March 20, 1989

(France, Lourdes)

Vassula, it is I, Jesus; do not allow the deceiver to deceive you; all that I have given you is Mine;

He is tempting me to doubt …

why do you listen to him? I have trained your ear, have I not? I have opened your eyes to see Me, so why do you doubt? many servants of Mine have been given the same gift as yours, so why do you doubt? Vassula, My lamb, I am your Good Shepherd who leads you in green pastures to rest; I shelter you in My Arms, I feed you My Virtues, I let you repose in My Heart; My Eyes are upon you always; so why do you doubt of My Works?

Because I, myself, am no good.

I know, but let Me perfect you; see? 1 I am Love; together now, I and you, your hand in My Hand, I shall not leave your hand, so that you remember My Presence;

come, we, us?

Yes, Lord.

let Me hear it then;

(Later on, at Lourdes. We went to visit the grotto where Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette. We visited the Crypt, which was the first church built after the apparitions. In there I had a locution from Our Holy Mother, She said:)

„In the end, Our Hearts will prevail”

1 I felt a warm shower of God’s love covering me. It was wonderful.