July 4, 1989

My Lord?

I am;

recollect yourself at each meeting; recollect yourself, do not fear; My teachings are sound, allow Me to educate your soul, allow Me to continue My Divine Plan; all I want is your will; 1 I am giving you My Peace, My Love, for all Eternity; I shall never fail you;

peace, My child; hear My Mother;

Yes, Lord.

(St Mary, our Holy Mother.)

Vassula, let your soul rest in Jesus’ Sacred Heart and leave the rest to Him; come, I will dictate to you My Message: 2

peace be with you; I am with you all in this assembly with My hands outstretched on you, blessing you all;

listen to Wisdom’s Words; all that the Lord is seeking is your heart, do not refuse Him; if you offer Him your heart He shall give you the Gift of His Love to lead you and take you into His Sacred Heart which is your Home, the Home of your soul; return to the Lord and offer Him your will, come back to the Most High and He shall fragrance you with His Love;

I am calling you to encourage all of you today; Our Calls are all over this dark world, this world of distress and anguish that your era has become; I solemnly request each soul to meditate why Jesus and I are urging you all in various ways and in so many parts of the world, calling out for your conversion; We are like distracted Parents Who take all means to reach you and warn you, you who are Our so beloved children; take Our Warnings and Calls to heart;

repent, pray with your heart, come with love to the Lord, come and adore the Lord; accept the Love He is offering you; delight His Heart and let Him see you come all at the Hour of Adoration; Love desires love, Love is seeking your heart; come then to Love, come to the Holy One who cries out to you for a return of love;

I am your Holy Mother Who loves you, have no doubt; I bless you all in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; amen;

(Saint Michael is giving us a message.)


I am Saint Michael; I am your Saint Michael, to whom you pray for protection and for defending you against the evil one; have no fear, your hardships will be redressed by this prayer;

allow the Spirit of Love to expand His Calls of Grace, listen to the Spirit of Grace, listen to the Spirit for His Mercy is Great;

do not suffocate those who receive the Holy One’s Messages like your ancestors, by saying to the seers, „see no visions” and to the prophets, „do not prophesy to us for we are in the Truth”; instead, lift up your eyes and look around; all are assembling and coming back to God, your sons from far away and your daughters being tenderly carried, for the Lord has announced this: „though night dominates your era, My Light shall pierce it and will cover this earth and all nations shall come to Me, and My flock I will gather again into one Holy Fold under My Holy Name;”

pray, O children of the Lord, and allow the Lord to redress His People by accepting what comes out of the babe’s mouth and the lowly; have no fear, Salvation is near and at your very gates;

I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; amen;

allow the Lord to use you, Vassula; yearn for the Lord; love Him for He is most Compassionate;


(Later on. Still thirsty for God, I come to Him in this special way He has given me, even if it meant to be for ten seconds. I needed just an exchange of intimacy, a conversation with my Redeemer.)

Lord, I love You …

I am; flower, love Me; you rejoice Me; approach, I am near you;

1 I saw interiorly Jesus stretching His Hand to me, while saying, „All I want is your will.”

2 Message for our prayer reunion for July 14, 1989 for Fribourg.