God the Father

27 July 1999 21:04

This is a wonderful new talk from Vassula on God the Father.



When I received the invitation to speak about my own experience with the Eternal Father, I rejoiced, but when looking at my agenda, I found that the day before I will still be in Asia. Then I was asked if at least I would be willing to write down my experiences with God the Father so that they may be read to all of you and share with joy the Real Joy who is the Father Himself. It is but my delight to share with you the revelation of the Father and I know that our Father too rejoices when His Image is made known and loved. I always said that from the beginning I had a weakness for the Father, but at the same time I know too, without being too presumptuous, that He too has a weakness for me. Here is a little story:

A few years back there was a time I felt so much oppression from people who persecuted me unjustly that I went to Jesus and complained about it. Jesus was about to tell me something when I saw in an interior vision as well, the Father who had heard everything too. With a quick but gentle movement the Father suddenly stepped forward and held Jesus back by His arm, stopping Him while saying something to Jesus. It was as though God the Father had said to Jesus “no let me do this…” When the Father approached me and spoke to me I felt deep in my soul His fatherly attention and love, impressing in my soul how we are sons and daughters of the Most High, a family… The Father said to me not to worry any more and that He will clarify the situation. I realized then, at that moment, how indeed I had a weakness for the Father but that He too had for me. The following day everything was clear again just as He promised me.

As many people who do not know God the Father, our Creator, I too had classified Him before my conversion as someone up there in His Glory, Mighty, Awesome and a Fearful Judge. At the same time inapproachable and remote. Other people in our society have intellectualized God; that means, they are talking about God without knowing Him; they read about God, but as though He is only a great personality in History or a printed image on the walls of the Church; they hear about God but their ears do not understand Him; it is as Scriptures say: their ears are dull of hearing.

So let me start by my own and first experience of the Father. In the beginning when my guardian angel approached me, his task was to lead me to God and prepare my soul for this special encounter. But for this preparation to meet God, my soul had to go through profound and many purifications. In this state, after the purifications of fire, the soul is like the crystal that is clear and pure. After having passed through fire for a lengthy time, accompanied by hot tears of repentance, without my angel announcing that the Father would come to visit me, to my surprise, one day, instead of hearing the angel, another voice drew my attention. The voice said: “I am your Father, you come from me, you belong to me, you descend from me, you are my seed…”

The Father’s presence in my soul appeared to be like a figure of wonder, radiating so much sweetness, tenderness and love that my soul was swept to the ground with bewilderment. Here was our God, Yahweh our Father, Creator of the universe and of all beings, the One who spoke to Moses, Abraham and His prophets, the One who transcends greatness and fullness, the Godhead, here He was speaking to my miserable soul in an inconceivable manner and in such simplicity. Here He was with the unworthy one, face to face; who was I to contemplate this figure of wonder? Was He not risking to cheapen His Sceptre for my sake? His pure beauty held me captive and in His fatherly tenderness He left my soul in rapture, and like spring He flowered my heart instantly. With the first utterance that came from His Mouth, I found my soul succumbing into His Fatherly Arms… it was like I, who was scarcely born, had ceased to be, but now in His Presence, was roused again in an instant. Yes, it was just when my life was about to trickle away for ever, You, Father, You came with stupendous power and glory to lift me to Your Heart.

Then He asked me to pray the “Our Father”. Instead of answering Him: “Yes Lord”, I said: “Yes Dad”; to my own disbelief, putting my hand quickly on my mouth, astonished how this word came so naturally in my mouth. God answered: Daughter, do not fear, for I have taken this word “Dad” in my hand as a jewel. It took me the whole day to learn the “Our Father” the way God likes it to be said, for every time I finished saying it, God very gently used to say: “it is no good Vassula, say it again…” Late at night, finally I said it the way He liked it: full of meaning and love from the heart. Every word meaning it and as if saying it to someone you can see with your eyes, alive, who has feelings and can be touched, who is watching you and listening to you, who has a heart, yes a living God Omnipresent.

