November 30, 1998

allow me to find the promised joy
at the end of the path You have laid out for me;
for this, Righteous Father,
teach me to be dressed by righteousness and courage;
O Lord! Your House is continuously being battered by rebellion
and there is no sign yet of unifying the dates of Easter;
not really visible; not yet ….
You have turned my life into a sobbing flute
from the moment You’ve baptised me
by immersing me in the Lake of Agony of Your Heart!

Yes, I know that I have been called
by Divine Power Himself
and that I am in the embrace of a living Defender
and that He will triumph over all the dust of this earth;
but after my awakening, I am still in my flesh –

O Interpreter of my thoughts,
let not Your harp, as You call me,
be tuned to dirges, for I would commit a sin;
let not Your affection test me as much as it is testing me now.

daughter, stop babbling; I am right now standing affectionately in front of you, reminding you that it is impossible to be in My company without Me sharing with you My Passion and without your traits becoming Mine; ah, and in our intimate union and in our embrace I have given you the unction of My Love to become another living crucifix, another slave to be sold to the world; if I immersed you in what you called rightly the Lake of Agony in My Heart, look what this baptism has brought you, what fragrance, what imperial vestments; I have treated you as I treat My chosen ones;

1 behold, I have been clothing you with My Son, Jesus Christ;

and I, 2 I who am the Gateway through which the virtuous enter heaven, tell you solemnly: remain as a lily, having been distilled by pure myrrh in that Lake of Agony which in reality represents the Tears of Christ, so that We would say to Our beloved: „how fragrant your perfume, more fragrant than all the other spices, adorned with Our ineffable Light, keep spreading your sweet fragrance so that you find the promised joy at the end of the path We prepared for Our bride, there you will find your loveliest rest in Eternity;”

My Vassula, this agony I have in My Heart is as I have told you3 before, by force, this generation drags Me into new Gethsemanes; what could I have done more that I have not done? although My state was Divine, I emptied Myself to assume the condition of a slave; I served; and to this day they4 are not satisfied;

My House is in ruin and I, anxious to save My people from ruin, have raised, with My Royal Sceptre, prophets, to assume the condition of a slave and voluntarily serve My House and fortify It, this House I have bought with My Own Blood;

some of My shepherds would ask: „but what are we to do so that our life becomes acceptable to You?” I have been calling you for prayers and for repentance from your hearts so that you reconcile with Me, your God: leave your former style of living and follow Me so that your life becomes acceptable to Me and thus your Knowledge of Our Triune Holiness increases in you; then, allow Us to lead you to contemplate a Spousal contemplation in a Divine intimacy in Our Embrace;

you want to enter into the joy of Our Trinitarian Deity? then call the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, the Giver of charisms, the enlightenment of your heart who can fill all things without being contained by their limits, to deploy His Power in your soul ordering all things within you to be renewed; through His benevolent Love and Grace, He will show you His Own Glorious Power by the transfiguration He can perform within you, giving you the strength and grace needed, never to rebel again;

many5 of you sitting behind your dignitary desks still ask: „why would God intervene when our Church has been enriched so many years now by the Holy Spirit and by so many of our Saints?”

„to end your rebellion and to end your apostasy,” is My reply; in Our gracious condescension We took pity on you; Spring Himself will perfume this earth, fragrancing and reviving with My aroma this apostatised generation ….

and as for unifying the dates of Easter, My Vassula, I am still at their doors waiting, as a beggar waiting for alms, I am still waiting for them to unify those dates … they keep talking about unity and brotherhood; only conversion of the heart will bring them with humility into the path of unity;

I tell you, I had made known to My apostle Paul by a revelation in his heart, the importance of unity and how to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you all together; I made him understand the order of My gifts as well; I revealed to him that I bestowed on each one of you My favour, allotting it in whatever way; I made it known to him that I went up to the heights, took captives, and gave gifts to humanity; and to some My gift was that they should be apostles, to some prophets; to some, evangelists; to some pastors and teachers, so that all together would with one heart and one voice build up My Body, the Church;

I have raised prophets with My Word and they are not those who call themselves theologians who are My prophets, but those whom I lift to My Heart, embedding them well within It to reach the fullest knowledge of Our Divine Will and be able to pronounce Our Will to Our people; I personally pay them tribute with My direct intervention, to prepare them and give them entirely to you all, to admonish you; through My Word I let them know My Will;

My prophets are those who by grace are nourished directly from My Mouth and by placing My Word directly into their mouth; they come to all of you still dripping with heavenly dew and their words fall on you like refreshing rain;

My prophets’ words, that come with My direct intervention are like a sword, to drive the apostatised to repentance, giving Me honour and glory; their words flare like a torch in the darkness of your soul; many of their bones flourish again from the tomb; 6

if any one asks: „why is our Lord emphasising the place of His prophets?” tell them this: „our Lord says, ‘do not go round My words in order to justify your rationalism; renounce your sin and be happy; may your souls rejoice in the Mercy of your Lord; 7 do not persecute My prophets, for they are My angels consoling with My Word all of you; their function is to warn you and to lead all of you to repentance,'”

so now is the time of repentance; renounce your sin and find favour with Me;

ah, Vassula, I brought a seed out of Egypt, to plant it where My enemy took away the earth’s supply of food; with tenderness and care I cleared a space for it, I anointed it, and planted it; anxious to save My people from ruin I fertilised its soil; it took root and grew into a tree; its branches stretched as far as the sea; its fruit, abundant and succulent; although it was visited often with thunder, hurricanes and fiery tempests, it did not waver;

within three years and a few days My enemy trembled and shuddered; blazing with anger, heavy with threats, he raised an army to sift its fruits with the sieve of destruction, to harness them in a bridle; but I gathered each one of them and hid them in My Heart; often as men have attacked My tree they have never overcome it, for My Triune Blessing was on it; ah …. and how often ploughmen have set to work on its back, making furrows to break it, but My right Hand shattered their yoke, throwing them all into confusion;

how blessed the nations that will find shelter under its branches and eat its fruit which I sealed with My Holy Spirit! – the Word of Life was given to you freely so that you, in your turn, My Vassula, give it freely to the dying; woe to those who stretch their hand with fire to destroy what has been planted by Me!

I will continue to cover you with My sweetness, graciously deploying in you like a sweet substance so that the whole world would taste My sweetness; let your accusers pass away like a fading shadow;

I, the Lover of mankind, your Lord and your God, ask to kiss you with the kisses of My Mouth, 8 perfuming you to remain delightful in My Sight;

be good;

1 Suddenly the Father spoke.

2 The Holy Spirit then spoke.

4 This generation.

5 ‘Many’ does not mean ‘all’.

6 I understood that prophets will never end being sent to us; also the fact that the prophet Elijah never died but was taken up, symbolises that prophecy will never die.

7 To persecute and condemn God’s intervention is a mortal sin because they are condemning His Mercy. What is written here below is taken from S. Catherine of Siena. The Father dictates to her: „Men are continually being scandalised by My Works, which are all just, and all performed in truth through love and mercy. With this false judgment, and with the poison of envy and pride, the Works of My Son were slandered and unjustly judged, and with lies did His enemies say: ‘This man works by virtue of Beelzebub.’ Thus wicked men, standing in self-love, impurity, pride and avarice and founded in envy, and in perverse rashness with impatience are for ever scandalised at Me and My servants…”