December 4, 1987
I am; daughter, I want My Words to be clear; I do not blame those who persecuted the apparitions; I only want them to realise and admit their errors and to come forward to Me for repentance; I will forgive them, pardoning their sin; daughter, many will persecute My Message again denying that it is I, Jesus, for fear of admitting their fault, for this is beyond their wisdom again, child; 1
Maybe they do not mean to deny it is You, maybe in their subconscious. They believe they probably do not mean to, not on purpose, for I’m sure if they realised, they would praise You! Only they do not understand.
how I love your reasoning – why cover them?
Because they do not know and if they do not know and understand…
I am listening;
Then, if I dare ask You: I ask for their forgiveness and Your Mercy on them.
but child, they will be your persecutors, inflicting on your soul suffering – they will be your scourgers;
Even so, if they do not understand, then they don’t mean it; they do not know what they are doing, because they are weak. You can with Your Divine Love help them understand it is You. My God do not let Your Divine Hand strike them, for in striking them many innocent souls might be punished too.
Vassula, My creation has degenerated; tremendous reparations have to be done, I want My creation to realise where they are heading to; I want My sacerdotal souls to draw from Me and imbue My lambs with love and knowledge; right now, they2 live in total darkness;
Yes, Jesus, but enlighten the ecclesiastical authorities, even if this ‘unorthodox’ way of being with You is beyond their understanding; open their eyes and ears, Lord!
I will only give wisdom to mere children, and not to the learned;
But then Lord, their chances are slim, they’re gone!
gone they will be, unless they come to Me as children….
Vassula, I will stretch your endurance in suffering for you will be scourged; 3 let Me free and do not interfere with My Works,
Lord, will You forgive them, and overlook their weaknesses?
(I still dared to interfere.)
I will not bear to see them hurt you, child;
I do not know what to tell You, but can I ask You to overlook their weaknesses?
flower, I do not want to see you trampled by them; I would not bear to have them crush you;
Yet do not strike them, teach them, Lord.
they will have to open their ears then;
Vassula, do you know what is awaiting you? you have seen My Cross; remember, that although your trials will be hard, I never leave your side; near Me I have your Holy Mother; listen to Her Words:
„daughter, beloved, sanctify Garabandal; I have appeared in Garabandal, giving My Message; My Message was not properly diffused; many sacerdotals have denied My Apparitions, thus refusing Us a place in their heart; but I have not forgotten My beloved children; there were times where they themselves doubted, and falling into confusion, denied My Apparitions; this was given as a similitude; it is to show My children4 how and what a confusion reigns in the Church of today; I have promised that I will confirm My Apparitions of Garabandal; the hours are fleeing and My Messages were not diffused properly, neither has My Holiness been honoured;”
My God, it sounds so urgent like it should be diffused today at this hour. I depend on You to open our path, we are willing to diffuse Your messages but give me the strength and courage and possibilities to accomplish Your desires. Amen.
will I abandon you now, My Vassula?
No Lord, I need Your strength to continue.
you will receive sufficient strength to accomplish what you have been designated in accomplishing;