Vol I

Vol I
i Messaggi de La Vera Vita in Dio sono una raccolta di oltre 2.000 messaggi. Attualmente esistono oltre 107 Quaderni raccolti in una serie di 12 volumi.. I temi principali dei Messaggi de La Vera Vita in Dio sono l'unità delle Chiese cristiane, l'invito alla conversione e al ritorno del mondo a Dio in questa Fine dei Tempi e che Gesù sta ritornando. La fine dei tempi non è la fine del mondo, ma la fine di un'epoca, la fine di un'era, dopo la quale sorgerà una nuova era.
Il contenuto dei Messaggi de La Vera Vita in Dio e la testimonianza di Vassula ispirano, elevano e incoraggiano. Il parallelismo dei messaggi con i racconti del Nuovo Testamento sono simili nel modo in cui Gesù ci ama e nel modo in cui esprime la sua intimità sponsale con noi a un livello che la nostra capacità di comprensione non può ancora comprendere appieno. Il tono espresso con termini coniugali è caratteristico della mistica, ma si manifesta come un'effusione dell'ineffabile amore di Cristo.


Un messaggio di Vassula del 2013 riguardo al lancio della sua autobiografia "Il Paradiso esiste, ma anche l'Inferno"
Cari sostenitori de La VViD,
Il Signore sia lodato per ciò che sto per condividere con voi!
Nel mezzo della nostra cultura moderna che continua a voltare le spalle a Dio, Egli ci offre, ancora una volta, una soluzione per ricondurre milioni di persone a Lui, PRIMA CHE SIA TROPPO TARDI. Abbiamo pregato per ottenere l'aiuto di Dio ed EGLI STA RISPONDENDO ALLE NOSTRE PREGHIERE.
Ho scritto un nuovo libro avvincente. E' stato pubblicato nel Marzo 2013 (Novembre 2023 in lingua italiana - ndr.) e con il vostro aiuto raggiungerà milioni di persone. Si intitola Il Paradiso Esiste, Ma Anche l'Inferno. Credo che possa essere lo strumento più potente per l'evangelizzazione e per attirare le persone a scoprire i messaggi de La Vera Vita in Dio.
Il Paradiso esiste.... attirerà credenti e non credenti. Ho riportato descrizioni dettagliate del Paradiso e dell'Inferno, storie avvincenti della Misericordia di Dio, dei suoi evidenti segni e prodigi e soprattutto l'invito personale di Dio ad accettare la Sua misericordia prima che arrivi la Sua giustizia.
Non conosciamo l'ora in cui l'ira di Dio si abbatterà su di noi, ma sappiamo che il Suo giudizio attende milioni di persone che stanno morendo al di fuori della Sua amicizia. Quanti dei nostri familiari, amici e colleghi di lavoro potrebbero essere tra quelli che potrebbero perdersi?
Come possiamo far conoscere loro l'Inno d'Amore di Dio? Come possiamo riaccendere la nostra fede? Come possiamo riportare in vita le nostre chiese tiepide?
Il libro Il Paradiso Esiste, Ma Anche l'Inferno è un tentativo importante di attirarli e stimolarli a cercare i messaggi de La Vera Vita in Dio. Possiamo portare questo libro nelle librerie, nei caffè, nei collegi, nelle chiese, nelle biblioteche, negli aeroporti, in modo che venga notato e il Paradiso, l'Inferno e la redenzione di Dio siano conosciuti.
Sappiate che sto pregando personalmente per voi e per la vostra famiglia, chiedendo a Dio di benedirvi e di usarvi per la Sua Gloria.
In Cristo,
Asociace Opravdového života v Bohu
TLIG CZ, z. s.
Vančurova 19
741 01 Nový Jičín
Tel: +41 26 915 9393 / Fax: +41 26 915 9399
Associazione italiana
PER IL LIBRO DEI MESSAGGI IN UN SOLO VOLUME: La Vera Vita in Dio Vol 1 - e altri libri
Associazione La Vera Vita in Dio Onlus
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 339 71 57 460
(il libro dei messaggi non ha un costo, è gradita un’offerta)
PER IL LIBRO AUTOBIOGRAFICO: Il Paradiso Esiste Ma Anche L’Inferno
Editions du Parvis (italiano)
CH-1648 Hauteville
Tel: +41 26 915 9393 / Fax: +41 26 915 9399
Föreningen för sant liv i Gud i Thailand
293 Soi MEESUWAN 3 SUKHUMVIT, 71, PRAKANONG, Bangkok 10110
Tel: + 66-98318200 / Fax: 662 392 8534
Association of True Life in God in Thailand
293 Soi MEESUWAN 3 SUKHUMVIT, 71, PRAKANONG, Bangkok 10110
Tel: + 66-98318200 / Fax: 662 392 8534
Sverker Tronêt
Gråmåns, Rök - Eveboda , 599 94 Ödeshög
Tel: (+46) 073 223 2238
E-bokhandel (Webshop)
Pablo Cuomo
C.C. Nº 111 (1427), Buenos Aires
Tel: (0054) 11 4683 2374 / Fax: (0054) 11 4683 2374
Olga Gajardo
LUIS THAYER OJEDA 2203 - CASA " I " Providencia, Santiago
Tel: (56 2) 225-9711 or (56 2)333-0951 / Cell Ph: (56 9) 068-7154 / (56 9) 161-8149
Martha Elena Maturana
Bocagrande, Avenida San Martin Edificio Torremolinos.Apto 702., Cartagena
Tel: 575 6655360 to 64. ext 576 / Cell Ph: 57 3008006661
Fundación Jesús de la Misericordia Atención: Ing. Fausto Galeano Y
Av. Eloy Alfaro 466 y 9 de octubre P.O.Box 6252 CCI, Quito
Tel: (593) (2) 2564-519 / 2528-611 / Fax: (593) (2) 2561-445
Madre de Dios, 35 bis, 28016 Madrid
Tel: (+34) 913 451 992 / Fax: (+34) 913 505 099
Verdadera Vida en Dios
Miguel Blanco # 1320 S.J., Guadalajara, Jal México. C.P. 44100
Tel: 52-333-640 1323 / Fax: 52-333-825 2007
Javier Barbagelata
Los Fresnos 205 Santa Inés, Chaclacayo, Lima 08
Tel: + 51 1 3585135
(Mobile: + 51 999353994)
Liliana Vassallo
Tel: +51 1 372 5754 (home)
Beth Myriam Lima
Miraflores 345 Barranco, Lima
Tel: +51 1 247 7290 (Office)(From Mondays to Fridays 10 am - 3 pm )
Mario Cabrejos
Tel: +51 1 446 8908
Jorge Távara
SGV Peru Juan del Carpio 115 Miraflores, Lima
Tel: +51 1 440 8293 (office)
American Association for TLIG
PO Box 1101
Williamsville, NY 14231
Tel: (816) 461-8888
Ana Lizarralde
Francisco Vidal 617 ap. 602, Montevideo 11300
Tel: (5982) 7112243 / Fax: (5982) 7112243
Editorial La Verdadera Vida A.C.
Calle Zambrano, esquina con 5a calle., Los Palos Grandes. Caracas
Tel: 00-52-212-2835161
Anna Justova
Zdruzenie "Mariine deti", Bernolakova 41, 953 01 Zlate Moravce
Tel: 00 421 37 6424 104(TLIG books in SLOVAKIAN are in translation )
Editura Arhetip-RS - Renasterea Spirituala
CP 69 OP 77 Bucuresti, sector 3 cod 74300, BUCURESTI
Associação A Verdadeira Vida em Deus
Rua Ministro Calógeras, 390, ap.306, CEP 89201-500 - Joinville - SC
Tel: (047)3423-3280
Edições Boa Nova
Rua do Convento, 437 , PT-4770-463 Requião
