February 25, 1998

make my love so intertwined in Yours that You would say:
„welcome to My House!”

I claim that love is intertwined with Your Divine Will as well,
and that understanding Your Words alone,
is insufficient, unless we act on Them too, my Lord.

My Vassula, the shadow of death looming over your generation, a shadow that can plunge it into the deepest abyss, is covering a good part of it now; woe to those who ensconce so snugly, feeling safe now; these are the ones who play God and say: „Yahweh has no power over us”; confidently sitting on their throne they declare that none can equal them, is there any need to say more? love is missing from within them….

I will speak and you will write; pray that My sayings will clearly ring in the ears of everyone; I have entrusted you with the noblest of My Works in your times; this Divine Work is placed in your hands; yes, it so pleased Me to give It to you and place It with great affection into the hands of a mere child who would have to depend on Me entirely;

1 just now I do not want to make it only a passing visit from My Throne to you but give Me your time and I will receive your offer as one who receives garlands of gardenias ….

Ah, my Lord,
Your heavenly Presence
is accompanied with the most sublime fragrances;
So show me, my Lord, Your Beautiful Face,
and cover me with Your radiant Light;

Let me hear Your Voice
like a melody which is ever so sweet,
sweeter than a thousand honeycombs put together.

come then and inhale myrrh coming out of My Mouth: 2 – what is the banner I raised over you?

The banner I see raised over me is Love.

yes, love; love is above all; to love is to do My Will; it is your entry key to My Kingdom in heaven;

if you claim you are living in Me and have no love, then you cannot say you are living in Me: a true life in Me, is to be living the same kind of life as Christ lived; you have heard that it is not those who cry out to Me My Name that shall enter into My Kingdom but only those who, nourished by love, 3 are doing My Will, while they are still on earth;

tell Me, of what use is a fruit-tree which would never produce its fruit? or, of what use is a harp without its strings? in other words, of what use are to Me your praises when said without love; of what use are your sacrifices were they to be offered without love; your goal then should be love, for it is on love that in the end you will be judged and not on your eloquence of speech or on your knowledge, or on any of your sacrifices, or on the gifts that I, in My benevolence, offered you; you will be judged on the measure of your love; these charisms I offered you were so that you build the Church; let your foundation and the structure of your works and of your charisms be built on love so that you do not slacken in doing good; yes, for the good man wins My favour;

My City4 will be raised on the Blessing of My Holy Spirit …. and the storm will be over …. then, every creature on earth will be living a true life in Me and their love will be so intertwined with My Will that their soul will become the throne of Wisdom; yes, it is to such as these that Scriptures say: „the soul of the just is the throne of Wisdom;” because in the heart that loved Me there is no lack of treasure; when My Spirit spoke through your mouth, My dove, and said: „understanding His Words is insufficient, unless we act on them;” it was so as to make you understand that failing to meet in your love with My Divine Will you will have your Great Fall;

so long as you hang on to this passing world, you will never understand that it is in My Holy Spirit that your body could be captivated, so that your thoughts would turn into noble thoughts; then in that divine nobility of thought, and in that state of divine grace, having absorbed within you the power of Divinity, in you will My Work be fulfilled and My Will be done;

and as I have said once before to you all, I say it again: a time will come, and this hour is near, that although you will be still among men, your mind will be in heaven glorifying Our Trinitarian Holiness; and although your body will be moving among men, your soul and mind, captured in My Will, filled with the nobility of My Light, will be as an angel’s, and you will find yourself walking in Eden, in Paradise among My angels and saints because your union with Me would be complete…

ah, and We would be enjoying to see Ourselves in you; you will have the image of the unseen God; We will gaze heaven5 in you; you, who would be possessing Us, will be able to lead the kind of life which We expected of you, a life which would reach, through perfect wisdom and spiritual understanding, the fullest knowledge of My Divine Will; the life, My dearest children, you would be leading, you who were created for Our Imperial Courts, would be according to My Mind in all its aspects; I will sanctify you, and you will receive the power to become wholly devout; when all these things6 were announced in the Message of Truth, 7 very few of you understood My Word;

today the world hears, but understands nothing, sees, but produces images that result in nothing; as for those who seem to be near My Heart and who hold the keys to My Kingdom, even they have not understood; yet, they are ardently longing to offer Me devotions, thanksgiving, treating their bodies severely, equalling those whom I crowned with the crown of glory, 8 and yet when My Divine Breath9 blows a scent, a sweet fragrance upon you, to renew you, yes, when My Holy Spirit descends from the highest heaven putting aflame the earth as a baptismal kiss, they do their best to extinguish the Fire of My Holy Spirit; today when My Voice is audible, It frightens them out of their minds and immediately do everything in their power to subdue It;

