The following is an excerpt from TLIG Radio

On May 12, 2012 Vassula gave a talk in Crete at the Akali Hotel in Chania. About 70 people, many of whom were young people, came to listen to Vassula’ s talk which was once again entitled: “Why don’t you recognise the Signs of the Times?” She started her talk by asking everyone to pray “Our Father” …

Vassula talked about the guardian angel that each soul has. She stressed how important it is to pray to our guardian angel. We must ask them to help us and intercede for us to God.

She also talked about the importance of being in constant prayer, which is an awareness of God’s constant presence, and the infinite love of our Heavenly Father. She also spoke about the prophecies of TLIG that have come true. How God tries to save us despite the fact that the sins of this generation provoke His Wrath. She pleaded with everyone to change their lives and repent since there is a big chastisement that is to come by fire upon the entire world.

Her talk lasted about one hour and a half at the end of which some young people from the audience questioned her about angels. People bought TLIG books and gave their e-mails to be updated about Vassula’s mission.

Full Report of this Meeting to Follow