Tel: ++351 252 375 165 / Fax: ++351 252 311 594
Marcin Olszewski
Rypałki Prywatne 40a
87-500 Rypin, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie
TLIG Malta
P.O.Box 10, Xaghra, Gozo
3-323, Omuro-Kougen, Ito-shi, Shizuoka-ken 413-0235
Tel: +81-557-51-2343 / Fax: +81-557-51-2343
Enderle Bookstore
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004
Tel: +81-3-3352-2481 / Fax: +81-3-3357-4746
Unio Cordium Indonesia, c/o Indri Makki
(Buku: Hidup Sejati Dalam Allah) Jl. Larona no1, Kompl PLN, Duren Tiga , Jakarta 12760
Tel: (62) (21) 799 5870 / Fax: (62)(21) 799 7081
Magyarország 1255, Budapest Postafiók 200
Tel: (36) 1 375 5475
Marana Tha sorozat 26 KiadoÂ
Szállítók : Mézekalácsbolt, Magyarország, Budapest
Tel: ++36 1 355 06 07 / Fax: ++36 1 201 59 78
Matri Dham Ashram
P.O. Christnagar, Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
(PRINT HOUSE: Mahesh Divine Printers)
Fr. Shail Akash
Matri Dham Ashram, P.O. Christnagar Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
Prof. C.J.
St. Thomas College, Pala, Palai, Kottayam Dt.,, Kerala 686 574
Tel: 00 91 4822 211 533 / Fax: ++914 8221 6313
Divine Retreat Centre
P.O. Muringoor, Chalakudy,, Kerala -680316
Tel: +91 (488) 708098, 708193, 708413, 708513 / Fax: +91 (488) 708097, 706913
Matri Dham Ashram
P.O. Christnagar, Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
(PRINT HOUSE: Mahesh Divine Printers)
Fr. Shail Akash
Matri Dham Ashram, P.O. Christnagar Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
Prof. C.J.
St. Thomas College, Pala, Palai, Kottayam Dt.,, Kerala 686 574
Tel: 00 91 4822 211 533 / Fax: ++914 8221 6313
Divine Retreat Centre
P.O. Muringoor, Chalakudy,, Kerala -680316
Tel: +91 (488) 708098, 708193, 708413, 708513 / Fax: +91 (488) 708097, 706913
Matri Dham Ashram
P.O. Christnagar, Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
(PRINT HOUSE: Mahesh Divine Printers)
Fr. Shail Akash
Matri Dham Ashram, P.O. Christnagar Varanasi - 221003, U.P.
Tel: 91 542 2383911
Prof. C.J.
St. Thomas College, Pala, Palai, Kottayam Dt.,, Kerala 686 574
Tel: 00 91 4822 211 533 / Fax: ++914 8221 6313
Divine Retreat Centre
P.O. Muringoor, Chalakudy,, Kerala -680316
Tel: +91 (488) 708098, 708193, 708413, 708513 / Fax: +91 (488) 708097, 706913
D-79798 Jestetten, Deutschland
Tel: ++4977 4592 9830 / Fax: ++4977 4592 9859
Wahres Leben in Gott e.V.
Tel: +49 (0)700 1277 1377
(Neue überarbeitete Auflage, Band 1-3 (Band 4-6 sowie der Gesamtband sind in Vorbereitung) sowie diverse Kleinschriften, DVDs etc. sind zum Selbstkostenpreis beim Verein Wahres Leben in Gott e.V. erhältlich!)
Editions du Parvis
CH-1648 Hauteville
Tel: +41 26 915 9393 / Fax: +41 26 915 9399
(Editor and a supplier for TLIG books in French, German and Italian (Worldwide) )
Association de la VVeD Suisse
P.O. Box 1230, CH-1800 Vevey 1
Tel: ++4121 943 3320
Toula Kasias
Tel: +1-905-471-5777
Editions du Parvis
CH-1648 Hauteville
Tel: +41 26 915 9393 / Fax: +41 26 915 9399
(Editor and a supplier for TLIG books in French, German and Italian (Worldwide) )
Association de la VVeD Suisse
P.O. Box 1230, CH-1800 Vevey 1
Tel: ++4121 943 3320
Rui Francesco
Montfort Media
P.O box 280, Balaka
Tel: ++265 64 10 15 / Fax: ++265 64 10 15
Borongaj Aero 9B, HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel: ++385 1 23 02 349 / Fax: ++385 1 23 02 349
TLIG Taiwan
Rm 7, 8F, No.6-3 Chia-Pu Rd,, West Sec., Putz, 61363 Chia-Yi
Tel: +886 5 3628325
Salve Regina Books
Steve & Stella Chan, 325 Casitas Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127
Tel: +1-415-989-6279
Andranik Mesropyan
Tel: +374 9322 4363
Artur Majaryan
Los Angeles, USA
Tel: +1 818 521 8395
C/O TLIG Bulgaria
Venia P.o.box 300219004 Spata
ΑΕΘΖ Ελλάδα - Νίκη Γιαννούτσικου
Μαυρογένους 15, Γλυφάδα, 16674 Αθήνα
Τηλ: 0030-210-8992 837
TLIG Greece - Niki Giannoutsikos
Mavrogenous 15, Glyfada, 16674 Athens
Tel: 0030-210-8992 837
Candy Giannoutsikou
Vallianou 7, Alimos, 17455, Athens
Tel: 0030-1-9833121 / Cell Ph: 0030-944-449796
Fax: 0030-1-9833425
C/O TLIG Bulgaria
Venia P.o.box 300219004 Spata
ΑΕΘΖ Ελλάδα - Νίκη Γιαννούτσικου
Μαυρογένους 15, Γλυφάδα, 16674 Αθήνα
Τηλ: 0030-210-8992 837
TLIG Greece - Niki Giannoutsikos
Mavrogenous 15, Glyfada, 16674 Athens
Tel: 0030-210-8992 837
Candy Giannoutsikou
Vallianou 7, Alimos, 17455, Athens
Tel: 0030-1-9833121 / Cell Ph: 0030-944-449796
Fax: 0030-1-9833425
Mezied Yacoub
Street Box 2047, Ibillin, 30012 , Galillee
Tel: 00 972 4 9866 168
Chadi Bechara
Tel: 961 3 414037
Gladys Abouy Jaoude
Tel: 961 4 715603
Mezied Yacoub
Street Box 2047, Ibillin, 30012 , Galillee
Tel: 00 972 4 9866 168
True Life in God Australia
PO Box 856, Robina QLD 4226
Tel: +61 7 5593 3373
Toula Kasias
Tel: +1-905-471-5777
Larry Wambaa
P.O. Box 42229, Nairobi, Zone 00100
Tel: 0721-211-045
Linda Aquinas Agalochieng
P.O. Box 42654, Nairobi
Tel: +254 2 444452 / Fax: +254 447459
TLIG NZ Association
6 Chatham Mews, Flaxmere, Hastings 4120
Tel: +64-6-879 7055
Center For Peace, Asia
#140 Lopez-Rizal St, Mandaluyong City 1550, MetroManila
Tel: 00632-5311216 / Fax: 00632-5311314
True Life In God - Philippines Association
TLIG (Buckingham)
1 White House Cottages, Lillingstone Dayrell, Buckingham, MK 18 5AH
Tel: +44 1280 860 308
Worldwide distribution via Online Bookstore
Carol Chamberlain
13 Easter Inch Steadings, Bathgate, West Lothian EH48 2EH, Scotland
American Association for TLIG
PO Box 1101
Williamsville, NY 14231
Tel: (816) 461-8888
Salve Regina Books
Steve & Stella Chan, 325 Casitas Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127
Tel: +1-415-989-6279
Winnie Wiliams
37 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 , Johannesburg
Tel: 00-27-21-4610-785 / Fax: 614-3417
Catholic Bookshop
12 Bouquet Street, 8001 Cape Town
Tel: 00-27-21-4610-785
Evelyn Lebone
PO Box 830, Ladybrand 9745
Tel: +266 310654 / Fax: +266 313085
Center For Peace, Asia
#140 Lopez-Rizal St, Mandaluyong City 1550, MetroManila
Tel: 00632-5311216 / Fax: 00632-5311314
True Life In God - Philippines Association

