May 12, 1995
Scriptures say:
„if a property has no fence, it will be plundered.” 1
Lord, let Your arms be my fence,
protect me, I who am Your property.
Do not allow the Plunderer
to step inside Your property
and make a devastation out of it,
otherwise I will end up in flames!
I, Jesus, will always be your protection, 2 do not lose the Peace I have given you …. your food is to do My Will; by grace I have lifted you to be My bearer, and by grace you will complete your work with Me; do not be astonished the way I have spread My Message; open your ear, daughter, and hear the sound of My Footsteps, I am not far from you; 3 work for My Church; I, Jesus Christ, prepared for you water to drink and relieve you; I know that it is hard, My beloved, to be crossing this ruthless desert, but I am with you ….
(The Eternal Father speaks now.)
I, your Heavenly Father, bless you; every word you utter about Me, glorifies Me; every heart conquered while you speak sanctifies you …. every blame, thrust on you unjustly, purifies your soul, drawing it closer to Me; should every one, even your dearest friends, abandon you, I will never abandon you; you are My delight; to lead you is also a delight for Me; – I have entrusted you with My work, so like a lamp, keep it alight and shining;
your era is obscure, My child, but by using what I have preached to you and taught you, many will see the Way and will understand that I am their Source of Life; many will be attracted and will enjoy the light I am giving them, and in this light I am shedding on them they will learn the only Truth, that is:
that I am the only true God, and Jesus Christ, My only Son, Lord of Lords, the Messiah; My teachings will give them a better knowledge of My Word, I have told you all this so that you may find peace in Me and consolation; remember too, My daughter, that in times of danger I will lift you; I guarantee to you that you will reach the end of the road I have laid out for you; although you will continue to be a sign of contradiction, you will accomplish your mission with Me, and you will glorify Me ….
(Our Lady speaks.)
‘pethi mou’, 4 the Almighty’s designs are so profound in His Message that many will be healed;
My Son is with you; I am also with you; I have come to reassure you of My assistance; …. add a smiling face to all your gifts5 …. continue to please God by prophesying and showing to every nation what He has truly revealed to you so that all those who listen to you may acknowledge Him as Saviour and as Love ….
continue to draw every soul into the intimacy of God; attract My children into the Divine Love of God; and you, My daughter, grow in His Spirit and never feel downcast; expand His Message as you do now and remain reassured; God-is-with-you …..
(St. Michael the Archangel speaks now.)
Vassula, have you not read: „like a young man marrying a virgin, so will the One who formed you wed you …. and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride so does your God rejoice in you;” know this, Vassula, every time a soul awakens and finds God, all heaven rejoices and celebrates as men are happy and celebrate when they are invited at a wedding, so it is when heaven celebrates …. I wish to tell you that many times you have made Our joy in heaven increase when in your nothingness you glorify the Almighty by bringing souls to love God …. so do not fear;
and now write again what had been inscribed on a tablet and in a book long ago but remained to be a witness forever so that it may serve in the time to come: „this is a rebellious people, they are lying sons, sons who will not listen to Yahweh’s orders; to the seers they say, ‘see no visions’; to the prophets, ‘do not prophesy the truth to us; tell us flattering things; have illusory visions; turn aside from the way, leave the path, take the Holy One out of our sight'”; 6 in a short time, in a very short time, the Holy One will come as a flame of devouring fire and surprise the haughty, but the lowly will rejoice for having put their hope in Him;
Salvation comes from above, Sovereignty leans down from heaven to be gracious to you; therefore, anyone who listens to His Calls and prepares himself by repenting will be like the sensible man who built his house on rock; the Lord is your Rock; I am the guardian of your house7 and the Lord the foundation of your house ….
and now, daughter of the Most High, one advice: remain rooted in God, in His Love and no attack will be able to shake you; remain united in the Most Holy Trinity and you will shake your accusers by your firm resistance to temptations; remain in the Most Holy Trinity and you will have in you the strength for this battle to hold on till the end, never giving in; you will obtain enough grace from God’s own glorious power so that you accomplish your mission; everything will be done in perfect harmony and you will learn to bear your trials with astounding joy;
glory to Him who is pouring on you His Graces to maintain you in His Light, His Mercy to sustain His Justice, His Strength to make you live according to His Commandments; Yahweh is just and good, full of pity for his children, faithful and true for all times, unsparingly He offers His gifts and shares His Treasures drawing each soul into His Heart;
have no fear; Yahweh-is-with-you;
Saint Michael the Archangel of God, Yahweh;