January 8, 1991

(Our Holy Mother’s Message for the prayer group, for January 19, 1991.)

peace be with you, my beloved children;

I am inviting you all today to pray for Unity; to unite you must love, to unite you must be humble and obedient; do not let anyone lead you astray by other doctrines; remain faithful and you shall not stumble; today, the lands do not yield happiness nor virtue, because your generation has deserted the Lord; the outcoming of this is sin; happy the man who has been sheltered from it; had your generation walked in the way of God you would have lived in peace;

O children! I am calling to you; My cries go out to all nations; the dead1 cannot hear nor praise the Lord, but you, you who are attentive to My calls, praise the Lord, glorify the Lord with your love, with your faith and with your hope; heaven belongs to you, My child, so I beg you, you who have a mouth, speak to the Lord and bless Him; you who have eyes, look at His Beauty; take more of your time to contemplate His Wounds, the Wounds which were given Him for your salvation; you who have ears, hear Our supplications; you who have a heart, love the Lord, adore Him, and offer your heart to Him;

no, the dead2 cannot speak nor see, they cannot hear nor feel; beloved, He who has created you is stooping to you, with His Heart in His Hand, offering It to you; as a bridegroom offers his bride a ring as a sign of alliance, so is the Holy One offering you His Sacred Heart as a Sign of His Love, to wed you; like a bride adorned in her jewels, the Lord, the King of kings, shall adorn you with His Jewels; 3 do not sleep but stay awake;

you have been bought and paid for with His Precious Blood, drift not away with the first current; let His Fire consume you into a living torch in His Church, let Him mould you into a living torch in His Church, let Him mould you into an Image of Himself to be faithful and sturdy and He will use you to be the pillars of His New Church;

O children! do not be afraid, for God has always done great things, have confidence in Him; a mission of angels is being sent to you to spread the Heavenly grains everywhere in the world and bring a message of Peace and Love in your great tribulations; these grains will be welcomed as rain on a thirsty soil; have you not noticed how God has opened the Doors of Heaven to rain down His Celestial Manna? yes, His Holy Spirit of Grace? the Almighty has taken pity on you and said: „let My people eat; let them eat the Bread of Heaven”; His order was given from above; like in the times of Moses, the Father fed His people with manna in the desert, more than they could eat; and Jesus, His Son, has He not multiplied the loaves and fishes? have the crowds not eaten as much as they wanted? and today, why are some of you surprised that the Holy Spirit descends with full force on you to feed your nations with this Celestial Manna?

oh how little do you know the Holy Trinity! distressed and starved you shall not be left, never, nor shall you be abandoned to wander, starving in this desert; the blackness of your era shall not last forever, your sins shall soon be purged and the Beast will be paralysed soon; together with his clan they will grovel in the dust, because a Light shall soon appear in the horizon, this shall be the Great Sign;

so if your feet still waver between good and evil, pray, that they will not lead you into temptation; if your heart still refuses to sing to the Lord a Love Song, pray, that the Evil one may not deceive you; if your eyes avoid to look up in Heaven seeking heavenly things, pray, that your room in Heaven shall receive you one day; if your soul still belongs to the world, pray, that the vices of the world will not coil in you, for you would be nestling a Serpent within you; pray with your heart; sacrifice with joy; let your labour be worthwhile and I promise you that your lamp will not go out at night;

be thirsty for God!

I am watching over you all and at this very minute I stoop to you to bless you all;

(Later on:)

Blessed be our Lord,
who performs constant marvels of love for us.
You hear our supplications and our petitions
when we call to You for help.
Blessed be our Holy Mother,
who offers me a Church for my birthday present,
where we4 could unite and pray.
You are our protector and our hope.

flower, be with Me; ten more days to come, then it is your birthday, the day I called you and planted you, flower; ah! look at Me, it pleases Me; My property, My own, how I, the Lord, love you! how I delight in you! spiritually you were dead, but now I have risen you to come and live in My world; feel happy! for look at what I have given you! look at the treasure I have given you; your meditation is worth a lot; this dialogue between us is a treasure sought by many; but I brought it to you and offered it to you; I came down from Heaven all the way to your room to give it to you as a gift; My treasure is sought by many, but few can have it; Vassula, Vassula be in union with Me, desiring Me at the same time, for this is the perfect fruit of devotion; how I delight to take this fruit! offer Me your time, offer Me your hand, be My tablet;

have I not sanctified you in My Holiness? so offer Me in your turn your self, your will, your energy; allow Me to use you little one; allow My Love to cover you, My dove;

love Me;

1 Spiritually dead.
2 Spiritually dead.
3 His Thorned Crown, His Nails and His Cross.
4 The prayer group and the monthly meetings.