August 4, 1991


when the time comes for Your visitation, will we be ready?
No one knows the hidden things You have,
yet how many will continue
to press their persecutions on Your message?
They twist what You say;
all they think of is how to prove to the world
that these messages are diabolical,
New Age (sect), or from an evil spirit;
but my Yahweh whom I adore,
I intend, with Your Strength
to „pay You my thank-offerings,
for You have rescued me from Death
to walk in Your presence” 1

fragrance of Mine, lean on Me; hear Me: shout! shout to the nations without fear:

repent! for the Time of Mercy is almost over; change your lives and live holy, sacrifice and amend your lives before the Coming of the Lord;

pray, pray for those who suppress My Spirit, pray for those who speak of unity but stretch a net for those who practise it; I shall ask their accounts in the day of Judgement, because I have called and no one would answer; I have spoken openly, yet no one listened; the House I am rebuilding with the price of My martyr saints’ blood, they keep tearing down; pray for the Peace of My House, peace between brothers, sincerity in the heart, lowliness and love, then … unity will blossom in each heart … and My Holy City, Jerusalem, will in one united whole, glorify Me;

ah, Vassula, nothing is in vain; My Work that keeps you up late at nights will not go in waste; My word shall reach the ends of this world;

be reassured, My child; I, Jesus Christ, your Mother, the saints and your guardian angel are all beside you; do not fear, your Abba is your Strength and your Shelter; you are very precious to Me, My child;