March 1, 1993
when Your words came to me, I devoured them:
Your word is my delight
and the joy of my heart;
for I was called by Your Name,
Yahweh, God Almighty” 1
I had my eyes veiled and I did not see You
nor Your Splendour nor Your Glory.
Suddenly, in the deepest depths of my obscurity, a Light shone!
Stupefied and stunned by Its brightness, I staggered,
and the spirit of lethargy encamping my soul,
overwhelmed by Your Spirit,
ceased breathing in me.
I saw You standing there, silent ….
and it was as if I knew You, Beloved.
Then, You opened Your Lips, a Name was given me,
and instantly the memory of my soul was restored;
the veil from my eyes dropped
and I found my soul succumbing into my Father’s Arms;
O God! How Precious You are to me!
I am Holy;
I said: I shall cleanse you and give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I shall remove the spirit of lethargy from your soul and put My Spirit in you; on that day I swore to make you Mine; I swore to heal you and like a tree, bear fruit for My people; I swore to fill the starved and every mouth; yes! I swore to come to you, and turn to you to till you and sow in your Nothingness, My Glory;
and now I, God, encamped your soul forever; so prophesy without fear; go to the dry bones and I will give them flesh, I will give them breath to praise Me and glorify Me; yes, I will breathe on the dead so that they live and shout: „who is like unto God?” I will remind them that greater love than their Creator’s they shall not find;