„…Celebrate annually the date of today where I brought you and so many others to come into My Heart and discover those innumerable treasures I kept for your times; keep this day in mind…” (November 28, 1995)
Dear Readers,
Spend an hour today or this week in prayer and adoration to the Lord for the TLIG worldwide apostolate. In celebration of our anniversary let all of us give thanks to God and feel thanks in our heart for Vassula’s faithfulness all these years to the call she received.
Yes, many prayer groups all over the world will celebrate the anniversary with cakes and special prayers. Whether or not it be with our prayer groups, let us today say at least one prayer for unifying the dates of Easter, one prayer for Vassula and her family, and one prayer for all the volunteers who work so hard all over the world.
On this 33rd year anniversary of True Life in God, we remember that Jesus Christ’s earthly life lasted 33 years. As we see in the above message, at the 10th year anniversary Jesus encourages Vassula (1995). A year later, at the 11th year anniversary, she receives a confirmation of Jesus Christ’s intimacy (1996). At the 24th year anniversary, in 2009, Jesus Christ tells us of His pain at watching the collapse of this generation and then reiterates, at the 30th year anniversary, that He has asked this generation to repent (2015). Finally, in the newest anniversary message (2016), Jesus Christ proclaims Himself as the King and Master.
Jesus tells Vassula:
„…I will continue keeping you in My Royal Banquet Hall and with My Own Hand I will be nourishing you under the eyes of your oppressors; tasting the Love I have for you so that you may say:
feed me with Your Bread, restore me,
Your Love inebriates me, lifts me,
and allows me to rest on Your Heart
and hold You fast;
Your Presence, my Lord and King
is like a Column of incense,
priceless in its fragrance;
Bridegroom of Your creation,
for how long will You keep Your Face hidden behind Your Veil?
do not keep me waiting,
since my longed-for wish to lift Your Veil is apparent
to discover Your Divinity;
draw me always in Your Footsteps,
O Prince of the Universe!
Your Royal Sceptre my guiding staff;
I still lack the Knowledge of Wisdom,
teach me to apply my heart to Your Will
and my ear to Your Wisdom;
in Your smiles now, You are offering me Wine to drink
from Your Mystical Cup, inebriating me to distraction;
how smooth is Its flow!
King of kings, robed in Majesty, Master of all power,
let me stay in Your Royal Banquet Hall forever,
taking shelter under Your Wings;”
(TLIG Messages, November 28, 2016)