February 14, 1991

peace be with you;

flower, love Me; sanctity does not come in one day; abandon yourself entirely to Me; adore Me and love Me and I shall do the rest; do not sleep; soul, your sins are numerous, and so are the wounds you give Me; each time you sin it comes on Me, as a stroke, or a scourge, or a hole in My Body by a nail; why, Vassula? why? I, who revealed to you My Holy Face, have I revealed to you My Face to be struck? and have I shown you the Wound of My Heart so you would pierce It more? on earth there is no one to be found more wretched than you are! O what a wretch! do not go now, sit and hear what I have to say; had it not been for My Infinite Mercy, the Father’s Justice would have struck you and you would have withered instantly; have I taught you to sin? where are the offerings you owe Me? where are the sacrifices you promised Me, soul? why have you been neglecting Me? Lent is here; Lent will bring My Passion back to you, yet you are neither ready nor prepared; I filled you with Celestial food to grow in My Light and become a vessel of light, I made you Mine, and with everlasting Love I have risen you from the pit to become My bride in My Presence and the presence of My angels for ever, yet your eyelids, heavy with sleep, took the best out of you; O My Vassula! if only you knew how I, the Lord, love you! I am thirsty for love;

I know, dear child, that the times you are living in are evil but have I not made you discern good from evil? and now My Territory’s soil is growing coarse again; tell Me, was it by your efforts you saw the Light? No, I toiled1 in you; to maintain you in My Light I poured on you grace after grace; I treated you not as your sins deserved, I treated you as I never ever treated a soul before; I gave Love for apathy; Tenderness for unholiness; Mercy for wretchedness; yes, I showed My Holy Face to sin; I treated you as I treat the jewels2 of My Heart; I prayed for you to the Father, Vassula, so that He remembers My Sacrifice and thus spares you,

O God, I did not want to hurt You nor anger You!

I am constant in My affection, flower; and My Love for you is everlasting; learn from Me; be constant; come, I want you in My Presence, perfect! I want your soul to be like a watered garden filled with My Dew and exhaling a delicate fragrance so that My Soul delights in you;

Vassula, are you willing to do My Will?

I am willing to do Your Will, but I only seem to be doing the opposite, Lord …

I shall help you carry on My work; leave everything in My Hands; O My child, subject to sin, you are, but come to Me, shed those scales from your eyes and behold who is standing in front of you … I Am is face to face with you! speaking and offering you in His Hand, His Heart; do you want this Heart of your God? take It, I am offering It to you, soul; stretch out your hands to receive My Heart;

I’m not worthy of Your Love, Lord …

I know, but no one is worthy of My Love, and this is how I come to you all today; I come to you all with My Heart in My Hand; do not say: „I have sinned,” and refuse It; I tell you: My Great Mercy has forgiven you, so come, come and take this Heart which loves you; have you not heard that My forbearance is long? My Compassion is great; come, do not put Me off day after day; from now on, daughter, I want you to be faithful in your convictions and sincere towards Me;

concentrate on My Holy Presence; I am never absent; it is you who dim the light in your eyes from the accumulation of your sins and the impurities of your soul absorbs every day to the point that you turn blind; the light of your body is your eye, when your eye is sound, your whole body too is filled with light, but when it is diseased your body too will be all darkness, 3 and in your darkness, with the light of your eyes dimmed, you cannot see Me, but I, I am never absent;

Vassula, today I have spoken to you plainly, out of Love; since you are more apt to rebellion and to sin, than what is holy, I shall allow Myself to speak to you plainly in My jealous Love; do not imagine that My jealous Love can be easily put aside; oh no, when I open My Mouth, it is for your salvation that I speak, not for your condemnation; allow Me to reprove you out of My Love, now and then;

1 God means, he worked in me.
2 Jewels: perfect souls.