October 22, 1996

My Lord,
Watchman of my soul,
Guardian of my heart, Salvation of my spirit,
Come and burn to the root in me all that is not You;
Pass through me to revive what is dead;

Ruler of Kindness, Justice and Integrity,
speak to me, Your daughter!

daughter of My Church, if you remain obedient to My Church, you will not fail Me …. confess your sins often, admitting you are a sinner, so that the Viper, the father of lies, will be unable to deceive you …. in your repentance you will always produce the appropriate fruit: the fruit of love, so come and grow in My love …. come now and write My Message:

I tell you solemnly, the man who will thrust himself voluntarily at the Beast’s feet, worshipping him and accepting his kingdoms of the world, will be cast into the fires of hell; I want you to pray for these souls, daughter, for they are as precious as you are to Me; see, daughter, although they are your enemies, you must pray for them to be delivered; they do not realise that making the world their friend is making Me, their God, their enemy, this is why My Law, My precepts and My Tradition do not appeal to them ….

when I was led by the Spirit out in the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and the devil showed Me from a very high mountain all the kingdoms of the world, offering them all to Me if I worshipped him, I replied: „be gone Satan! for Scriptures say: ‘you must worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone;'”

today, to My great sorrow, a huge population from every country is being drawn to worship the Beast and he has become for them their ruler and their god, for they have accepted his kingdoms and their luxury; they have become the traders of the earth; yes! they have set their hearts on the fruits of the world; deceived by Satan, they promote error, obsessed with their sins, they promote liberalism and the like, defying the Truth and the Tradition of My Church; the Lie is defying the Truth ….

so I want you to pray for them, daughter, for I love them too; pray, for they are under the influence of evil forces; these dark powers of the underworld are deluding them and interfering in their priestly ministry … these evil powers of hell are after My consecrated souls to draw them to believe what is untrue; you are well aware of the depths of My Wounds and I have let you know how much I suffer by trickling from your eyes tears of blood; 1 how could I not suffer when I see My very Own, whom I love dearly, be so utterly deceived and accepting this deadly poison …. this is why I am telling you with insistence: pray for them, and regard them as brothers to you who need correction;

today this deadly poison is affecting My consecrated souls; this is the smoke that penetrated into My Sanctuary; they are breaking the Law of My Church2 and their sin will condemn them unless they repent; now they are the gangrene of My Body who listen to My Word but do not obey it; nobody can imagine them irreligious when you see them, but you will always know them by their fruit which is: disobedience;

– disobedience to this3 Law of My Church,
– disobedience to the Vicar of My Church,
– disobedience to the Tradition of My Church,
– disobedience to My entire Law;

frantic persecutors of My messengers who reveal them and their plans to the entire world, promoters of liberalism; persecutors of My Abels4 who oppose them and who instruct My lambs in virtue, defending My Law; these5 are of whom Scriptures say: „these are the ones who have kept their virginity6 and not been defiled with women; they follow the Lamb wherever He goes; they have been redeemed from amongst men to be the first-fruits for God and for the Lamb; they never allowed a lie to pass their lips and no fault can be found in them;” 7 „they are the learned who supply to My lambs truthfulness and who shine as brightly as the vault of heaven, and as bright as stars for all eternity;” 8

those who produce the fruit of disobedience are a living abomination in My Eyes and a condemnation of the way they disobey the Law given by My Church …. alas, for that Day! alas, for My Day, which is drawing near, it will be a day of great sorrow that day; for the unlawful it will be terror, since they had put Me, their Lord, to the test; but I tell you, the supporters of the Beast will fall together with their pride and power and everything they have will crumble into dust;

why have they not listened to Me when I said this parable to the people? the parable of the wicked husbandmen; 9 the scribes and the chief priests who were there, listening to Me, got annoyed at once and if it were not that they feared the people, they would have laid their hands on Me; today still I have tenants who are in My Vineyard10 who act like the wicked husbandmen towards those I am sending to them, not only do they mistreat them but they would be ready to sell My Blood too; 11 O what sorrow, daughter what agony to see them pose as men devoted to My Law, but I, who read in their heart, know the contents of their heart ….

