May 25, 1987
(I start to realise how much easier it is to meet God with this grace He has given me if I come without the slightest doubt or disbelief, feeling Him, seeing Him, and letting Him write. I start to understand. Full faith makes all the demons flee and they feel at loss, with no power. They fear and are exasperated! When I come hesitant, doubtful, they feel strong and attack me in writing their insults. Full faith and an open heart for God can make the mountains move! I feel Him like an electric sense in me; wonderful and I never want to leave Him or this instant of God’s finger on me … I want it to last forever!)
love me, love Me, feel Me, feel My insatiable love for you; I thirst for your love; I require more love from you, Vassula; hear my Heartbeats;
(Jesus was passionate.)
I bear no rivals, none at all; if I see or meet rivals I will ravage them; nothing will replace Me, I will stay Master; depart glorifying Me; tonight I will purify you by My Heavenly Works for Peace and Love; 1 pray, beloved, blessed one; unite My Church by drawing My sign which I gave you, draw now;
with Blessed sign I, the Lord, will show you the way to Me; believe, believe, believe; flourish and help others, flourish to bring back Love, flourish to bring peace, 2
I love you Vassula; Vassula grieve not, My beloved; blessed one, come to Me your Father your Spouse your God, will I ever abandon you? from love I will take you, from My elate and insatiable love I will free you; pray with Me,
„Heavenly Father,
may I glorify You,
redeem your children from evil,
may they be in your Light,
may their hearts open
and with Your Mercy receive You,
Vassula will you realise fully My Presence and kiss My Wounds?
Yes, Lord Jesus.
(I discerned Him and saw Him again in full glory. Seeing Him with the eyes of my soul, I saw He was this time beautiful, with a beautiful crown on His Head. He came to me as a King.)
Lord, give me Your right Hand.
(I kissed His right Hand.)
I love you;
(I kissed His hands, feet and side wound.)
I love You, Lord.
to guide you was a delight for Me,
(I felt…I cannot find the words.)
come with Me, I will show you something;
(I saw from His breast which was lit, sparks.)
every spark, which leaves My Heart and touches your heart, will inflame your heart and consume it; My spark enkindles you; draw from My Heart; I will one day inflame entirely your heart, letting My Flame enwrap your heart, engulfing it;
What will happen to me if by just a spark only I feel this way?
(It was like Jesus was taking pleasure knowing now He has conquered me.)
yes, I delight to have prevailed and conquered your love; when My Flame will enwrap your heart entirely you will never ever be separated from Me; you will be My bride in heaven; I have created you for Myself;
But then why am I here? I don’t understand.
no, you cannot understand Vassula, but one day you will;
time is a rival for Me, when you look at your watch and I am with you;
(I had offended Him because I looked at my watch.)
come daughter, take My Hand and let us go; come we have so much work;
This work or the other (housework)?
both; daughter everywhere you go, I am; 3 altar, My Flame should stay ablaze forever; annihilate in Me;