Written on Dec 7, 2006 to all the readers of TLIG that are working to spread the Messages
Dear friends of TLIG,
As we are arriving at the end of this year I would like to take up once more the subject of Evangelization and Prayer groups.
By reading the reports coming in to Otfried, one could tell from what he receives that there are not many countries that follow what I had proposed to them through what Jesus made me understand He wants, but invariably we keep receiving from the same countries and by the same people their reports (which are good) but not from all the 85 countries that I witnessed in!
Many countries have never responded at all! In fact, many of TLIG people who always never miss any of our pilgrimages do not respond to emails, but oblige people to send reminders after reminders which, in my point of view, shows a lack of courtesy, and also shows a certain indifference and disrespect. How then do we expect to make any progress?
To start with, what TLIG needs to follow now are the following points:
- Find out and list alphabetically all 67 countries I went to.
- Find out where and how many prayer groups are in the 67 countries through our prayer team. This is the task of the prayer group; so this team should try and find out please the whereabouts of all the prayer groups and if some have closed down and if others were created, also if an Association is existing in their country as well.
- After discovering why witnesses are not being invited, on a monthly basis as proposed, I understood that it is a question of not only initiative, but also of funds. What happened to my suggestion of a monthly donation (even a dollar) in a „shoe box” from people who are in the TLIG prayer groups? What happened to the Organizers who named themselves a few years back? Why is not anyone anymore going through the 27 questions and pass the test with a tape as well to become a witness? (If anyone wants to do this, he will have to be in contact please with Otfried.) We must not have any block that would prevent us from bringing in witnesses.
- A lot of our witnesses who had passed the test remain idle because no one seems to invite them.
- I also discovered that some of the people who follow our prayer groups do not read or hardly read the messages!! A lot of them say it is too much (long) others say they open at random and read here and there and so on. You know what, I would feel ashamed… I suggest that in each prayer group someone asks that question to each one who is there and advises those who do not yet know the messages to read and obtain sanctifying graces and bloom in front of Jesus.
- If they say they read when this question would be asked, they should then be encouraged to pass the 27 questions and do a tape and become a witness.
- We know that to bring a witness in from abroad costs money and that is why today I am proposing that people who read the messages and know them come as candidates to witness. Others, who know the messages but not enough, perhaps should study the messages enough and see more videos of my witnessing to become a witness themselves in their own country. In this manner many of the prayer groups and organizers would not need to bring someone from abroad but have their own witnesses.
- Here I will be daring: I NEED AT LEAST 67 MORE WITNESSES. I have been in 67 countries, and this is why I hope that in each of these countries who received me they would have their witnesses…we have very few witnesses who as I said before, are not invited either. We need to roll up our sleeves and work for Christ! We need to spread a lot more His messages and let people know of the books.
- Any person who is involved in some work of TLIG but DOES NOT BELONG to a TLIG prayer group should reconsider and join one or create one, otherwise they would be resembling only as administrators. If you know of anyone like this, please encourage them to join a prayer group, or create one.
See the list of countries that Vassula has witnessed in
See list of Associations and Country Contacts
If someone would like to register their Association or be listed as a country contact, please send and email to: [email protected]
If you would like to register your prayer groups, please send an email to the Prayer Groups Team: [email protected]
For more information on becoming a witness or to organize a meeting, refer online to Resources for Witnesses and Organisers
Refer online for how to invite a witness
To find a prayer group near you, contact your country contact or association or send an email to the prayer groups team ([email protected])
I want to mention too that I have parted the USA in 6 parts despite the unnecessary difficulties that were put in my way. They are all linked to their Association. They are called Chapters, or Regions. I have selected responsible people for each section who will deal to evangelize and to promote prayer groups in their specific region. So far they are doing well and eventually the flow of the messages in the USA will become better. In these new regions the people who are responsible should always inform regularly Brother Otfried ([email protected]) and Zigmas Kungys ([email protected]) of their evangelization and also the prayer group team when they open a new prayer group! This team should be aware of it. The prayer group team ([email protected]) should have by now a list of the existing prayer groups that are around the world. Now and then they should write articles either in our newsletter or in our website reminding people to announce any new prayer group that comes around. It goes without saying that ALL websites of TLIG should know about these things.
I also want to let people know that after my passage in Canada I have done the same system as the USA. I have parted Canada into 7 regions. Toula knows the map of the regions and knows the people who would be responsible to create prayer groups and to start the program of evangelizing . We have many new volunteers. I have informed Mark Jordan of several points which are guidelines of how to evangelize those two vast countries, but I believe that each country should have those guidelines as well that I gave to Mark Jordan. Please ask him to send you those guidelines and what is expected to do to promote TLIG.
Please refer online for the evangelization and regionalizing guidelines that Vassula is referring to.
Ahead of us lie difficult days,; we need not waste time to evangelize. The Church needs you and needs more than ever the messages of our Lord.
Please start immediately this work with the blessings of our Lord.
In Christ,
Dec 7, 2006
See also compiled information for witnesses and organizers.