September 7, 1987
peace be with you;
With You too, Lord.
absorb Me flower, let My Light shine upon you and let your worries fall into diminishment; My Breath will blow them away and their structure will but fall, swaying them away, leaving you smiling; My dew of righteousness will embellish you, flower, have My message of today; fear not, for I have laid My plans long before you were born;
Does that mean that whatever happens to me, to Your Messages and everybody, it is by Your Will?
yes, beloved, everything that will come, will come from Me;
I’m worried of failing You, Lord.
how will you fail My plans, think, you are nothing; so how can a nothing be something and that that something, if at all, fail My plans? but you are nothing so do not worry; leave everything in My Hands; Vassula, I am your Teacher; fear not when you are with Me;
I want to say something please.
feel free;
Do You know that there are times I think I’m absolutely mad? Insane?
I know;
Then just imagine those to whom I will one day show this to them! They’ll be shocked, they will say that they can find a natural explanation. They will simply not believe.
to believe is also a grace; to have faith is also a grace, to see, hear and understand My Heavenly Works is also a grace, all given by Me;
Yes, Lord.
Vassula, I have worked with you; honour Me, daughter,
With Your help I will not fail You.
listen then to these words that come from My Mother;
Vassula, pethi mou, 1 do not fear, I am with you; My Son Jesus expressly limited you with the proofs and signs you were asking Him to give you, but He has His reasons; He has though, given you the grace to believe, He has instructed you with Wisdom; Vassula, you have indeed believed blindly;
Have I?
you have, otherwise you would not have had this fervour in coming to Us and write, letting yourself be used at His Will; having done this, beloved, proves that you believe blindly and God delights in this; your faith is great; Jesus wants by this to teach others too to have faith and believe blindly in His Heavenly Works, be innocent, be like children in whom God delights;
What if they don’t, St. Mary? 2
your sufferings will be great; you will be like a mirror reflecting Jesus’ image; upon you child, His sufferings will reflect;
Disbelief and contempt?
precisely; Jesus will suffer; upon you will show His sufferings;
But since He has laid His plan before, why couldn’t He have made them so that there won’t be any contradictions?
child, this is the way men tend to think; do not forget His teachings; Jesus wants that His works are acknowledged with grace; 3
Jesus told me that He would not stand by if He sees someone wanting to hurt me.
He has indeed said it, and I tell you this daughter; I will not stand by either! I love you and I will not see them hurt you;
(Here I felt very emotional.)
I am a coward; I fear, but I will cling onto You and Jesus.
daughter, I will tell you still something more; God has laid His Justice upon men, His cup is now full; listen to Me carefully, beyond these words lie many more; glorify God, Vassula; I am your Holy Mother; daughter, rely on Me; weary not of striving; remember, Jesus was abandoned by everyone on the way to be crucified; He bore His Cross alone;
Yes Mother. I will not ask anything more than what He gives me.
Vassula, let Me answer your question withheld in you; if they do not believe again, God’s wrath will grow, augmenting His Cup of Justice; it will be like the vision God has given you; 4 pray and amend for the end of Times5 is near;
Yes, Mother, may God bless You.
it is I, Jesus; little one, remain small; let us talk to each other; let us share this day; allow Me to be your Holy Companion;
Lord, allow me to talk to You. I will remember your Presence.
come, us, we;
peace be with you, daughter; remember those words I will tell you once again, remember them particularly more now;
„I, the Lord, am standing at the door, knocking; if one of you hears Me calling and opens the door, I will enter to share his meal side by side with him; those who prove victorious, I will allow to share My Throne, just as I was victorious Myself and took My place with the Father on His throne; if anyone has ears to hear, let him listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches;”
daughter, tell them, tell them; remind them of My words for they have forgotten them;
Jesus, help me.
I will always help you, Vassula;
(I sighed.)
Thank You, Lord.