July 10, 1992
(Villeneuve, Switzerland)
„There in front of the throne they were singing a new hymn in the presence of the four animals and the elders, a hymn that could only be learnt by the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the world.” 1
I Am; I am speaking, so do not doubt; Vassula of My Sacred Heart, allow Me to write a few lines for this afternoon;
dearest friends, I have come all the way from heaven to sing to you My New Hymn of Love, and remind you all of My faithful Love;
I am your best friend,
your dearest Holy Companion;
all along I have been by your side, and although I have been many times ignored I remained with you to make you feel My Presence; every time you were about to rebel against Me, I, the Lord, full of Compassion, grasped you by the right hand to draw you in My Heart and show you My Infinite Love; blessed of My Soul! alone you are not; I am always with you to console you and guard you as one guards the pupil of his eye; do not say: „there is darkness all around me,” I am near you to lead you out of this darkness; you need only to say: „come Lord!” and I shall be flying to you, My child;
day and night I am waiting for your abandonment, do not delay; abandon yourselves entirely to Me so that you may be able to be in My Light; if you love Me you will allow Me to do what I think best for you; do not fear, offer Me your heart and I shall place it into My Sacred Heart to consume it; if you love Me as you say, you will sing to the nations My new Hymn of Love, to glorify Me and raise a new life for each soul;
My Heart to you I have offered, will you offer Me yours in turn? Love is by your side and with the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads, I bless you and your families; be one;
(Our Blessed Mother.)
I am by your side to console you, but I too, who am your Mother, need your consolation for great is the anxiety of My Heart; many of My children are rebelling against the Most High; I need your prayers; offer Me your prayers for My intentions;
Vassula, tell them to live as children of God;