March 2, 1993
peace be with you;
every minute of your life consecrate for Me, the Sacred Heart, today; My Vassula, I tell you: live as though it is your last day on earth; you must do everything you can to live holy; any infringement of My Law from your part will be a horror in My Eyes! have you understood, My Vassula, a horror …. subject to sin, do not ever abandon My rules;
every offering given with love to Me will be used for the salvation of souls; subject to weakness, lean on Me and trust in My Eternal Power; be rooted in My Sacred Heart to obtain strength and light; look, have I not favoured you to reveal My Face to you and to show all the Treasures of My Sacred Heart? this Glory of My Church? and by revealing My Face to you I have revealed It to millions of others; Jesus is My Name and you are Mine, forever, and now I will name you after My Passion: Vassula-of Jesus’ Passion; and now, Vassula-of-My-Passion, pray with Me for this time of Lent is going to be heavy on Me;
address yourself to the Father and say after Me these words:
Eternal Father,
may Your Name be hallowed,
to know You is eternal Life,
to know You is to know the Truth,
Father of all Wisdom,
sanctify me with Your Holy Spirit
so that my heart will utter
sayings full of wisdom;
Unique and Perfect,
Source of Sublime Love,
Your Majesty, ravish my heart
to praise You night and day;
Fountain of Myrrh and Aloes,
fragrance my wretched soul
with Your delicate fragrance
so that when I meet
My King and Your Beloved Son,
He will not turn His Eyes away from me;
to know You is to be in Your Light,
this Light which will show me the Way
and draw me in Your Beloved Son’s Footsteps;
Well of Living Water, come,
come and immerse me your child
in Your Stream that flows profusely
out of Your Sanctuary;
O God! I love You to tears!
let my wretched soul long for
all that is Holy,
let my soul taste Your Tenderness,
Yahweh, You are my God,
I praise Your Name,
for You have looked upon my wretched soul
and filled it with the brightness of Your Glory;
my heart sings to You Father,
my spirit rejoices in Your Spirit;
O God, my Father,
allow my soul to succumb in Your Loving Arms
by setting Your Seal on my heart
so that my love for You
becomes stronger than Death itself; amen;
be like a spring, My child, to water arid lands;
God Almighty,
allow my soul to take root in You.
I have found true Peace in You, Father.
Yahweh, my Lord,
Sovereign from the beginning;
evening, morning, noon I love, I thirst
for the Holy One whose Finger touched my heart
and with a single one of His Glances ravished my heart.
Lord, I stand before You now, pitiful to look at,
prisoner still of this wilderness,
come to my side, for so many persecutors ransom me ….
be like a tree that is planted by water springs, unattended you are not; I Myself am Your Keeper;
Loudly I cry to my Saviour now,
Jesus! Sacred Heart!
You who have plunged my soul in a baptism of Love,
do not let my soul fail You!
I am your Keeper too; 1 I am known to defend the poorest and save them from their oppressors, to you My Cup I have passed to drink it with Me …. do you know why I have come to you? do not be afraid, peace be with you; I have come to you to pour out on this generation, through you, My Infinite Love;
I have also come to remind you that the Prince of Peace is coming; by the road He had left He shall return; that I will come is as certain as the dawn; I have also come to tell everyone what is written in the Book of Truth, 2 and explain to you in simple words what you have not understood;
My Father favoured you to bear with Me the Cross of Unity and Reconciliation and cross this desert with Me, side by side; the Almighty has done great things for you; I will make My Voice be heard everywhere in spite of the oppositions;
listen, Vassiliki, on account of the impressive wounds done to you by your accusers, who in reality are My accusers, your compensation will be great in heaven; I cannot spare you that favour; 3 My Justice will rise at its peak with these traders, 4 for indeed they are those traders who apostatised My Church, they have traded the Truth for a Lie;
My Eyes see everything and My Ears hear everything; I have seen horrors in My sanctuary by those very ones who accuse you; pray for their souls, My child; deceit is their principle of behaviour; oh no, they have not reconciled; they never pause to consider that I know about all their wickedness! their hearts are blazing like a fierce flame in the excitement of their plot to consume you together with My Messages; they conspire together; 5 it is, daughter, only self-interest that makes them want to drown My Voice that comes through you! fraud and oppression fill their mouth; they may bend their bow and take aim at you, but the weapons they prepared will kill them one after the other unless they repent and make peace with Me;
I tell these traders: «your wealth will be seized …. and, dressed in terror, you will sit on the ground naked; if you renounce all the sins you have committed, you will be forgiven; there is not much time left! abstain from doing evil and return to Me; why are you so anxious to die Trader? I take no pleasure in abasing you, you who come from My House — repent and you shall live! the Hand of the Father is held out in blessing over all who seek Him, Trader; fast plead with the Father for His favour and He will listen»;
and you, daughter, I tell you: stand firm, be strong and continue to be My Echo; be like a double-edged sword and proclaim My Message with force and zeal; pray for the conversion of the world with your heart so that the nations recognise the Tenderness of My Holy Spirit; let them see My Love, My Peace, My Patience, My Mercy, and My Fidelity through these Messages; be fearless and have in mind that I am with you and before you; embrace My Cross which will lead you to heaven; enliven My Church and delight My Soul;
go in peace and do your other minor duties; invite Me to share them with you; I Jesus bless you; bless Me and praise Me;
Blessed be the Lord. Praised be the Lord Jesus.