November 15, 1992
„If only my miseries could be weighed, and all my ills be put on the scales! But they outweigh the sands of the seas: what wonder then if my words are wild?” (Jb. 6:2-3)
I shiver with horror to think I might be wrong!
Will I be found with blame in Your Presence, my God?
Yet I have taken root in You,
I saw You standing there, silent,
with Your Hand outstretched as someone expecting alms,
then I heard a Voice, 1 a Name2 was given me
and my soul succumbed into My Father’s Arms.
O God! How I love You!
My child, My child …. how I, the Lord, love you! I love you to tears …. cease listening to the evil one who tries to destroy all the good things I have given you;
have faith in My Love, I will never fail you3 …. never4 … so have My Peace, this Peace I have given you and know, My child, that greater love than Mine you will never meet …. ah, My child, cling on the hem of My robe; I am here and with you;