As Mensagens da Verdadeira Vida em Deus
Edições Boa Nova - Portugal

As Mensagens da Verdadeira Vida em Deus
Edições Boa Nova - Portugal

O Meu Anjo Daniel

O Meu Anjo Daniel
Este livro contém os 4 cadernos 'do Anjo' com as primeiras mensagens (de 1986 e 1987) na sua forma manuscrita original.
Onde é que tu estás, habitualmente?
Eu estou precisamente onde tu estás.
E podes ver-me tão claramente quanto eu própria vejo as coisas?
Onde estás tu, quando eu desço as escadas?
Estou contigo.
Onde estás tu, agora?
Estou ao pé de ti.
E nde estarás tu, quando eu morrer?
Tu própria me verás. Eu estarei ao teu lado. (Livro dos Anjos 1:18)
O Senhor escreveu pela mão de Vassula em outubro de 1986: Livro dos Anjos 2:51-52
...Eu sou o teu Redentor, sê-lo-ei sempre, não te abandonarei nunca, Eu amo-te. ... volta-te para Mim e contempla-Me. Eu sou Deus, teu Pai Celeste. Compreende por que razão Eu estou contigo. Eu, Deus, farei a mesma coisa com todos os outros Meus filhos e filhas, uma vez que vós sois todos Meus. ... Eu, Deus, amo-vos a todos. Eu reunir-vos-ei a todos.

Testemunho dos Leitores de A Verdadeira Vida em Deus

Testemunho dos Leitores de A Verdadeira Vida em Deus

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. I

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. I
Edições Boa Nova

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. II

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. II

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. III

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. III

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. IV

A Verdadeira Vida em Deus nas Cadeias de Portugal – Vol. IV

O Que Dizes de Ti Mesma?
Edições Boa Nova

O Que Dizes de Ti Mesma?
Edições Boa Nova

Há Flores no Deserto
Edições Boa Nova

Há Flores no Deserto
Edições Boa Nova

Em Minha Santa Eucaristia são textos extraídos das Mensagens de "A Verdadeira Vida em Deus"

Adora-Me e Ama-me
em Minha Santa Eucaristia
são textos extraídos das Mensagens de
"A Verdadeira Vida em Deus"

Orientações para os Grupos de Oração

Orientações para os Grupos de Oração
Sugestões de orações, meditações e devoções de AVVD
para uso dos grupos de oração.
O folheto pode ser baixado AQUI

Orações e Odes Amorosas em A Verdadeira Vida em Deus

Orações e Odes Amorosas em A Verdadeira Vida em Deus

Profecias nas Mensagens de A Verdadeira Vida em Deus para este Final dos Tempos

Profecias nas Mensagens de A Verdadeira Vida em Deus para este Final dos Tempos

Vassula da Paixão do Sagrado Coração
Edições Boa Nova

Vassula da Paixão do Sagrado Coração
Edições Boa Nova

Quem é Vassula

Quem é Vassula



Sant Liv i Gud – Guds kärleksbrev till mänskligheten – II

Sant Liv i Gud – Guds kärleksbrev till mänskligheten – II

Sant Liv i Gud – Guds kärleksbrev till mänskligheten – I

Sant Liv i Gud – Guds kärleksbrev till mänskligheten – I

Min ängel Daniel

Min ängel Daniel
Denna bok innehåller de 4 "Angel"-anteckningsböckerna med tidiga meddelanden (från 1986 och 1987) i deras ursprungliga handskriftsform.
Var brukar du vara?
Jag är där du är.
Kan du se mig lika tydligt som jag ser saker?
Var är du när jag springer ner för trappan?
Jag är med dig.
Var är du nu?
Jag är nära dig.
Var kommer du att vara när jag dör?
Du kommer att möta mig, jag kommer att vara vid din sida. (Änglaboken 1:18)
Herren skrev genom Vassulas hand i oktober 1986: Ängelboken 2:51-52
...Jag är din Frälsare; det kommer Jag alltid att vara; Jag kommer aldrig att lämna dig. Jag älskar dig ... vänd dig till mig och se på mig; Jag är Gud, din himmelske Fader; inse varför Jag är med dig; Jag, Gud, kommer att göra samma sak med alla mina andra söner och döttrar, för ni är alla Mina ... 1, Gud, älskar er alla; Jag kommer att återförena er alla.

