March 24, 1988
peace upon you;
(It is St. Mary.)
I love you; glorify God, pray for the redemption of souls; glorify Him by obeying His Will, being His bearer; He loves you tenderly, soul; never weary of writing; come and pray, telling Him this:
„Almighty God,
teach Your servant Your Ways,
teach me humility, patience and love,
guide me in Your Path of Righteousness and Virtues,
I surrender myself to You,
offering You my will,
forgive my sins, renew me,
make me worthy so that You may use me fully,
ah Vassula, I will look after you always, take My Hand;
Ecclesia will revive and, in the end, Our Hearts1 will prevail;
My apparitions are to encourage souls of God’s Works; they are a call to return to Us, a warning; this year, I shall appear to many; visions I shall give and visionaries there will be; pray that the Holy Church returns as in the beginning, when every Work of God was welcomed without disbelief and contempt, without doubt; pray that the Holy Church’s faith will be renewed again, like in the past; and believe in Miracles, apparitions and visions, for this is one way of God speaking to you, ask for a renewal;
Thank You, St. Mary. 2
do not worry, I am praying day and night; here is Jesus;
Vassula, 3 I am; look at Me soul, I find no holiness in them;
Jesus, in those who deny Your Works of today?
yes, none, every time I cry from My Cross, it is that at this same instant I see one of My own giving way to Satan;
Vassula, My own, My priest, 4 I love you;
Jesus, why call me priest when women-priests are not allowed?
I have sanctified you, soul; I have chosen you, soul; understand that My Eyes see your soul, My Heart feels your soul; I love your soul, not your body, your soul is within your body; try and perceive My Words, 5 look upon it as I, your God, sees it;
(The soul is what counts for God. A soul after death goes in heaven and will have no distinction of being female or male, all souls will be like angels. Jesus looks upon the soul and not what carries it, thus He makes no distinction on His chosen ones.)
I love you; walk in My foot-prints; come, we, us;
Yes, Lord.