door of My Heart and when your eyes will contemplate in your misery the majesty of My Heart, your soul will be overcome with an incessant longing for My rulings, and My decrees will become your delight and your counsellors;

then you will voluntarily ask Me to become the victim of the Victim, the crucifix of the Crucified and you will proclaim My decrees to the world, without fear of disgrace, remembering Who had found you, an exile, in the exile; then you will say to Me, showing Me My Sacred Heart: „Master, here I will stay for ever, this is the home I have chosen”;

faithfulness is the essence of My Word, and I am known to be faithful and true; there is no deceit in My Heart; My Sacred Heart is your heaven, filled with righteous rulings; happy the man who discovers the steadfastness of My Sacred Heart which is beyond the price of pearls; nothing you could covet is Its equal; My sons, My daughters, there is nothing equal to My Sacred Heart, for I am the Alpha and the Omega; and the ways of My Sacred Heart are delightful ways, leading into the intimacy so desired by Us; 3

to what can you compare My Sacred Heart? to a Fountain that makes the gardens fertile? yes, so if any man is thirsty, let him come to Me! let the man come and drink; My Heart is a well of living water; come and immerse yourself in those streams4 that flow out from My Sacred Heart; My Sacred Heart is your guarantor and the Tree of Life for those who will possess It; do not let your feet take you down to death; learn that My tender Sacred Heart is glorious and majestic, dependable, faithful and true; It is framed in steadfastness, transcending the heavens; It raises, Vassula, the poor from dust5 and out of their misery, to give them a place in Its depths, in the depths of Infinite Mercy; let My Sacred Heart be the Root that supports you and you, you have been grafted on to Me to share My rich sap that provides you with life, eternal life; so remain grafted on Me to be part of Me and your life will be spared;

Vassula, I have come again to revive the devotion to My Sacred Heart, happy all those who follow this devotion; the world is dead to love because it has distanced itself from Us, 6 and by forsaking the Fountain of Wisdom, it died in its drought; this is why I have come, with My Heart in My Hand, to you so you feel the pulsations of My Heart; do not be surprised, have you not read that a Fountain will spring from the House of Yahweh? 7 and like cascades this living water8 will pour out of My Heart ….

yes, so that all of you gain freedom, this freedom that is solely found in My Spirit, I have come to you, not because of your merits, since you had none, I have not only chosen you because of your wretchedness and your nothingness, as you tell people, but it was also because of your insignificance and your total ignorance in all matters that concerned My Sacred Heart, yes! 9 and My Church too; drenched in sin and not virtue, portrait of your society and far from My Own traits, you were appalling even in My Angels’ eyes! yet, I have come to you, puny little creature, to show the world the Power of My Sacred Heart and My Infinite Mercy; I have come in your ignorance and charged you with a task far beyond your means and I have made My Sacred Heart known to you and I will continue to make It known in this cold world drenched in its blood from its crimes;

I will let this Fountain10 from My Sacred Heart invade this cold world, giving life wherever It will pass and My Promise will be accomplished because My Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life will govern this wicked society and turn it into an upright people, then holiness and justice will be their consort;

Vassula, I had given, in the past, to My beloved disciple John, a glimpse of My Treasures in My Heart, that led him, in the terrors of that day, all the way to My Cross; then, later on, he invited Gertrude to revere My Sacred Heart, showing her the value of the Treasures hidden in My Heart; her eyes rained tears of joy when she saw those divine Treasures; I have been longing to reveal to you in your day and age the Riches of a mystery kept secret for endless ages; so honour My Sacred Heart and be innocent, be the salt of the earth and the light, so that you will shine in the world like a bright star, because you will be offering it11 the Word of Life;

fall on your knees now and praise Me! see how mighty are My wonders? see how great are My marvels? let My Yoke be light on you and not burden you and you will have no trace of fatigue …. pursue the path I have traced for you and tell My people that no one can survive with his intellect only, and I never reveal Myself to those who claim to have knowledge only of earthly things, for this is not the real knowledge that comes from God; the real knowledge is to know Us, in Our Trinitarian Holiness and live in an intimate union with Us; I have no favourites, so let the devotion of My Sacred Heart be known to all people; 12

be one in Us; We love you, dear child; receive Our blessings;


yes! this13 was given to you on the eleventh anniversary of My saving Message; I will continue to fill your mouth and nourish you with My Word; you will continue to obtain from My Heart abundant sanctifying graces to accomplish your mission; and as I said to My other apostles of My Sacred Heart, I also tell you: „love this Heart that is so unloved, revive My devotion of My Sacred Heart and tell them14 that whosoever practises this devotion, they will obtain sanctifying graces not only for themselves but also for all their household;”

and you, My loved one, be one with Me; ic;

1 „Treasures” stand for: „the Words of God”.
2 He pointed to His Heart.
3 The Trinity.
4 Jesus was speaking about His Spirit.
5 Jesus was hinting this for me; the way He raised me and gave me a place in His Heart.
6 The Trinity.
8 Holy Spirit.
9 I thought, of the Church too …
10 Jesus speaks about His Holy Spirit.
11 The world.
12 Jesus means not only to Catholics but all others too.
13 The Message above.
14 To the people.