Enhet – kärlekens dygd

Enhet – kärlekens dygd
Denna 290-sidiga bok med utdrag ur budskapen om Kristi kyrkas enhet, hämtade från budskapen i Sant Liv i Gud, presenterar Guds eget sätt att uppnå sann kristen enhet.

Riktlinjer för bönemöten

Riktlinjer för bönemöten
Förslag på böner, SLIG-meditationer och andakter
för användning av bönegrupper.
Broschyren kan laddas ner från HÄR



Profetior i budskapen Sant Liv i Gud i denna tids slut

Profetior i budskapen Sant Liv i Gud i denna tids slut

meteoren över Ryssland, covid-19, den ekonomiska krisen med mera. De förutsäger även hjälp från Rysslands i kristider, den Stora Reningens dag av Eld och hur jordaxeln kommer att rubbas, kyrkans stora omvändelse, en tid av fred och helighet och Kristis, vår Frälsares, återkomst.
Den ekumeniska föreningen för I LAGER
TLIG Buckingham distribuerar till Storbritannien och övriga världen: I LAGER
TLIG Australien I LAGER |

Inbjudan att bli ett med Kristus

Inbjudan att bli ett med Kristus

Teologisk översikt
Läs en recension av Lucien Lombard.

Teologisk översikt
A new book by Fr Joseph Iannuzzi is available entitled, “A Theological Review of the Ecclesiastically Approved TRUE LIFE IN GOD Prophetic Revelations.”
Vassula recommends the book to be given to all, especially, to ‘doubting Thomases’.
This book is endorsed by two Catholic Archbishops who have offered the following testimonials:
“In his Theological Review of the True Life in God prophetic revelations, Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S.Th.D. provides a timely and exhaustive research of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, Magisterial documents and the mystics who are saints of the Church. Against the backdrop of Church Tradition and Magisterial teachings, this work successfully demonstrates the supernatural character of the TLIG revelations that I truly believe contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. May it bring hope, advance souls on the way of salvation and love, and so further the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
+ Archbishop Felix Toppo, D.D., Archdiocese of Ranchi, India
“The Theological Review of True Life in God, undertaken by Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S. Th. D., is a most welcome development that will certainly benefit many within and outside the Church. At last a very serious investigation by an expert theologian, resulting in a positive conclusion, offers a means to pray and experience God in the midst of the tempests afflicting the contemporary Church. God manifests his solicitude for man in using a non-Catholic – formerly a non-practicing Christian, a woman truly of the world – to manifest His greatness amidst human frailties. Fr. Iannuzzi so ably demonstrates in this work, resonating the thoughts of renowned saintly writers, that the message of Jesus through Vassula is in harmony with Catholic teachings and practices. I am convinced that Fr. Iannuzzi‘s findings will encourage many to discover more profoundly the True Life in God message and join Vassula and her many companions in the pursuit of a deeper holiness and a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, so as to hasten the day of Christian unity and a renewal of Christian Life in this tempestuous period of the life of the Church.”
+ Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese Lipa, Philippines
A review of the book by Lucien Lombard
The book is available from local TLIG Associations or can be ordered online.

Vassulas gåta

Vassulas gåta
Kristna kyrkor har alltid erkänt förekomsten av privat uppenbarelse genom vilken Gud talar direkt till själar som är utrustade med en speciell karisma. Precis som hos många andra kända mystiker, såsom Katarina av Sienna eller Theresa av Avila, fortsätter denna typ av uppenbarelse genom skrifter att ges i vår egen tid. Bland dessa finns Sant Liv i Gud, från Vassula, vars utgivning påbörjades 1990. Sedan skrifterna publicerades på engelska har verket översatts till över trettio språk och har fått ett stort antal anhängare. Vassula fyller stora salar över hela världen med entusiastiska åhörare just vid den tidpunkt då kyrkorna överges.
Vad lockar folkmassorna? Vem är Vassula? Under vilken påverkan åtog hon sig att utföra detta arbete som hon påstår är dikterat till henne direkt av Gud? Varför är vissa präster övertygade om att det är en autentisk uppenbarelse? Hur kommer det sig att en kvinna utan någon teologisk utbildning kan skriva mer än fem tusen sidor som överensstämmer med Skriften, Traditionen och de mest lärda teologernas verk? Varför gav Vatikanen katolikerna en varning för Vassulas verksamhet?
Denna bok hoppas kunna ge några svar och förklaringar på detta fenomen och dessa frågor. Den har skrivits utan några positiva eller negativa fördomar utifrån en serie intervjuer som Vassula gav Jacques Neirynck. Den har en blygsam avsikt att förse läsaren med information så att han eller hon kan dra sina egna slutsatser.
Författaren Jacques Neirynck föddes i Bryssel 1931 och har haft två parallella karriärer, en som forskare och lärare och en som journalist och författare. Hans vetenskapliga karriär ledde honom till att bli professor vid Lovanium University i Kinshasa, Catholic University of Louvain och vid Federal Polytechnic i Lausanne. Han arbetade också som forskare, särskilt för Philips forskningslaboratorium i Bryssel. Hans specialitet är teorin för kretsar och system, en gren av matematiken som tillämpas på elektriska system. Han har grundat ett vetenskapligt förlag, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, där han ansvarade för utgivningen av Treatise on Electricity i 22 volymer, översatt till flera språk.
Hans karriär som journalist ledde till att han redigerade flera hundra artiklar om vetenskapliga och tekniska ämnen för en allmän läsekrets. Han samarbetade framför allt med publikationer med konsumentinformation samt med TV- och radioprogram. Han var en av pionjärerna bakom en europeisk konsumentrörelse som idag omfattar fem länder i Europeiska unionen. Som författare har han gett ut fyra essäer och tre romaner. År 1999 valdes Jacques Neirynck till ledamot av det schweiziska federala parlamentet.

Original Handwriting

Original Handwriting
(Photographic reproduction of the original manuscript)
Volumes : 1 - 12 (1986-2003)

My Angel Daniel

My Angel Daniel
This book contains the 4 'Angel' Notebooks of early messages (from 1986 & 1987) in their original handwriting form.
Where are you usually?
I am where you are.
Could you see me as clearly as I see things?
Where are you when I run down the stairs?
I am with you.
Where are you now?
I am near you.
Where will you be when I die?
You will meet me; I shall be by your side. (Angel Book 1:18)
The Lord wrote by Vassula's hand in October 1986: Angel Book 2:51-52
...I am your Redeemer; I will always be; I will never leave you. I love you ... turn to me and look at me; I am God, your Heavenly Father; realize why I am with you; I, God, will do the same thing to all my other sons and daughters, for you are all mine.. .1, God, love all of you; I am going to reunite you all.

Unity – Virtue of Love

Unity – Virtue of Love
This 290 page book of extracts of messages on the Unity of Christ's Church taken from the messages of True Life in God, presents us with God's own way to achieving true Christian Unity.

