True Life in God e-Newsletter
March 22, 2004

The Penitential Prayer of St Ephraim the Syrian

Lenten Tips for Easter Preparation

My Mercy is Great Upon You

Report from the TLIG USA Retreat

Stations of the Cross

TLIG Prayer Groups Survey

The Penitential Prayer of St Ephraim the Syrian

O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit
of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power and idle talk .
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience
and love to your servant.

Yes O Lord and King, grant me to see my own errors
and not to judge my brother, for you are blessed from
all ages to all ages. Amen

Lenten Tips for Easter Preparation

The Chief Aids to Penitence

1. Prayer
2. Fasting
3. Performance of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

The Chief Spiritual works of Mercy.

1. to admonish sinners .
2. to instruct the ignorant.
3. to counsel the doubtful.
4. to comfort the sorrowful.
5. to suffer wrongs patiently.
6. to forgive injuries.
7. to pray for the living and the dead.

The Chief Corporal works of Mercy.

1. to feed the hungry.
2. to give drink to the thirsty.
3. to clothe the naked.
4. to ransom captives.
5. to shelter the homeless.
6. to visit the sick.
7. to bury the dead.

From “A Pocket Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians”
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.

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My Mercy is Great Upon You

(May 19, 1988) “Vassula I Am the Word, the Everlasting Word, My Word is Eternal Life if I decide to remind My creation of My Love even daily through various instruments and to call you for repentence, it is not up to any creature who is but dust and ashes to discard any of My spoken words I the Lord know of your needs and I tell you, My Mercy is Great upon you! (1)*

come, feel My Presence.

Yes Lord.

we, us

(1)* The Lord really emphasized this sentence ever so much!

Report from the TLIG USA Retreat

Independence, Mo., U.S.A. A retreat hosted by the American Association for True Life in God at the Prayer Center of Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist, the site where Vassula first presented the messages in the United States in 1991. Fr. Tony Sullivan, the retreat director came to the U.S. at the invitation of Ann Mathews of New Jersey, who accompanied him.

Fifty-six percent of those who attended were from the local Missouri and Kansas areas, covering a 500-mile expanse. Others traveling long distances by auto and air arrived from California, Florida, New Jersey, Iowa, Texas, Colorado,Indiana, Illinois, Georgia and Arkansas, as well as the far reaches of Kansas and Missouri. Two gentlemen arrived from Ireland, via St. Louis, Missouri. Two children in their early teens were excited to be there. Our senior member, a lady of 82, drove four hours alone to be present. Several people were very new to the messages.

Father Tony and Ann Mathews remained in Independence for several days following the retreat giving them the opportunity to visit the offices of the TWO full time TLIG organizations in Independence. They visited Trinitas with Pat and Sue Callahan and Deanie. Trinitas publishes and distributes the hand written edition of True Life in God. They also visited Sr. Josephine, Lou and Joanne at the offices of the American Association for TLIG. This center for evangelization among other things responds by phone and e-mail to readers and inquirers across the U.S. and Canada five to six days a week, prepares a quarterly newsletter for 11,500, and sends materials requested for evangelization to many in this country and abroad. It is sustained solely on contributions.

Father Tony Sullivan celebrates Mass in a powerfully prayerful manner, each time teaching the healing power of the Mass and the Eucharist, our source of grace and strength for conversion. Each time it is the height of intimacy with the Lord.

American Retreat Group Picture March 20004

He also taught the retreatants to pray the Orthodox rosary, consisting of thirty-three beads, one for each year of Jesus’ life. “Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner.” is repeated on each bead. He explained that by praying both rosaries daily, you have poured out your love for both the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And we are fulfilling Jesus’ prayer to His Father, “May they all be one, Father, may they be one in us, as you are in Me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was You who sent Me.” John 17.21. By praying both rosaries you are praying in union with our Orthodox brothers and Sisters.

Father Sullivan said the messages of True Life in God are the greatest spirituality that exists today. He suggested that we evangelize by leaving holy cards with excerpts from the messages anywhere and everywhere the opportunity presents.

Father spoke of the intricacies and intimacy of prayer, our personal time with Our Lord.