God the Father has been once described by Jesus, and here are the exact words: “My Father is a King, yet so fatherly; a Judge, yet so tender and loving; He is the Alpha and the Omega, yet so meek…”

The Father Himself guided my first steps into conversion. He led me as a father leads and shows his toddler how to do the first steps:

with joy, patience and gentleness imbued with love, many times amused
as well. What delight God showed when I was progressing! He really
led me with strings of unbounded love…

I want to mention something very important: before God the Father ever told me to sit and become His secretary, His mouthpiece and His Echo, He wanted me to get to know Him and understand Him so that I will be able to love Him in the manner He wants us to love Him and serve Him with love. So in the beginning when He called me He said those words, always with such paternal emphasis and familiar friendliness that sometimes I felt that I had known Him all my life. He said: “I want you to love me more, this is why you must become intimate with me; approach me intimately”. This is all the secret and the key which leads each soul into a divine and intimate union with God. It is the most beautiful thing one soul can attain: the grace of knowing God and understanding Him.

What is the Father’s Heart like? Here is an excerpt from a message: (25.9.97) “My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water, immersing in these years of favour this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found… in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me…, I wish to bring every soul close to My Heart and have it grafted on Me”.

What is the nuptial chamber of God’s Heart, when He invites us all into that divine chamber? It is the final goal that each one of us should attain in their spiritual life. God invites us all to plunge in His Bosom and lose ourselves within Him. I personally, would like to become like liquid in God or sometimes go as far as to dissolve so completely in God that I would be no more.

God the Father in His messages teaches us that He is the Bridegroom of His creation emphasizing that He is wedded to His creation. He calls this spousal relationship a Mystery also, but that many of us to this day have not quite grasped its understanding. Scriptures also say: “For now your creator will be your husband, his name, Yahweh Sabbath”; (Is. 54:5) In a message God the Father says: “Understand that I am your Bridegroom and today all I want from you is love, not sacrifice. Knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals.” (25.9.97)

Let me tell you if you have not yet noticed: God is sweet. You just have to read the psalms to find out how many times this is mentioned. Here is one passage from many: In psalms 90 verse 17, it reads: “may the sweetness of the Lord be on us!” David was saying in his psalms that God’s words are sweeter than the honeycomb and we could see how this intimacy with God led him into an inebriating love for Him, a love and union such that it allowed God to possess him and he to possess God.

God calls each soul for a retreat in His Heart. This retreat will lead you into an intimate and divine union with God. It is to be just you and the Father in privacy, delighting and enjoying each other when in these blessed moments: not needing words to express your love to Him, but just leaning on the same Heart of the Father where the only Son, is nearest.

God’s Heart is the ultimate centre a soul can penetrate and yet there are degrees. God the Father gives Himself to us continuously and calls us all to complete regeneration, that is a renewal, to enliven with His grace what is dead now with us. Every soul is called to live in that centre, that is the nuptial chamber of His Heart as He calls it.

God the Father is calling us as never before in modern history, asking us for an intimate friendship with Him. The Father does not stop there, neither does the soul, because through this regeneration that can be done, the soul having tasted interiorly the sweetness of the Father, a sweetness which is sweeter than the nectar, the soul would become more eager to penetrate even further into God and taste this sweet nectar which overflows from God’s Heart. In this further step of total abandonment, exchanging her will with God’s Divine Will, the soul will penetrate into God’s Heart, right into the centre, where she will be completely adorned in majesty by the power of the Holy Spirit and will be transfigured into a heaven; that heaven in which God will be glorified. It is the Fire of the Holy Spirit with His inflowings of love that would have captivated the will of the soul and once God obtains the will, the soul then will be transfigured into a heaven where glory will be given to God.

Everything will be prepared by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would progress the soul into perfecting its union with the Father, and He would continue His work of enticement to turn the soul’s faculties divine; this is what God is aiming to do in our days.

Here is one small excerpt from the Father’s message of 25.9.97:

“Behold, now I am imprinting My words on you for the salvation of so many sinners. I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son. Behold now, I your Creator, am calling you for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour. Yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence. Know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God. I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another. I, your bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things, and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be.”

Then, further down, in this message God reminds me of His first invitation. He said:

“…that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me. Approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me. I have in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me…”

Love unites the soul with God and, the more degrees of love the soul has, the more profoundly does it enter into God and the more is it centred in Him. Thus we can say that, as are the degrees of love of God, so are the centres, each one deeper than another, which the soul has in God…

In another passage God the Father reveals to me the tremendous joy He receives when a soul abandons itself to Him, giving me a vision of how He receives this soul, this is what God the Father says:

“…So you who read Me and are My Work too, come to Me as you are and I, in my perfect Love, will perfect you. I shall ravish your heart so that I may obtain from it the rarest and the most delicate fragrances, then like someone stretching upwards his hands holding a golden bowl full of incense, to perfume My Holiness, I will lift your heart, holding it upwards, letting those rarest essences swirl out on the earth, spreading your sweet fragrance all around Me, delighting Me and delighting all the saints and angels in heaven.