Fire of Love

Fire of Love
Teachings on the Holy Spirit

Canticle of the Bridegroom

Canticle of the Bridegroom
Extracts from True Life in God Messages

Mary, Gate to Heaven, Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer

Mary, Gate to Heaven, Co-Redemptress of your Redeemer
Extracts from "True Life in God"

The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses
...and in the end Our Two Hearts Shall Triumph
Extracts from "True Life in God", 1995

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments
Extracts from "True Life in God"

TLIG book of prayers

TLIG book of prayers
This book contains selected prayers taken from the True Life in God messages. The book is a compact size A6 (approx 6in x 4in) and has 155 pages

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Selections from True Life in God Messages

Prayer Meeting Guidelines

Prayer Meeting Guidelines
Suggested prayers, TLIG meditations and devotions
for use by prayer groups.
The booklet can be downloaded HERE

Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times

Prophecies in the True Life in God Messages for these End of Times

eruption, the meteor over Russia, Covid-19, the economic crisis and more. They also foretell Russia’s aid in time of crisis, the Great Day of Purification, the Hurricane of Fire, and shifting of the earth off of its axis, the Great Conversion of the Church, an era of peace and holiness and the return of Christ our Saviour.
The American Association for IN STOCK
TLIG Buckingham distributes to the UK and worldwide: IN STOCK
TLIG Australia IN STOCK |

Vassula of the Sacred Heart’s Passion

Vassula of the Sacred Heart’s Passion

When God gives a Sign

When God gives a Sign
A Response to Objections Made Against Vassula
by abbot René Laurentin, 1993

Bearer of the Light

Bearer of the Light
Vassula, "Mediatrix of divided Christians"
Michael O'Carroll, C.S.Sp., 1994

Touched by the Spirit of God – second in a series

Touched by the Spirit of God – second in a series
Part I : Vassula and the CFD Part II : Vassula on the End Times Father Edward D. O'Connor, C.S.C., 1998

Touched by the Spirit of God – first in a series

Touched by the Spirit of God – first in a series
Insights into "True Life in God"

Vassula and Rome

Vassula and Rome
Michael Dore, 1996 English edition, 39 pages

True Life in God presentations in Asia 1998

True Life in God presentations in Asia 1998

Vassula, ‘True Life in God’ and the Vatican

Vassula, ‘True Life in God’ and the Vatican
Fr John Abberton has written here a simple and clear summary of the position of the Vatican with regard to Vassula and the True Life in God Messages that can be used to respond to the false information which circulates about this matter. First published in 2016.
(12 page booklet, A5 size - 21 x 15cms)

Vassula Ryden and the writings know as True Life in God

Vassula Ryden and the writings know as True Life in God
Fr John Abberton writes:
The aim of this booklet is to provide a short introduction to "True Life in God" for those who are unsure of how to evaluate such writings, those who have accepted erroneous judgements or statements by some negative critics, those who are wary or nervous about private revelations, and those who tend to regard such things as unimportant, and therefore may be dismissive of private revelations or locutions.

Invitation to be one with Christ

Invitation to be one with Christ

Theological Review
Read a review by Lucien Lombard.

Theological Review
A new book by Fr Joseph Iannuzzi is available entitled, “A Theological Review of the Ecclesiastically Approved TRUE LIFE IN GOD Prophetic Revelations.”
Vassula recommends the book to be given to all, especially, to ‘doubting Thomases’.
This book is endorsed by two Catholic Archbishops who have offered the following testimonials:
“In his Theological Review of the True Life in God prophetic revelations, Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S.Th.D. provides a timely and exhaustive research of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, Magisterial documents and the mystics who are saints of the Church. Against the backdrop of Church Tradition and Magisterial teachings, this work successfully demonstrates the supernatural character of the TLIG revelations that I truly believe contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. May it bring hope, advance souls on the way of salvation and love, and so further the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
+ Archbishop Felix Toppo, D.D., Archdiocese of Ranchi, India
“The Theological Review of True Life in God, undertaken by Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S. Th. D., is a most welcome development that will certainly benefit many within and outside the Church. At last a very serious investigation by an expert theologian, resulting in a positive conclusion, offers a means to pray and experience God in the midst of the tempests afflicting the contemporary Church. God manifests his solicitude for man in using a non-Catholic – formerly a non-practicing Christian, a woman truly of the world – to manifest His greatness amidst human frailties. Fr. Iannuzzi so ably demonstrates in this work, resonating the thoughts of renowned saintly writers, that the message of Jesus through Vassula is in harmony with Catholic teachings and practices. I am convinced that Fr. Iannuzzi‘s findings will encourage many to discover more profoundly the True Life in God message and join Vassula and her many companions in the pursuit of a deeper holiness and a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, so as to hasten the day of Christian unity and a renewal of Christian Life in this tempestuous period of the life of the Church.”
+ Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese Lipa, Philippines
A review of the book by Lucien Lombard
The book is available from local TLIG Associations or can be ordered online.

The Vassula enigma

The Vassula enigma
Christian Churches have always recognised the existence of private revelation through which God speaks directly to souls endowed with a special charism. As with many well-known mystics such as St Catherine of Sienna or St Theresa of Avila, this type of revelation continues through writings given in our own day. Amongst these is True Life in God, from Vassula, the publication of which started in 1990. Since the publication of the writings in English, the work has been translated into over thirty languages and has given rise to a widespread following. Vassula fills large halls all over the world with enthusiastic audiences at the very time when the churches are being deserted.
What brings the crowds? Who is Vassula? Under what influence did she undertake to do this work which she asserts is dictated to her directly by God? Why are some priests convinced it is an authentic revelation? How is it that a woman without any theological training could write more than five thousand pages which conform to Scripture, to Tradition and to the works of the most learned theologians? Why did the Vatican give the Catholics a warning against Vassula's activities?
This book hopes to supply some answers and explanations to this phenomenon and these questions. It has been written without any positive or negative prejudice from a series of interviews Vassula granted to Jacques Neirynck. It modestly intends to supply information to the reader so that he or she can come to their own conclusions.
The author Jacques Neirynck was born in Brussels in 1931 and has had two simultaneous careers, one as researcher and teacher, the other as journalist and writer. His scientific career led him to be a professor in Lovanium University in Kinshasa, the Catholic University of Louvain and at the Federal Polytechnic in Lausanne. He also worked as a researcher, particularly for the Philips Research laboratory in Brussels. His specialisation is the Theory of Circuits and systems, a branch of mathematics applied to electricity systems. He has founded a scientific publication house, the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, where he managed the publication of a Treatise on Electricity in 22 volumes, translated into several languages.
His career as a journalist led him to edit several hundreds of articles on scientific and technical subjects for a general readership. In particular he collaborated with consumer information publications, as well as television and radio programmes. He was among the pioneers of a European consumer movement which covers five countries of the European Union today. As a writer, he has edited four essays and three novels. In 1999, Jacques Neirynck was elected a member of the Swiss Federal Parliament.