“I need prayers from your heart, not from your lips… pray slower… I am present… you do not have to be on your knees endless hours, no, but just remembering My Presence, you will be in constant prayer…” 16.12.1988

“Let us go and work; let us do this and that. Use the word “us” Delight me by saying,`Father, your will be done.'”3.7.1988 “Meditate on My Presence …My actual Presence. We, us, you and I …By remembering Me you will sin less.” 10.24.1988

“I do listen to your heart…I want to feel your heart rejoicing every time you meet me…talk to Me, your God…My ear then shall be stuck on your lips…I shall receive each word as drops of honey.” May 12, 1990 “my pupil,…do not fear…pursue Me…you will find knowledge of God , His wisdom…desire me…Us who have espoused you to our holiness…for your sanctification.”4.4.1997

Fr. Tony spoke of Our Lord’s cross. “Clutch at my cross…while resting…Never, ever leave me-not even for a second…by holding my cross you both glorify me and honor Me.” 11.12.1987 ” Share it with Me….My Cross will lead you to my domain. Adorn my cross with wreaths of love …with every drop of love within you.” 9.14.1989 “My most Precious Jewel…embrace it,… My cross of Peace and Love;… your thirst for My Cross should grow like mine.”9.28.1989

“Take My Cross…My Cross is your life. I, Jesus of Nazareth bless you and all those
who work on My messages, diffusing. I bless each one of them. Come, we, us,”
9.27.1989. “be a living crucifix…the gift of suffering comes out of My
Infinite generosity…My Infinite Love…grasp my cross with fervour…Let me hear your sighs of Love.”
May 23, 1990 “Nothing in this world is Its equal.” 10.13.1991.

“Together, bonded to My Cross…let Me use you for My Glory `til the end.” 4.17.1992. “My Cross will lead you to sanctity and into your room in heaven.” 5.29.1992. “Dominion, principalities, and powers…recoil before me and tremble before My Cross.” 11.5.1998. To embrace Me is to embrace My Cross…in this embrace you are bathed in My Light…a union of Divine Love with Me…your soul will be exalted; anyone who is convinced that he belongs to Me must understand that He belongs to My Cross as well.” 11.11.1998. “The supreme act of love is the acceptance of My Cross.

Father Tony spoke on the way each of us kisses the Cross, usually once. He said, “Kiss your crosses five times for each of His wounds and never forget our Blessed Mother is always with Jesus. She is at the foot of His Cross and she deserves our kiss.

He quoted God the Father speaking about Our Lady: “I, the Creator of the heavens and earth, tell you, My Holy Spirit is the Spouse of the Bride…My Spirit came upon her…and glorified Me. Her, the mother of God…of all humanity and the Queen of Heaven.” 10.5.1992.

With a loud cry Jesus was speaking of Our Lady:“O Masterpiece of My Father…Spouse to My Holy Spirit! My Radiant Tabernacle.” Your Heart…is One with Ours yet how has man fallen so low and taken a deceptive path to deny your heart.” 11.11.1993 “I, in my Trinitarian holiness, had chosen this humble maiden to become in her virtues and graces, the Woman who would challenge, by Her virtue and graces, the entire kingdom of Lucifer… who trembles with fear at the sound of Her Name…it is through Mary’s Virginal Heart that My Redemptive plan began and it will be again through this Heart that I will accomplish My Salvation plan.” 4.3.1996.

The fire with which everyone returned home was set ablaze in the celebration the Lord’s Love.

The next retreat in the Midwest will be November 5-7, 2004.

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Stations of the Cross

Have you visited the Online Stations of the Cross based on the TLIG Messages? These meditations given by our Lord Himself are most potent on Good Friday. The link below can also be copy and pasted and e-mailed to friends to enable them also to enter more deeply into the mysteries of the Passion of Christ.


“I am God, creature, be at My Stations. Desire Me only, at every Station; I stand at every Station; I will be at the Stations of My Cross, and I want you there; I want you to kneel at My Stations.”

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TLIG Prayer Group Survey For America Only

There are hundreds of TLIG prayer groups all over the world. Where Christians of all denominations come together for prayer and fellowhip.

From time to time there is a need to refreshthe lists of existing groups and people searching for prayer groups.Currently the American TLIG Association website is conducting a written survey mailed out across the United States. A new database isnowon the American TLIG site, where anybody looking for a prayer grouporhaving a prayer group should register.

We ask that if you are in a prayer group in the United States only that you please register this information today, at the link below.

If you are outside of the United States and are looking for a prayer group there is aplace online where people looking, for prayer groups can go and list thier requirements.This was graciouslyset up by one of the volunteer TLIG webmasters,David. Here is the location of this particular request board.
then click on prayer groups.

If you have TLIG related news, information, or inspiration please write

[email protected]


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