October 6, 1987

(I felt poor. And I am. I am not pleasing God because of my ignorance and slowness to understand. I’m not happy with myself. He was so right about me as being „by far” the most wretched of His creatures. I hate now talking about how this has started, because I find I am talking about myself. It’s ugly, very ugly. But friends and people want to hear about how it started so I was obliged to explain and the more I went on I could not avoid despising every time I said something about myself, to the point that it made me decide that from now on I shall not explain how it started, thus I will avoid talking about myself. I thought they could find out from others. If they are curious, they will not be appeased by me. If they want to read because they believe, God will enlighten them. I shall not be my own witness. I shall leave everything in God’s hands. He makes the impossible possible, so I shall be from now on just His pencil and paper, His secretary, a secretary taught by Him to love Him, and, taking down His words, I shall be His tablet.)

yes, be My tablet, letting Me engrave on you My Word; be soft though so that My Word can be deeply engraved on you;

(I forgot myself and was sitting on the floor. He looked at me, reminding me. I knelt.)

I love you, Vassula together you and Me, we are sharing My Cross;

hear Me Vassula, you are the beloved of My Soul have you not yet understood? feel, feel how I, your God, love you, My child, My well-beloved bride;

(I felt Jesus enveloping me in Him.)

listen Vassula, all the heavens resound with My cries, My desire is unshaken, it must have reached your ears; I desire flexibility, how will you unite if you are inflexible? I wish to unite My Church, will you feel Me and listen to My Voice?

My God, why don’t You let the heads of the Church know about Your message?

I will, daughter; embellish My Church; love Me; ecclesia will revive!

(I saw a wonderful image of Jesus, Majestic, Glorified, a beautiful image of Jesus, triumphant as a King, showing me a sign with His Hand raised and making a sign with His Fingers lifted. It was as though He was signalling me VICTORY.)