Min engel Daniel

Min engel Daniel
Denne bog indeholde de 4 "engle" notesbøger med tidlige budskaber (fra 1986 og 1987) i deres originale håndskrevne form.
Hvor er du normalt?
Jeg er, hvor du er.
Kan du se mig lige så klart, som jeg kan se tingene omkring mig?
Hvor er du, når jeg løber ned ad trapperne?
Jeg er med dig.
Hvor er du nu?
Jeg er i nærheden af dig.
Hvor vil du være når jeg dør?
Du vil møde mig; jeg vil være ved din side. (Englenotesbog 1)
Herren skrev ved Vassulas hånd i oktober 1986: Englenotesbog 2
... Jeg er din forløser; det vil Jeg altid være; Jeg vil aldrig forlade dig. Jeg elsker dig ... vend dig mod Mig og se på Mig; Jeg er Gud, din Himmelske Fader; forstå hvorfor Jeg er kommet til dig; Jeg, Gud, vil gøre det samme for alle Mine andre sønner og døtre; for I er alle Mine ... Jeg, Gud, elsker jer alle; Jeg vil forene jer alle.

Vejledning for bedemøde

Vejledning for bedemøde
Forslag til bønner, Sandt Liv i Gud meditationer og andagter
til brug for bedegrupper.
Hæftet kan downloades HER

Profetier i Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne for disse Tidernes Ende

Profetier i Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne for disse Tidernes Ende

meteoren over Rusland, Covid-19, den økonomiske krise og mere. De forudsiger også bistand fra Rusland i krisetider, Den store Renselsesdag, Ildstormen og jordens forskydning fra sin akse, Kirkens store Omvendelse samt en æra med fred og hellighed og Kristus vor Frelsers genkomst.
Den amerikanske PÅ LAGER
TLIG Buckingham distribuerer hæftet på engelsk til UK og resten af verden: PÅ LAGER
TLIG Australia PÅ LAGER |

Vassula, ‘Sandt Liv i Gud’ og Vatikanet

Vassula, ‘Sandt Liv i Gud’ og Vatikanet
Fr. John Abberton har her skrevet et enkelt og klart resumé om Vatikanets holdning til Vassula og Sandt Liv i Gud budskaberne, der kan bruges som respons på den forfalskede information, der cirkulerer om dette emne. Først udgivet i 2016.
(16-siders hæfte, A5 str. - 21 x 15cm)

Vassula Ryden og skrifterne kendt som Sandt Liv i Gud

Vassula Ryden og skrifterne kendt som Sandt Liv i Gud
Fr John Abberton skriver:
Hensigten med dette hæfte er at tilvejebringe en kort introduktion til "True Life in God" ("Sandt Liv i Gud") for dem, som er usikre på, hvorledes de skal forholde sig til sådanne skrifter, dem som har accepteret fejlagtige fordømmelser eller udtalelser fra negativt indstillede kritikere, dem som har fået nok af eller er usikre på personlige åbenbaringer, og dem som hælder til at betragte den slags som ikke vigtigt og derfor kan være afvisende overfor personlige åbenbaringer eller syner.

Ο Αγγελος μου Δανιηλ

Ο Αγγελος μου Δανιηλ
Αυτό το βιβλίο περιέχει τα 4 τετράδια του «Αγγέλου» με τα αρχικά μηνύματα (1986-1987) στην αρχική γραφή τους.
Πού είσαι συνήθως;
Είμαι εκεί που είσαι.
Μπορείς να με δεις τόσο καθαρά όπως εγώ βλέπω τα πράγματα;
Πού είσαι όταν κατεβαίνω τρέχοντας τις σκάλες;
Είμαι μαζί σου.
Που είσαι τώρα;
Είμαι κοντά σου.
Πού θα είσαι όταν πεθάνω;
Θα με συναντήσεις. Θα είμαι δίπλα σου. (Βιβλίο Αγγέλου 1:18)
Ο Κύριος έγραψε με το χέρι της Βασούλας τον Οκτώβριο του 1986: Βιβλίο Αγγέλου 2:51-52
... Είμαι ο Λυτρωτής σου. Πάντα θα είμαι. Ποτέ δεν θα σε αφήσω. Σε αγαπώ ... στρέψου σε Εμένα και κύτταξέ Με. Είμαι ο Θεός, ο Ουράνιος Πατέρας σου. Προσπάθησε να καταλάβεις γιατί είμαι μαζί σου. Εγώ, ο Θεός θα κάνω το ίδιο σε όλους τους άλλους γυιούς και θυγατέρες Μου, γιατί είστε όλοι δικοί Μου... 1, Εγώ, ο Θεός σας αγαπώ όλους. Θα σας ενώσω όλους.

Οι Δέκα Εντολές

Οι Δέκα Εντολές
Αποσπάσματα από την "Αληθινή εν Θεώ Ζωή"

Βιβλίο προσευχών της ΑΕΘΖ

Βιβλίο προσευχών της ΑΕΘΖ
Αυτό το βιβλίο περιέχει επιλεγμένες προσευχές από τα μηνύματα της Αληθινής εν Θεώ Ζωής. Το βιβλίο είναι ένα μικρό μέγεθος Α6 (περίπου 15.24 εκ. x 10.16 εκ.) και έχει 155 σελίδες

Οδηγίες για τη Συνάντηση Προσευχής

Οδηγίες για τη Συνάντηση Προσευχής
Προτεινόμενες προσευχές, περισυλλογή και αφιερώσεις από την ΑΕΘΖ
για χρήση από τις ομάδες προσευχής.
Μπορείτε να κατεβάσετε το βιβλιαράκι ΕΔΩ

Προφητείες μέσα στα Μηνύματα της Αληθινής εν Θεώ Ζωής για αυτούς τους Έσχατους Καιρούς

Προφητείες μέσα στα Μηνύματα της Αληθινής εν Θεώ Ζωής για αυτούς τους Έσχατους Καιρούς

της Ισλανδίας, τον μετεωρίτη πάνω από την Ρωσία, τον Covid-19, την οικονομική κρίση και πολλά άλλα. Προλέγουν επίσης, τη βοήθεια της Ρωσίας σε καιρό κρίσης, τη Μεγάλη Ημέρα της Κάθαρσης, τον Τυφώνα της Φωτιάς και την απομάκρυνση της γης από τον άξονά της, τη Μεγάλη Μεταστροφή της Εκκλησίας, μια εποχή ειρήνης και αγιότητας και την επιστροφή του Σωτήρα μας, Ιησού Χριστού.
The American Association for ΣΕ ΑΠΟΘΕΜΑ
TLIG Buckingham διανέμει στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και σε όλο τον κόσμο: ΣΕ ΑΠΟΘΕΜΑ

