October 10, 1988
I am;
Blessed be the Lord.
I love you, daughter, for this faith you are giving Me; do not worry, lean on Me and listen to My Heart, this Heart which seeks you all and loves you but that many condemn; daughter, pray often to Me to give you My Strength; I will always give you My Strength; pray together with Me this prayer, a prayer for My Return:
„Come Lord! return to us,
hear our sorrowful cries from this wilderness;
feel our thirst, and have Mercy upon us,
return to us, come and blot out all wickedness,
replacing it by Love,
and to this prayer, you will hear Me answer you that I, who am Love, will return to you as Love; be patient, My beloved ones, just for a little while longer and I will return to you;
be watchful and on your guard because My return will be sudden; so be prepared, repent, face Me your Lord with a pure heart and the shadows on earth will not frighten you; nor will the hour of darkness terrify you; you will feel neither distress nor anguish in this hour of deadly silence; so listen to Me, listen to My words and they will be a consolation to you when this hour of obscurity descends upon My entire creation;
I solemnly tell you that this hour is not far from you now; I, who am Love, will draw near Me all those who love Me and I will diminish their fear; I will veil them with My love, console them with My Heart and they shall find their shelter in Me;
alas! for those who are not ready and never loved Me! they will die from their own wickedness and lie in the dust suffocated by the weight of their sins! for they have defiled My Holy Name with the help of the second dragon, the dragon which wears the black cloaks, the dragon which is opposite to Light;
O creation! creation with senseless minds! 1 how I pity you; give Me one kind look and I will free you; since the day of your birth I knew you to be godless; still, I am willing to forget and talk things over with you; your navel string is still attached to Me; if you tell Me that you were led astray, and that you will stop sinning, if you only tell Me about it, I, who am Love, will rescue you; My child, My forgiveness is guaranteed beforehand; do not provoke Me any longer, come back to Me and I shall indeed give you My Peace;
come, daughter, I bless you for allowing Me to use your hand; how I love you! O daughter I am well pleased with you, call Me always, caress Me with your love, rejoice Me; diminish My pains, extinguish My anger by loving Me; flower, I allow you to be in My Hall because of your nothingness, so remain nothing; I give you My Peace; we, us?
Yes, Lord.
My Presence is Holy;