May 31st 2003
My Vassula, peace to your soul; take these words and engrave them on your heart and mind; I am here! look to yourself… write:
My word was addressed to you to forward it; this was My Command to you; then I placed this precious treasure into your hands; Sovereign Ruler I Am and it is I who decide and counsel, therefore, no creature can come and tell Me when to till My land or not; no creature should advise Me or counsel Me whether I should pasture you Myself or not; no one of you should tell Me what to do; if I feel it is necessary to refresh My priests with rich food and see this generation in so need have their fill of My good things and restore them, I will do so freely; I do not need counsels from the dead; it is written that an unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of My Spirit: he sees it all as nonsense; it is beyond his understanding because it can only be understood by means of the Spirit;
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