September 22, 2016

On the 22nd September 2016, I received a message from Christ our Lord for the prayer group of Rhodes. After some time I thought that I might as well send it out to all of you, so that perhaps it does good to other prayer groups as well of TLIG. In a way you might see that perhaps it concerns each one of us.

I have numbered the sentences for one reason: to explain what I understood from this message upon meditating it for a while, to enlighten the people of the prayer groups.

This message is joined to a message that started on the 5th September but was completed on the 22nd September and before finishing that message, Jesus added what is below:

now tell your prayer group of Rhodes the following:

(1) in the early days of My Messages, you valued all My Interests, surmounting persecutions and trials, joyfully; I have taken you all out of the power of darkness and have forgiven your sins;

(2) I am reminding you all now to fan into a flame your love for Me;

(3) read My Messages, learn to love Me more!

(4) do good and adapt yourselves in My Knowledge;

(5) take your refuge in Me, and I shall be your Song;

(6) I can read everyone’s heart and I know perfectly well your needs; so come to Me, your Saviour;

(7) be My Living Church!

(8) delight My Heart, assemble and receive My Tenderness,

(9) self-efface all that is not Me,

(10) and work hard for your salvation and the salvation of others;

(11) receive My Holy Kiss on your foreheads, Love loves you all! Ic 

1 When you were touched by grace in a powerful manner through His Messages and got converted, you took seriously everything Christ was asking you to do, with power, joy and fearless, for you had discovered ‘the pearl’ and its value. Christ reminds you how He instantly forgave your sins once you became His and asked to be forgiven.

2 Christ reminds us once more again to be as we first were in the beginning, enflamed, alive, eager, because it appears our flame has somehow diminished according to Him and if we keep it that way, it might extinguish one day and die out, so this is a warning.

3 To keep His Word (the Message) safe, active, and the flame roaring, and to grow in His love and become powerful apostles, we need humility, dying to our self, lowering our self so that He raises us; Christ recommends us to read again His Messages, even if we did in the past, He recommends us to read them from the start and not just open at random now and then like some admitted they do.

4 We have then the possibility to do good and grow in Him, by adapting ourselves in His Knowledge. The TLIG messages are filled up with Wisdom and by reading them we will learn to love God the way He wants us to love Him; we will know His Will.

5 In difficulties, Christ reminds us, to take refuge in His Heart. In His Heart we will be consoled, we will find peace, and it will be strengthening us when difficulties come on our way. We shall not lose His Peace for we will be abiding in His Heart.

6 Christ reassures us that He is in control of everything and that He knows more than you do what your heart contains and what are your needs, therefore He reminds us to trust Him and go to Him without hesitation.

7„Be My Living Church!” When He said that, He said it in a most powerful way. TLIG is exactly that: to be alive in the Spirit and be what He had taught then His disciples, to be a Living Church, through your actions, and through your sayings and through all that He has been teaching us in the Messages. Christ’s Heart will not be unmoved, for in doing what He recommends, you will bring Him to rejoice in you.

8 „assemble” when He said that word, my mind went straight to when His disciples were always assembled, sharing the joys and sorrows, eating together, witnessing together, helping each other, being like a family, united in love and in harmony. We should be booming peace and love so powerfully that others near us will feel this energy coming from us and will understand that we are true disciples of Christ, formed by Him. In the bible it says: By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)

Love must never be missing among us, never! Tearing on one another is a total misinterpretation of the TLIG messages and by these actions of bickering between each other will discredit the Messages, we will be a reflection of a rotten fruit. Also for just assembling once a week to pray together and some assemble even less than an hour to pray and then leave, it seems that this is not what Christ wants us to do. He wants us to meet and pray more often than twice a month, He recommends us once a week for an hour, and then meet now and then even for a meal, or over a coffee, and be together sharing our spiritual experiences. Some of the prayer groups do it like out of duty to join once a week, pray, then get it over with and go home. This is not right. Then, I believe He wants us to work more together for His Message, as we are called to be collaborators on his Work, so does He want us to be collaborators with each other.

9 To be able to do what He recommends us, we have to die to our ‘self’ and ‘ego’ and give time for Him. We need humility and not lord it over others, in other words, we should be a reflection of His Image.

10 Christ recommends us that we still have to work hard to attain perfection, giving me the image of a ladder that one has to climb to reach heaven. It seems we are lazy to climb and we remain on the step, somewhere, not high enough. We need to focus more on Christ and this will be by re-reading His Message, as it truly vivifies us. When Christ adds, „and the salvation of others,” I understand by these words the following: As Christ reminded us in the beginning how He came to us and dragged us out of the power of darkness, He brought us to discover the magnificent spiritual banquet that He has prepared to our famished souls, which is the TLIG messages. We fell with our face first on the food, starved as we were, famished, and delighted on it, but then, when once filled with it, have we just slumped on an armchair and remained there and dozed off? Or have we behaved like the Samaritan woman, running, after she had met Christ, to the village, with her hands in the air shouting left and right while passing the stores in the village and while stumbling on people, shouting that she has just met a great Prophet, the greatest of all! She witnessed loudly and rose a whole village to their feet to hear her, because she was filled with joy of the Spirit. Are we the same as her?

11 We are once more marked on our foreheads with the Holy Kiss of Jesus. So what do we need more? Get up, wake up, and listen to the Voice of Christ…