January 27, 1996
Yahweh, Father,
You spoke to me as an Abba, as a Friend,
I bless Your Name thrice Holy.
Your tenderness, embracing me,
revealed the Path of Life to me
and since then You built Your Palace and Your Dominion
inside my soul;
Yes, as tenderly as a father treats his children,
You treated me.
Like someone handling a fine porcelain with care,
You handled me.
You rose from Your Celestial Throne.
You rose and stepped out,
approaching me gently in Your Kingly air
and while You posed Your Finger on my lips,
You winked at me, producing a spring of joy in my heart!
Yahweh, my King, descended in my room;
clothed in fearful splendour, in majesty and glory,
my Creator and King spoke to me in simplicity,
leaving me utterly bewildered, speechless and in awe
because of His Paternal attitude.
You see? Yahweh, You are the Joy and the ravishment of my soul;
the delight of every hour of my day,
the Consolation, the Goodness of my heart.
Your Love, Yahweh, is like a Spring,
cascading over the mountains and into the valleys,
giving life even to the stones!
Holy One, take me, take me and hide me in Your Pillar of cloud,
away from the depths of this earth.
Hide me in Your cloud from disorder,
and as David once said, I too say:
«Without Yahweh’s help, I should, long ago,
have gone to the Home of Silence.» 1
Holy One, great are Your achievements in my daily life,
so come, O come Father,
can’t You see how my soul is craving for You?
Come and leave me, once again, spellbound.
you are the fruit of My Wealth …. delightful child, what is for Me to come into your room from the heavens? what is for Me to step down from My Throne and visit you? see? and what is for Me, My child, to fragrance you with My perfume? altogether it is nothing for Me; you heard Me knocking and you opened your door to Me; to converse with you delights Me; to visit you, sealing you every time with My Name, glorifies Me; to fragrance you with My Perfume establishes My Kingdom in you;
ah, Vassula, My company to you ravishes your soul, because all the words I whisper in your ear are life; accept My company and be ever at joy in My Presence, delighting to be with your Creator and Father of all; Wisdom is for children, so come to Me as a child, even at play2 in My Presence; are you afraid My Words will scandalise?
I am sure they will for some!
every man judges from the store of his heart; all My Words I say are right and will be heard straightforwardly by him who understands; delightful to the simple and to the pure of heart, but to the jackals a scandal and an offence; never give the devil a foothold by your rationalistic spirit; grow not on illusions, but let your foundation grow in My Spirit; build your edifice in My Holy Spirit in whom you will be renewed;
come and learn: however invisible I might appear, I am to be found all around you and in things I have made; he who lives for Me will live with Me; he who loves his neighbour has already overcome the world and is well in the same footprints of My Son, Jesus Christ, and on his way to My Kingdom; yes, anyone who lives in love lives a True Life in Me;
I am your Father before your earthly father; I have fathered3 you before your father of flesh; bind yourself to Me so that you do not lose Me from your sight and dishonour yourself; obey My principles but with a heart and not a rock; resolve to do right for the rest of your life but with a taste of joy; resolve to put an end to stifling My Holy Spirit of Grace around you so that you, too, can draw your breath in Him;
man! born of woman, honour The Woman adorned with the sun! feeble man! find your comfort in Her embrace and in those same arms that carried My Son through the desert into Egypt; honour the Mother who honoured Me with Her graciousness; why, have I not highly favoured Her? I have done great things for the Woman clothed with the sun, so that from that day forward, when My Spirit covered Her, all generations would call Her Blessed; shame and dishonour are the lot who stopped honouring Her; I take no pleasure in your comments combined with sneers on the Woman so highly favoured by Me and to each I will pay his due;
humble your spirit, humble it even more now and abstain from making faces when it comes to entreat Her intercession; who tells you that I shall not listen to Her? has your Mother not interceded in Cana? these signs were performed so that your spirit may understand what your spirit rejects today; 4 this sign was meant for all ages to come; the Woman adorned with the sun, adorned with My Holy Spirit, thrice Holy and who fills the world, ranks as Mother of God;
come, My daughter, do your best and I shall do the rest; Yahweh in His glory blesses you; let your fruits increase; 5
flame of My Son’s Eyes, remember, you are not alone; I am with you;