I, who am Author of inestimable marvels, I am about to open the heavens and let you know the mystery of My purpose: the outpouring of My Holy Spirit, Who is the Promise written in Scriptures, and Who was to act upon My creation like never before in history, lifting them all the way to heaven, approaching everything on earth as near to heaven as it could be possibly done; I, Vassula, who guide all things and decide by My own Will, never broke a promise, but I am known to break down any barrier of division; this is why you should put your hopes in Me, because, as I said, I am about to shatter into smithereens, with the power and the grace of My Holy Spirit, the barriers of your division and unite you, for My honour, in a single Body; then, your generation, having come back to their senses, will cry out to Us:

„adorable Trinity!
hold our eyes captive on the One Heart
and supply our soul with what it lacks;

anoint us, O Holy and Divine Trinity,
pouring Your oil on us so that we remain
indissolubly united with You in Your Will
and prepare us for Your glorious reign
of the Kingdom on earth
in which Your Will becomes
the essence of our daily life
and the emblem on our forehead,
and Love, the banner above our heads;”

ah, My lily, your Creator tells you this, so that you go and tell My Own:

„Yahweh, my Lord and most gracious Father,
will adorn us with His Imperial Vestments,
and the earth will be adorned with the hidden treasures
He so kindly kept for our times;”

I will adorn this earth in Spring; My Spring; what is the Spring of Yahweh? My Spring, My beloved ones, will be when the whole of My creation will be shining with a brilliant light; in the baptism of the Purification you will be reformed into your first image; in this Purification everyone will aspire for a closer union of love with Me, and in ardour your hearts will search for the Truth, the Way and the Life; and in the Truth, where intoxicating savours will be tasted, your soul, endowed with My Spirit of Grace will be perfected; your image of the dark would be no more, for I, your Bridegroom and the kindest of fathers, will be shining on you; 10

Love is on the way of return to restore His Kingdom; this will be the reign of My Kingdom on earth and My Will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven;

so now is the time of repentance; this is a wicked age but your lives should redeem it; renounce your will and find favour with Me by recognising what is My Will; ah, Vassula, blessed one of My Call, spread out My Words in rivers of Mercy and Hope; be like a lily, in this time of Lent, unmindful of self, and let your Keeper take care of you; efface yourself entirely, becoming like a fluid substance so that you can flow into Me, your God, becoming one spirit with Me ….

I, God, will meet you any hour of the day you want; call Me any time, My beloved; so raise your mind in grateful praise to Me and extol My Name thrice Holy for having given you this precious gift: an open gate to Me;

11 the garden of My City, state of the State,
draw with joy from Me: Life;

ah! and be consumed in My Divinity; do not allow any shadow to cross your spirit; your Lord graciously leans towards you now to dress you with the ornaments of His Love; I will increase in you, so do not give in to your weakness, saddening Me by doubting of My Goodness; embrace wholeheartedly the precious dew of divine grace that bornes your spirit in My Noble Light; you are invited by Spring Himself;

My Lord,
many great kings would give their entire Kingdom away
to receive a drop of these graces You so affectionately offered me
in Your immense and divine Love;

I would take the liberty and go on and say:
„Yes! Yes! in a moment of folly of Your Love,
You have offered me favours in abundance,
dispensing them without measure,
and on what? A mere wretch…”

but you are My chosen one! I saw in your human frailty, even then, 12 a glimpse of what was below the crust of sin, I saw under these layers of gloom, a child-like love, and My Heart upon seeing this was moved to tears; this alone captivated My Mercy; subject to sin, yet a trickle of love was flowing out of you now and then; I then said: „I will set Myself to destroy all that is not Me and revive, by putting aflame, what little is left of Me;” and in the overflowing of My saving grace I acted according to My Will;

come now, be like a flaming torch in this darkness of your era; approach Me often so that you taste My sweetness, experiencing delights in this closeness, but revere Me at the same time;

(This message was given to me with several breaks. Then, at a much later date, the message continued, all the way into the month of March, since it was not finished. This was done so because of much travelling for missions.)

1 Here there was a slight hesitation. I thought God would stop the message, and let me go, but then He said what followed.
2 God paused, then changed the tone of His Voice.
3 Here, love also meant God’s Word, and obeying it.
4 I knew here that Yahweh meant: „His Reign on earth” by saying the word: „city”.
5 A spiritual heaven.
6 The things that God is telling us now.
7 The Holy Bible.
8 The Saints.
9 The Holy Spirit.
11 Suddenly, Yahweh, my delightful God, spoke in metaphors. With a light shed into my intellect He made me understand that the „garden of My City” meant: „Vassula of My Sanctuary”, the same with „state of the State”.
12 God meant, even before my conversion, that is, before His divine Call to me.