December 13, 1995

With great frenzy they are trying to wall me in.
They want to shut my prayers to You.
They have distorted Your words
and now they are determined to obstruct my path.

My Vassula, peace be with you; have I not predicted this from the beginning so that you may know it? do not be tempted to produce your own defence; your witnesses will defend you; their works of siege are nothingness; trust Me; soon you will have to depart …. as for the walls they are building to wall you in, My Spirit will blow them down; and I will show My Glory through you if you remain faithful to Me; now they say: „ah …. now we have swallowed her up;” what they do not know and they do not observe is My Wisdom;

as for you, My child, dwell in perpetual discipline towards My Church and you will enjoy My favour; in these days, I have revealed to My Church, through you, the Evil one’s plans; so, aflame with anger, Satan, who is the prince of this world, is well on his way to overpower all My Works; he was a murderer from the beginning, and his aim is especially on My sacerdotal souls; he roams around to steal and bring to damnation My very Own …. it is in My power to reverse your situation, Vassula, but as you know, a servant is not greater than his master; I am your Master and since the authorities persecuted your Master, I allow them to persecute you, too;

but „lo tedhal” 1 I am with you; I am going to be your drink, your food, your rest, your peace and your joy; see? pray and adore Me; pray and follow Me; ic;

1 ‘Do not fear’ in Aramaic.