have they looked who is standing outside their door knocking? and yet whom they allowed to sit at table next to them and share their meal? they allowed those evil forces to dine with them and sit side by side at table with them; have they not read: „it was the stone rejected by the builders that became the keystone;” with this, I tell you12 again, that the day you will fall on that stone you will be dashed to pieces; anyone it falls on will be crushed;

and you, daughter of My Church, even if the evil powers and all hell are working through them against you, it is because they realised you are a danger to them and that My Messages regarding the Beast of John’s Revelation13 are aimed at them; yes, you have become a menace to all these dark powers and Satan will go as far as to put even nature against you; this powerful enemy is at your heels, 14 but do not fear, My Holy Spirit living in you is far greater and much more powerful than all hell put together; so, go and fill all the nations with My Words;

let Me remind you, dearest soul, that I have brought you up to tear up iniquity and unsettle and upset every evil spirit you encounter on your way or in the cities you go to witness, so do not be surprised when these powers of hell join forces together to try and prevent you from exercising your prophetic ministry; these attacks are bound to come your way as soon as they realise you are well on your way to disturb them and uproot many of them; you have indeed become a menace and the prime concern to the devil because you do not only carry My Word, which is holy and sanctifies you, but also the power of My Holy Spirit who lives in you terrifies them, because My Holy Spirit gives the world the utter conviction that you come from Me, the Christ ….

I have also brought you up to help build up the ruins of My Sanctuary and to plant in this desert, so do not fear, „lo tedhal”, 15 I have already promised you that we shall finish your mission hand in hand with success and with victory;

I have formed you strong, to be able to face this powerful enemy; I have given you the Spirit of Fortitude so that you proclaim My Word and My Tradition thrice blessed, to the utmost capacity, and the power that graciously descends from My Spirit will give you utterance; My Spirit will be your strength so that you carry the crosses with courage till the end; so let My Word strike through you and pierce all the kingdoms of the world, dragging them all down to destruction;

yes! I shall continue to use you against those evil powers through My Spirit of Fortitude and even, in this battle, when from time to time, you will be drenched with blood by their vicious attacks, My Mother and I will uphold you; the destructive scourge would not catch you; I, the Christ, will walk before you, so that with My Sceptre I may point out to you the traitors of My Church who need your prayers;

I will encourage you to pursue the sinners, the great and the proud, the hypocrites, the rebels and the lofty speakers; with My Cross in one hand and the rosary in the other, you are to shatter the heresies and build Truth and Faithfulness in their place; I will continue to set you at large so that you may crown Me with your fruit;

16 O slaves of the Beast! can you not see how he17 is leading you slowly and slyly to your destruction? 18 but, plot though you do to harm My Church and weave your plan as you may, you cannot and will not triumph, I will be triumphant in the end; I have already unmasked to the nations part of your plan, and the day the Rebel will appear, „that day you19 appear, I will unmask to the nations your entire plan of destruction; I will reveal to the entire world the intentions of your heart ….”

go now and remind My children, that I am their Rock and I will never fail them; I have solemnly warned them previously and I will persistently keep warning them;

remain always faithful to Me and to the Tradition of the Church, remain faithful to the Institution of My Eucharist, recognising Me in My Body; remain faithful to the teachings of this Pope which are sound because they are founded in the Truth; I am the Truth; My little children, do not stray away from the Truth, remain in the Truth; by remaining in the Truth you will remain in Me;

Your Eyes, my Lord, are turned on the sinful kingdoms of the world, to wipe away each one of them from the surface of the earth. But will there be forgiveness to those who were tempted?

if they will repent, acknowledging their sin, and swear loyalty in front of My Throne, I will remember the oath that they made with Me when they were ordained and I will pardon them with all My Heart; come, do not forget to pray for these souls ….

come; in your persecutions, My Father in heaven blesses you, to remain firm; in your hardships, I am by your side to sustain you; in times of danger, 20 My Holy Spirit is your Guide and your Protector; so proclaim My Message with faith and courage; I am a gentle God who loves you, and remember, consolation is to be found in Me! Ic;

1 Manifestation that only a few saw on me while I was praying in the Dublin Conference of October 19, 1996.

2 AAS, 73/1981 pp. 240-241. (Editor’s Note: this refers to the ‘Declaration on Catholic Membership in Masonic Associations’ issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.)

3 Ibid.

4 Consecrated souls who please our Lord.

5 The Abels.

6 Virginity stands for faithfulness.

10 The Church.

11 Jesus means, abolish His Perpetual Sacrifice.

12 Followers of the Beast.

14 It means, running after me.

15 In His own language, Aramaic, „do not fear”.

16 Then Jesus turned to cry out after the followers of the Beast.

17 The Beast.

18 I felt Jesus’ pain and how in spite of their fault He loved them dearly.

19 Jesus speaks to the Rebel.

20 I understood it as ‘times of temptations’.