May 4, 1988

(I prayed part of the Holy Rosary. Maybe I’m not praying it correctly, but I am trying. Then the three prayers the Lord wants us to pray. I’m going to write them down so that everyone knows them.)


I am; have My Peace; it is I, the Lord, do not fear; 1

O Lord, what can I do more?

(I want to satisfy God.)

worship Me! Love Me! My Holy Cross at Medjugorje is alive and in flames; I have blessed this territory giving My Graces through My Mother who is the Ark of Alliance of My Divine Works; 2

(God has been giving me for the past days a vision of an immense Cross on a mountain. This Cross was in flames, but not as if it was on fire and was burning; no, the fire was from within it, shaped as a Cross. A luminous non-consuming fire.)

hear Me; in just a short while I will make the unbelievers knee bend on that very mountain; My Holy Cross is alive with a living Flame; 3

(I asked the Lord what does this fire represents here and He told me: „LIFE„.)

Vassula, the Time is imminent, ever so imminent! O come, My beloved ones! come to Me! 4 I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; come to Me now when there is still time; when the grass is still green and the flowers still blooming on the trees; O come! 5 I love you exceedingly!

I have loved you always in spite of your wickedness and your evil doings; creation, why thrust yourselves so willingly at Satan’s feet? creation, return to Me when still the Spring breeze is blowing and there is still time for your conversion;

ah Vassula, the time is almost over, 6 what is to come is so very near you! this Word which is Alive, how could men think they can bury My Word? 7 FAITH has been distorted to appear like an ugly crippled beast, 8 that is how they make It appear, all that is divine and alive today has been distorted in this way, and make you flee from It, fearing It; why is it that you want your God silent and dead?

I am alive and alive I will act; the ecclesiastical authorities will invariably deny you; I had been denied by the Pharisees because they believed they held all the power and authority; they had forgotten that they could not do anything without being given power and authority from above; and now these sons of Cains keep forgetting that they cannot do anything unless I give them the power and authority; I Am The Authority, was, and will always be for all Eternity; now, as it is, those that deny My Providential Works, 9 are blinded by their vanity which obscures them; they are those same blind guides, who repeat the Error; clean and polished from the outside but all corruption and dead men’s bones from the inside!

I desire that around your waists you wear a Belt offered by Me, which will represent: child-like-faith, that delights Me; yes, let this Belt be as a symbol; I desire you to be bare-footed; be like monks; I desire you to wear My Garments of Old;

Which are, Lord?

My Garments are Simple; 10

Beloved Lord, they might think we are a Sect!

ah Vassula! how little do you understand! daughter, I will enlighten you and tell you what I mean by wearing My Garments of Old; I love you for attaining this discernment of today; never doubt of My Love; remember My Presence;

Yes Lord, thank You Lord Jesus.

(This here is one of the prayers Jesus recommends us to pray daily: 11

Novena of Confidence to the Sacred Heart

„O Lord, Jesus Christ
To Your Most Sacred Heart,
I confide this intention…
(Here mention your request)
Only look upon me
Then do what Your Heart inspires…
Let Your Sacred Heart decide…
I count on It… I trust in It…
I throw myself on Its Mercy…

Lord Jesus! You will not fail me,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I believe in Thy love for me.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I have asked for many favours,
but I earnestly implore this one.
Take it, place it in Thy Sacred Heart.
When the Eternal Father sees it covered with Thy Precious Blood,
He will not refuse it.
It will no longer be my prayer but Thine, O Jesus.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place my trust in Thee,
Let me never be confounded. Amen.”

This is the second prayer Jesus recommends us to pray daily:

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

„St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle,
be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the Power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits,
who prowl through the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

And this is the third prayer Jesus recommends us to pray, also daily:

The Memorare of St. Bernard

O Most Gracious Virgin Mary
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to Thy protection,
implored Thy help and sought Thy intercession,
was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,
I fly unto Thee,
O Virgin of virgins, my Mother!
to Thee I come, before Thee I stand,
sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate!
despise not my petitions,
But in Thy Mercy,
hear and answer me. Amen.”)

1 Often I fear that the devil might appear to me instead of Jesus, pretending he is Jesus. The times he’s done it I discover it rather quickly. Then he flees.

2 Medjugorje is a remote village in Yugoslavia, where St. Mary appears every day to some teenagers from 1981 to this day.

3 I’m wondering if this will be one of the promised signs at Medjugorje.

4 Jesus suddenly cried out these words from His Heart.

5 Jesus, our Saviour, was begging.

6 While Jesus was saying these words I saw in an interior vision a hot, deadly, poisoned, strong wind blowing on us and nature, leaving in its passage only death. Everything it touched was left dead.

7 Jesus, while saying these words, was amazed.

8 I saw an ugly, deformed, small, black animal.

9 These messages and others.

10 Jesus was speaking in metaphors but I understood His Words literally.

11 Editor’s note: see also fourth prayer that Jesus recommends we say.