Η Βασούλα Ρυντέν και τα γραπτά που είναι γνωστά ως η Αληθινή εν Θεώ Ζωή

Η Βασούλα Ρυντέν και τα γραπτά που είναι γνωστά ως η Αληθινή εν Θεώ Ζωή
Ο π. John Abberton γράφει:
Ο σκοπός αυτού του μικρού βιβλίου είναι να παρέχει μια σύντομη εισαγωγή στην "Αληθινή εν Θεώ Ζωή", για όσους δεν ξέρουν πως να αξιολογήσουν αυτά τα γραπτά, όσους έχουν αποδεχθεί εσφαλμένες κριτικές ή γνώμες από κάποιους αρνητικούς κριτικούς, όσους ενοχλούνται από τις προσωπικές αποκαλύψεις, και όσους τείνουν να θεωρούν τέτοια πράγματα χωρίς σημασία, και επομένως μπορεί να απορρίπτουν τις ιδιωτικές αποκαλύψεις.

Θεολογικός Απολογισμός
Διαβάστε μια κριτική του Lucien Lombard.

Θεολογικός Απολογισμός
A new book by Fr Joseph Iannuzzi is available entitled, “A Theological Review of the Ecclesiastically Approved TRUE LIFE IN GOD Prophetic Revelations.”
Vassula recommends the book to be given to all, especially, to ‘doubting Thomases’.
This book is endorsed by two Catholic Archbishops who have offered the following testimonials:
“In his Theological Review of the True Life in God prophetic revelations, Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S.Th.D. provides a timely and exhaustive research of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, Magisterial documents and the mystics who are saints of the Church. Against the backdrop of Church Tradition and Magisterial teachings, this work successfully demonstrates the supernatural character of the TLIG revelations that I truly believe contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. May it bring hope, advance souls on the way of salvation and love, and so further the kingdom of heaven on earth.”
+ Archbishop Felix Toppo, D.D., Archdiocese of Ranchi, India
“The Theological Review of True Life in God, undertaken by Fr. J.L. Iannuzzi, S. Th. D., is a most welcome development that will certainly benefit many within and outside the Church. At last a very serious investigation by an expert theologian, resulting in a positive conclusion, offers a means to pray and experience God in the midst of the tempests afflicting the contemporary Church. God manifests his solicitude for man in using a non-Catholic – formerly a non-practicing Christian, a woman truly of the world – to manifest His greatness amidst human frailties. Fr. Iannuzzi so ably demonstrates in this work, resonating the thoughts of renowned saintly writers, that the message of Jesus through Vassula is in harmony with Catholic teachings and practices. I am convinced that Fr. Iannuzzi‘s findings will encourage many to discover more profoundly the True Life in God message and join Vassula and her many companions in the pursuit of a deeper holiness and a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, so as to hasten the day of Christian unity and a renewal of Christian Life in this tempestuous period of the life of the Church.”
+ Archbishop Ramon C. Arguelles, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese Lipa, Philippines
A review of the book by Lucien Lombard
The book is available from local TLIG Associations or can be ordered online.

Mijn Engel Daniël

Mijn Engel Daniël
Dit boek bevat de vier 'Engel'-notitieboeken met boodschappen uit het begin (uit 1986 en 1987) in hun originele handschriftvorm.
Waar ben je meestal?
Ik ben waar jij bent.
Kunt je mij net zo duidelijk zien als ik de dingen zie?
Waar ben jij als ik de trap af ren?
Ik ben met jou.
Waar ben je nu?
Ik ben bij jou in de buurt.
Waar zul je zijn als ik sterf?
Je zal mij ontmoeten; Ik zal aan je zijde staan. (Engelenboek 1:18)
De Heer schreef in oktober 1986 door Vassula's hand: Engelenboek 2:51-52
...Ik ben je Verlosser; Ik zal altijd zijn; Ik zal je nooit verlaten. Ik hou van je... keer je naar Mij toe en kijk naar Mij; Ik ben God, jouw Hemelse Vader; besef waarom Ik bij je ben; Ik, God, zal hetzelfde doen met al mijn andere zonen en dochters, want jullie zijn allemaal van Mij.. .1, God, heb jullie allemaal lief; Ik ga jullie allemaal herenigen.

Eenheid – Deugd van Liefde

Eenheid – Deugd van Liefde
Dit 290 pagina's tellende boek met uittreksels van Boodschappen over de Eenheid van de Kerk van Christus, afkomstig uit de Boodschappen van Waar Leven in God, presenteert ons Gods eigen weg naar het bereiken van ware Christelijke Eenheid.

Hymne van de Bruidegom

Hymne van de Bruidegom
Fragmenten uit de Boodschappen over Waar Leven in God

De Twee Getuigen

De Twee Getuigen
...en op het einde zullen Onze Twee Harten Triomferen
Uittreksels uit "Waar Leven in God", 1995

De Tien Geboden

De Tien Geboden
Fragmenten uit ‘Waar Leven in God’

Gaven van de Heilige Geest

Gaven van de Heilige Geest
Selecties uit de Waar Leven in God-Boodschappen

Richtlijnen voor Gebedsbijeenkomsten

Richtlijnen voor Gebedsbijeenkomsten
Voorgestelde gebeden, WLIG-meditaties en devoties
voor gebruik door gebedsgroepen.
Het boekje is te downloaden HIER

Profetieën in de Waar Leven in God-Boodschappen voor deze Einde der Tijden

Profetieën in de Waar Leven in God-Boodschappen voor deze Einde der Tijden

uitbarsting, de meteoor boven Rusland, Covid-19, de economische crisis en meer. Ze voorzeggen ook de hulp van Rusland in tijden van crisis, de Grote Dag van Zuivering, de Orkaan van Vuur, en het verschuiven van de aarde van haar as, de Grote Bekering van de Kerk, een era - een tijdperk - van vrede en heiligheid en de terugkeer van Christus, onze Redder.
De Amerikaanse Associatie voor OP VOORRAAD
TLIG Buckingham distribueert naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk en wereldwijd: OP VOORRAAD

