September 11, 1992
peace be with you;
daughter, what I shall ask from you today are the following:
– deny yourself longer from food;
– rest when you must and do not save your rosary for midnight!
– go to confession more often; do not say yes and then not do it; it is better to say, „I will try to please you, Lord”!
your King is aware of your capacity, the depth of your wretchedness and your amazing weakness; pupil, your Teacher will not deny you of His Light, He will give you enough Light to grow and follow the footprints of your Teacher and what awaited the Teacher will await the pupil; have I not said, „the disciple is not superior than his teacher, nor the slave to his master; it is enough for the disciple that he should grow to be like his teacher and the slave like his master; if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, what will they not say of his household?”; 1 if My own relatives believed I was out of My Mind, 2 what would you not hear then from only your friends? come, embrace My Cross and learn from your Master;
My Soul rejoices every time I hear you pray;