May 29, 1995
(Holy Land – Galilee)
(Late at night in Galilee.)
I said:
„I will go to my Lord’s territory and seek His Face.”
My heart has said of You:
„Seek His Face and enjoy the sweetness of His smile,
answer His Call, answer His Call to His Land.”
My Lord, King!
Joy of my heart; Spring of my soul,
my heart exults in Your Presence
and my soul rejoices in Your abundant Love!
My only Love, come and display Your marvellous kindness
in this tormented nation;
Your Presence will bring them Hope;
Your Eyes are known to be fixed on what is right,
and Your judgement is true.
Joy of my heart, are You around
or are You hiding from me?
are you listening to this ever so faint appeal?
My Vassula, do you know that My Eyes never stopped following you from the moment you were born? I Am all1 (yes!) the time with you and (yes!) present! ….. 2 come, just a small prayer; 3 say:
blessed be Your Name,
O You who hear my prayer!
blessed are You, my Lord,
who removed my soul from the pit,
You have looked upon me from the heights
and humbled my soul
(from my mother’s womb with fasting;) 4
blessed be Your Graciousness
who drew me in Your Heart
to save me and set me free;
God, You are my salvation,
my riches, my sight and my life,
You who daily enchant my soul
and rejoice my heart with Your Presence,
allow Me to profit from Your Presence:
peace, integrity, love and a spirit of forgiveness,
let every fibre of my heart proclaim with love Your Glory;
hear my prayer
now that I am Your passing guest in Your country
and answer me;
…. this is all; let My other guests5 too, whom I bless, read this prayer; all I ask is: love – love – love!
Jesus is My Name; ic;
(I was called to witness in Ramallah, Bir Zeit, Bethlehem and Jifna.)