The 27 Questions

Are you ready to become a witness for the Messages of True Life in God? The questions below are for your preparation to become a witneess in your country or area. These questions were designed by Vassula through the inspiration of the Lord. The answers to these questions contain, not more or less, all that you should know in order to properly witness.

Jesus says … I have commanded you to speak in My Name and proclaim without fear and with clarity all that I have been teaching you; I have set afire your soul to go forward and witness with ardour, enflaming other hearts to know Me; (Oct 6, 1999)

  1. What is the first step for us to do so that the Holy Spirit invades our soul with His light?
  2. Many of the souls today are arid like a desert, so how would our soul be transfigured to look like to glorify God?
  3. What are the two steps to take that the Father taught us in the beginning, of how to approach Him, that will make Him stand up from His Throne, put aside His crown and run to us?
  4. How does Jesus describe the Father? Only a few words are needed.
  5. How are we described by God as coming from the Father?
  6. What is it that the Father above all asks from us?
  7. What is the Will of the Father?
  8. What does the term, „to walk with God” mean?
  9. What is the biggest service one can render to God?
  10. What is the unceasing prayer?
  11. What is the meaning of „True life in God?”
  12. Can you explain what is the prayer of the heart?
  13. Can you explain what equality of love means, when Jesus asks us to give equality of love?
  14. What is the meaning of being „gods by participation”?
  15. Can we be deified or divinised while we are still here on earth?
  16. What do we have to do so that we are deified or divinised?
  17. What does the term „rule with God” mean and can one, while still on earth, rule with Him?
  18. Can you explain what the second Pentecost means?
  19. Can you explain the meaning of the New Heavens and the New Earth as well as the New Jerusalem?
  20. Jesus speaks of the treasures of His Sacred Heart, so what is the greatest treasure one can obtain from God? In the messages He speaks of some but emphasizes one in particular.
  21. Choose 5 lines that is given to us on describing the Holy Spirit or His action in us and the Church.
  22. What does the Cross represent to you? Jesus describes it.
  23. Jesus speaks of two keys that will unite the Church. What are those two keys?
  24. What is the unity Jesus repeats in His messages? What is unity for you?
  25. Give me just 5 line on how Jesus describes our Blessed Mother.
  26. What is the greatest virtue of all?
  27. Last but not least: what is the first thing God asks from all of us to do?

So, you have tried to answer on your own? Now you can check them against Vassula’s answers.