January 25, 1988
I am;
Jesus still to this day, all this amazes me. I mean the revelation that has come, it’s like a dream, and I expect to wake up to find I’ve only been dreaming. It’s amazing!
Vassula, I am Omnipotent and Omniscient, I willed to raise you from the dead and enlighten you; do you remember the vision of the ‘Sun’?
Yes, Lord, the round ball of Light.1
this round Light is the same one of the one known among you as „Miracle of the Sun”, this round ball of Light I let you see is the same one of Fatima; I have let you penetrate into It; I allowed you to go into It; O Vassula, if you only knew the privilege I gave you! little one, you are not realising yet, but it is because I keep your eyes veiled;
I love you, my God.
Vassula, I will keep you hidden in My Sacred Heart; you are precious to Me; I, your God, love you; never fear Me, for I am Love; I am an ever so Gentle Father; fear Me only if you rebel against Me; ah Vassula, My mysteries are many, most of them are hidden from you;
Vassula, listen carefully now; every prophecy uttered will be fulfilled; each word written in the Scriptures will be accomplished;
Vassula, I wish you to draw two Hearts;

yes, near each other, in fact united; encircle them with one wreath of thorns, yes; My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is united to Mine; I desire from each one of you the devotion Her Immaculate Heart deserves; you see, daughter, how Our Divine Hearts are covered by thorns from men who only show Us ingratitude, sacrilege, lack of love; it is the whole of their sins;
Vassula, I, who am the Word, love and respect Her; I desire you to approach My Mother and honour Her as I honour Her; I desire that every knee bends, honouring Her; I desire you to pray the Rosary and Hail your Holy Mother; I want you to repair your sins, asking Her to teach you;
be vigilant, daughter; come, I have revealed to you how My Mother’s Heart is united with My Divine Heart, encircled by one wreath of thorns; I will remind you of My Presence; I love you;
I love You too, Jesus.
come; Vassula, will you pray with Me?
Yes Lord.
„Father, O Abba!
I offer you my will,
I offer you my life, I surrender,
Righteous Father
if it is within Your Will
make me worthy
so that You may use me
fully make me a victim
of Your burning desires,
do as Your Heart desires,
Vassula bless your oppressors, pray for them; come, pray to your Holy Mother, pray with Me;
(Jesus will dictate:)
„O Holy Mother,
I will amend for the offences
being said on Your Immaculate Heart,
by willing to become a victim of love for Love,
Vassula, pray with Me to the Father, come, together;
„Father, Beloved One,
I need You to augment
my faith, my love, my hope,
that I may glorify Your Holy Name again,