“My joy will be such that it will be taken as a wedding dance. While My angels’ mouths will be filled with laughter and their lips with song. And I, exulted with joy, in your nothingness, I would turn your heart into a jewel and with My Hands still outstretched, lifting your heart, I would anoint you, My jewel and bless you. Then like I had once placed you with tenderness into your mother’s womb to be nourished and to grow, I will place you in My Heart to nourish your soul with My Divinity, allowing you to grow with Holiness… Then your soul will be cleaved so profoundly on My Heart and in Me, that you will never forget Me because your soul would have fallen voluntarily captive to My charms.

“I who only act out of love, will fasten your little heart on integrity, willingness and love, and inflame it with divine fire. I will make you taste My sweetness by having your share with My Son, Jesus, the One nearest to My Heart. Our Blessedness, inviting you to enter into the True and unique Knowledge of Our Triune Deity. This knowledge of Ourselves will teach you that We can give you back your divinity, divinizing your soul to enter into Eternal Life; and our Divine Light can glitter too into your soul and body to live in Our Light and in Us…” (25.9.97)

And now allow me to share with you the only vision I had of the Eternal Father: (25.9.97)

While I was still invoking Yahweh’s Name, suddenly, a figure of wonder, looking just like the Son of Man in His glorious transfiguration, appeared to me. The formless one took form. What mind is able to grasp or understand the One who encompasses all beings? Although the vision lacked completeness, He made Himself be recognized and I am conscious about it. The unseen God allowed Himself to be seen to speak and listen as friend to friend, invisible, yet face to face.

Yahweh, the Lord of lords, appeared to me, vested in full splendour; His heavenly robe shimmering and yet colourless; glittering as though covered by diamonds and other precious stones. And while I was staring, bewildered and mystified, on this enchanting vision of grace and incomparable beauty when Yahweh delicately had emerged from behind the clouds, doing it with such a graceful movement. I felt my heart blossoming; His Majesty reminded me of a bridegroom stepping out of a pavilion; His Presence radiated a gracefulness that even if I tried to describe it all my life I would never manage.

His Presence at the same time radiated love and so much sweetness and tenderness that my soul was swept to the ground; His beautiful Head was leaning slightly to the right, like those Sacred Heart statues; “You are beautiful my God, although I can only peer through a veil, I see Your hair in dark locks reaching Your shoulders, and Your beautiful Face the palor of ivory is enchanting to the eye”. Yahweh’s posture was though of someone timid, but do not mistake me, it was not timidity but a form of grace and majesty:

“Oh Yahweh, You who transcend greatness and fullness, You who are Godhead, assumed a form in an inconceivable manner to show Yourself to the unworthy one; indeed, how can language express in words, the things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard, things beyond the mind of man?

“How is it possible that You, in such glory and such splendour be attracted to our misery? You dazzled me and I am bemused with Your Lordly Beauty; what must it be like to contemplate You all day long in heaven with our bare eyes?

“How much and where shall I find sufficient words to describe Your Grace and Your Beauty? Words surpass me, especially that slight movement You made, to step out from behind the clouds. Should I invent new words of praise to praise Your ineffable Beauty? Human words of praise are nothing and will never be sufficient ever to express what I want to express. In Your pure Beauty, You hold me captive; in Your charm You leave me bemused and in rapture and like spring You flower my heart; with a single one of Your glances and my soul feels wedded to my Creator. My Creator who freed me with one single of His glances and set me free and at large to proclaim His wedding song.

“You guard me, and while I am going You spread sapphires on my path and like the pupil of Your Eye You guard my soul; I go through fire and when I come out of it I am unharmed and when torrents of insults pour on me, like slime from the evil one, Your right Hand upholds me, with words sweeter than honey and more intoxicating than wine, while You cover my head with Your blessings, adorning me like a queen. And now, I stretch out my hands to You, let everyone get to know that Goodness and Kindness is our God thrice Holy.”

To end up, I would like to share with you these words given by our Father to all of us:

“I will adorn this earth in Spring, My Spring. What is the Spring of Yahweh? My Spring will be when the whole of My creation would be shining with a brilliant light. Your image of the dark would be no more, for I, your Bridegroom and the kindest of fathers will be shining on you…” (25.2.98)