Het Vassula Enigma

Het Vassula Enigma
De Christelijke Kerken hebben altijd het bestaan erkend van een private openbaring waardoorheen God rechtstreeks spreekt tot zielen met een speciaal charisma. Net als bij veel bekende mystici zoals de heilige Catharina van Sienna of de heilige Theresa van Avila, gaat dit type openbaring zijn voortgang door middel van geschriften die in onze eigen tijd zijn gegeven. Eén van deze geschriften is Waar Leven in God, van Vassula, waarvan de publicatie begon in 1990. Sinds de publicatie van de geschriften in het Engels, is het werk vertaald in meer dan dertig talen en heeft het een wijdverspreide aanhang gekregen. Vassula vult grote zalen over de hele wereld met enthousiast publiek, juist nu de kerken worden verlaten.
Wat brengt de menigte? Wie is Vassula? Onder welke invloed heeft ze dit werk op zich genomen, waarvan ze beweert dat het haar rechtstreeks door God gedicteerd is? Waarom zijn sommige priesters ervan overtuigd dat het een authentieke openbaring is? Hoe kan het dat een vrouw zonder enige theologische opleiding meer dan vijfduizend pagina's kon schrijven die in overeenstemming zijn met de Heilige Schrift, de Traditie en de werken van de meest geleerde theologen? Waarom waarschuwde het Vaticaan de Katholieken tegen de activiteiten van Vassula?
Dit boek hoopt enkele antwoorden en verklaringen te geven op dit fenomeen en deze vragen. Het is geschreven zonder enig positief of negatief vooroordeel op basis van een reeks interviews die Vassula gaf aan Jacques Neirynck. Het is bescheiden bedoeld om de lezer informatie te verschaffen zodat hij of zij tot eigen conclusies kan komen.
De auteur Jacques Neirynck werd in 1931 in Brussel geboren en heeft twee gelijktijdige carrières gehad, de ene als onderzoeker en leraar, de andere als journalist en schrijver. Zijn wetenschappelijke carrière bracht hem tot professor aan de Lovanium Universiteit in Kinshasa, de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven en de Federale Polytechnische School in Lausanne. Hij werkte ook als onderzoeker, met name voor het Philips Research laboratorium in Brussel. Zijn specialisatie is de theorie van schakelingen en systemen, een tak van de wiskunde die wordt toegepast op elektriciteitssystemen. Hij heeft een wetenschappelijke uitgeverij opgericht, de Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, waar hij verantwoordelijk was voor de publicatie van een Verhandeling over Elektriciteit in 22 delen, vertaald in verschillende talen.
Zijn carrière als journalist bracht hem tot het redigeren van honderden artikelen over wetenschappelijke en technische onderwerpen voor een algemeen lezerspubliek. Hij werkte vooral mee aan publicaties over consumenteninformatie en aan televisie- en radioprogramma's. Hij was één van de pioniers van een Europese consumentenbeweging die vandaag de dag vijf landen van de Europese Unie bestrijkt. Als schrijver heeft hij vier essays en drie romans gepubliceerd. In 1999 werd Jacques Neirynck verkozen tot lid van het Zwitserse Federale Parlement.

Prières – Hymnes – Louanges

Prières – Hymnes – Louanges
L'œuvre La Vraie Vie en Dieu est un don inestimable fait par le Christ pour notre temps. C'est un rappel de la Parole de Dieu, une école de spiritualité. En lisant cette œuvre, nous nous mettons à l'école du Christ selon une pédagogie divine.
Chaque lecteur est amené progressivement à parcourir son propre chemin et à entrer en pleine communion avec Son Seigneur. C'est pour cette raison que ce livre de prières respecte la chronologie des Messages par lesquels le Christ Se révèle dans un cœur à Cœur au monde d'aujourd'hui.
Le texte original anglais est revêtu du Nihil obstat et de l'Imprimatur.

Guide pour les groupes de prière

Guide pour les groupes de prière
Proposition de prières, de méditations et de dévotions tirés des Messages
À utiliser dans les groupes de prière.

Jednota – Ctnost Lásky

Jednota – Ctnost Lásky
Tato kniha obsahuje výňatky z poselství Opravdový život v Bohu na téma jednoty Kristovy církve a představuje nám, jak Bůh pracuje pro dosažení skutečné jednoty křesťanů.

Záhada Vassula

Záhada Vassula
Křesťanské církve vždy uznávaly existenci soukromého zjevení, kdy Bůh promlouvá k duším, které obdařil mimořádnými charismaty. Stejně jako u mnoha známých mystiků, jakými byly např. sv. Kateřina Sienská nebo sv. Terezie z Avily, i dnes jsou spisy důsledkem tohoto způsobu Boží manifestace. Mezi ně patří i Opravdový život v Bohu od Vassuly, jehož vydávání začalo v roce 1990. Od té doby bylo toto dílo přeloženo do více než třiceti jazyků a dalo vzniknout širokému okruhu lidí, které toto dílo zajímá. I když žijeme v době, kdy jsou kostely téměř prázdné, Vassulu si přicházejí s nadšením poslechnout velké zástupy lidí, které zaplňují sály po celém světě.
Koho si tyto davy přicházejí poslechnout? Kdo je Vassula? Pod jakým vlivem se pustila do díla, o němž tvrdí, že jí ho diktuje Sám Bůh? Proč jsou někteří kněží přesvědčeni, že jde o autentické zjevení? Jak je to možné, že žena bez jakéhokoli teologického vzdělání napsala více než pět tisíc stran, jejichž obsah naprosto odpovídá tomu, co je napsáno v Písmu, Tradici i dílům nejučenějších teologů? Proč Vatikán katolíky před Vassulinou činností varoval?
Tato kniha chce aspoň na některé z těchto otázek odpovědět a nabídnout vysvětlení tohoto fenoménu. Byla napsána bez jakýchkoli pozitivních či negativních předsudků pouze na základě řady rozhovorů, které Vassula poskytla Jacquesu Neirynckovi. Jednoduše se snaží poskytnout čtenáři informace, na jejichž základě on pak může dojít k vlastním závěrům.
Autor Jacques Neirynck se narodil v roce 1931 v Bruselu a souběžně se věnoval dvěma profesím, jedné jako badatel a učitel, druhé jako novinář a spisovatel. Jeho vědecká kariéra ho přivedla na pozici profesora na Lovanské univerzitě v Kinshase, na Katolické univerzitě v Louvain a na Federální škole polytechniky v Lausanne. Pracoval také jako výzkumný pracovník, zejména pro výzkumnou laboratoř Philips v Bruselu. Jeho specializací je Teorie obvodů a systémů, což je odvětví matematiky aplikované na elektrické systémy. Založil vědecké nakladatelství Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, kde řídil vydání Pojednání o elektřině ve 22 svazcích, přeložené do několika jazyků.
Jeho novinářská kariéra ho přivedla k vydání několika stovek článků pro širokou čtenářskou veřejnost na téma vědy a techniky. Spolupracoval zejména s informačními publikacemi pro spotřebitele a také na televizních a rozhlasových pořadech. Je jedním z průkopníků Evropského spotřebitelského hnutí, které dnes působí v pěti zemích Evropské unie. Jako spisovatel vydal čtyři eseje a tři romány. V roce 1999 byl Jacques Neirynck zvolen poslancem švýcarského federálního parlamentu.