December 24, 1991

(Christmas Eve)

My Lord?

I Am; lean on Me, child;

(I saw with the eyes of my soul Jesus’ holy Face. He looked like a child with big innocent eyes.)

tremendous reparations have to be done to cicatrise the wounds of this earth; wounds and cuts made by wickedness and sin;

– delight the Eyes of your Saviour and expand;

let it be

that My Message becomes so ample, so vast, testifying itself, that Wickedness, Apathy and Atheism will be seized and will repent; child! cling to the hem of My clothes and stretch1 even more now, from one corner of the earth to the other; enter into My Sanctuaries, if they welcome you into My Sanctuaries;

if men forbid you, do not let this afflict you nor bring you sorrow, do not despair; your oppressors will look back in those scenes in the day of the Purification and will weep, remembering their rejection; they will realise how they were, rejecting Our Divine Hearts, not you; Our Two Hearts that prophesied;

daughter, follow My blood-stained Footprints and pronounce My Holy Name in any gathering; the time has come that you should not hesitate anymore; plant Vineyards everywhere and anywhere you can, make gardens out of deserts; I have blessed My Messages to prosper and take root, so, courage, daughter;

(Suddenly I felt a ‘sword of fire’ pierce me, and I cried out: „Lord! I miss You!”)

you miss Me because you saw My Glory …. write:

– citadel after citadel is being besieged by the Rebel; I come today and offer all mankind My Peace but very few listen; today I come with peace-terms and a Message of Love, but the peace I am offering is blasphemed by the earth and the Love I am giving them is mocked and jeered in this Eve of My Birth; mankind are celebrating these days without My Holy Name; My Holy Name has been abolished and they take the day of My Birth as a great holiday of leisure, worshipping idols;

Satan has entered into the hearts of My children, finding them weak and asleep; I have warned the world; Fatima’s Message speaks: that in My Day I shall make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight; I will allow the Dragon to bite this sinful generation and hurl a Fire the world has never seen before or will ever come to see again, to burn her innumerable crimes;

you will ask: „will all the inhabitants perish, the good with the bad?” I tell you: the living will envy the dead; out of two men one will be taken; some will ask: „where are Elijah and Moses who are to come?” I tell you, you evil generation: We2 have not been speaking in parables all these years; Elijah and Moses have come already and you have not recognised them but treated them as you pleased;

you have not listened to Our Two Hearts, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and My Sacred Heart, you faithless generation … Our Two Hearts have not been speaking to you in parables nor in riddles; all Our Words were Light and Our Hearts like Two Lamps are shining near each other so bright, that everyone may see, but you have not understood; Our Hearts, like Two Olive Trees, 3 one to the right and one to the left were for so many years trying to revive you; like Two Olive Branches pouring oil4 to heal your sick generation and cicatrise your wounds, but your generation treated Our Two Hearts as they pleased; Our Two Hearts are anointed5 and are living, They are like a sharp sword, double-edged, 6 prophesying, but the rebellious spirit in this generation is recrucifying My Word, 7 the double-edged sword, and are rejecting Our Two Hearts who speak to you today; just like Sodom’s and Egypt’s rejection of My messengers;

this era’s stubbornness has surpassed Pharaoh’s because their claims to their knowledge have become a battlefield to My Knowledge, 8 indeed Our Two Hearts have become a plague to the people of the world; 9 but soon, very soon now, My Voice shall be heard again, I shall visit you by thunder and fire; Justice is at hand; and Our Two Hearts you have combated shall prevail in the end; 10 and the kingdom of the world will become My Kingdom; 11 this is all very close now;

open your eyes and look around you; I am giving you all the signs of the Times; and you, you who are labouring to bring to the surface the devotion of the Alliance of the Two Hearts, do not lose courage; the Book of Apocalypse speaks, as well as the Book of Zechariah, of this Truth; do not fear, spread this devotion with trust and with courage;

1 Jesus means to widen the scope, in spreading His urgent message.

2 Christ means the Two Hearts who are the two witnesses in Rv. 11:1-13 and in Zc. 4:1-14.

7 Allusion to Rv. 11:8-10.

8 Allusion to Rv. 11:7.

10 Allusion to Rv. 11:11.