July 9, 2020
come daughter, have My Peace; hear Me and write:
My New Canticle of Love that I have given you is a Gift that had been reserved for your times; it is My Bridal Song chanted by Me, your God;
incessantly like the morning star among the clouds, I have been emerging from My Throne, vested in Glorious Light to reach all of you; and as I open My Lips to hymn to My beloved daily, chanting together with all My Angels and Saints, a dazzling ray of light streams out of My Mouth, with lightning lights, encompassing the darkness of this world; and as My Word is the Word of Life, clouds and darkness fade away, dissipating like mist with every Word dropping from My Lips;
My Canticles are robed in Majesty, My Vassula, and Royal Power, transcending the worlds, perfuming them with My Bridal fragrance; My Sweetness and Love are sweeter than the honeycomb; have I not shown to you all these years signs of My Love? have I not embraced you all with amorous kisses of My Mouth? have you not noticed My Gaze of tender Love and the sweetness of my caresses on your cheek, a sweetness transcending every sense? do not waver or hesitate, open your mouth and I will feed you directly with My Word from My Mouth to obtain the magnificence of Wisdom;
I open My Lips to sing to My Bride 1 who praises My Name day and night, My Presence is within Her, maintaining Her alive, surrounded with My Angels, who share My Joy; learn that My Presence in full Majesty transcends earth and Heaven, for My Name quivers the earth, quivers the Heavens, as no other Name is sublime and Majestic such as Mine; I sing to My Bride to render Me what is My due, and I, in My exuberant Love I have for My Beloved, will continue keeping the Royal Gifts I have given you, intact; 2 see? I am rising in your days, like a bright radiant sun, in search of My bride whom My Heart longs for; am I not allowed to converse with My bride? 3
and you who forgot your Creator and Bridegroom at the door of your heart, have you no desire 4 to come out of your dark tomb and see the dazzling Light of My Glory? are you not willing that I breathe in you My Breath of Life? do not ask Who is He who stands before you in Veils of Divinity. I am now knocking at the door of your heart, you have made Me wait long enough; for how long will you keep Me waiting, My beloved, open your heart to recognize Me for I Am is your King and Bridegroom; He is the One who is hidden behind the Veils of His Divinity;
My appearance, a figure of Light, full of graciousness with Majesty and Glory; My tunic, sweetly scented with frankincense, 5 shimmering in the twilight, embroidered with gold and sapphires, glittering with precious stones; until now, you have never deigned to contemplate Me in My Glory which is hidden behind My Veil; if you open the door of your heart, My Veil will be lifted and My Holy Countenance will be revealed to you instantly transforming your breath into incense; do not look the other way, My love, do not tremble, do not fear of My formidable Presence, but open your heart to Me, to your Bridegroom for you always belonged to Me and to none other; see? open and ask Me to enter your heart, and I will restore it with anointing oil; ask Me to radiate your soul, and I will blot out your darkness from sin; in the wilderness of your soul I will make nature bloom; ask Me to efface your misery, your coldness of heart and incapacity, and I will console you and bathe you warmly in My Light; with running oil from My Fingers I will imbue your heart 6 to bless you, saturating it and anointing it with the Unction of My Name, melting your misery and apathy and replacing them permanently with My Divinity; My Divine kisses on your forehead will mark you as Mine, so do not allow your faintness to overtake you,
for I am the God of the humble;
then as a Bridegroom who leads his bride to the Altar, your head leaning on My Shoulder, I will lead you to My Royal Banquet, with My left Arm around your waist, while holding you tightly in My embrace, so that together we may feast on the bounty of My Royal House; with Me, you will lack nothing; I will provide you and adorn your soul with the Glory of My Name and My Divinity, I will dress you with brocades, with myrrh and aloes wafting from your bridal robes; and while we will be sitting later near each other on our Matrimonial bed, covered with a golden canopy, I will shroud you entirely with Myself effacing the sins of your youth;
I will be teaching you with tenderness
the right course you should be taking;
entrusting you to carry My most precious gifts, My Crown of Thorns, My Nails and My Cross as a reminder of the Greatness of the Love I have for you; I will entertain you, My beloved, teaching you in amorous whispers the Prayer of Union, chanting on My ivory harp My Song of Virtues and Love, My Song blended with Wisdom; for I am sick with love for you; and you, My Own, the more you get to love Me, all the more you will be centered profoundly in the depths of My Bosom;
My closeness to you will lustre your soul, giving you a noble birth in Me; for night must yield to light; I will be your shelter by day and the starlight through the night; in hardships I will always be with you; I will stand by you always and forever… 7 have you anything to tell Me, My Vassula?
ah! whatever I will say I will fall short of, place Your Words in my mouth so that I may chant to You in turn worthily, for the goodness You have shown me, how were You able to accomplish so much in such a dark soul as mine? observing my wretchedness I am for lamenting and crying… and yet, You shepherded me gently with no rod by Your side, no lifted Eyebrow, nor arrows from Your Eyes, You spoke to me with tenderness, from Lips moist with grace, reassuring me; You stooped down from Heaven, from Your Celestial Throne, that is surrounded by cherubim, into my life to wed me in spite of my wretchedness; 8 paying no heed of You risking to cheapen Your Illustrious Sceptre;
and now You have put a New Canticle in my mouth! a Song of praise, a Bridal Song, a Song of Love to sing to all the Assemblies… to let them realize Who is He who is standing outside the door of their heart, Who is this King of Glory to whom this earth and all it holds belong to, the world and all who live in it… who is this One who stands like a column of pure incense, glimmering in the starlight under the stars, perfuming the cosmos, and who is He who prepared a prodigious Banquet for His bride, waiting patiently in silence for her to awaken from the land of oblivion and anoint her? without Your Presence, we would be like water draining away, like a fading shadow in the night, like a falling star, dying in the immense universe; without the slightest hesitation You fluttered away from Your Royal Throne like a Dove from the Heavens to come and rest on me, 9 on my fearful wretchedness;
from the valley of oblivion You awakened my memory to recognize You, my Beloved Christ, You lifted me from the pit of nothingness, and so I held You tight, grasping the edge of Your tunic for fear You might turn Your back and go; I clenched Your tunic tightly never to leave You ever again; I knew then that I was my Beloved’s and my Beloved was mine; He possessed me but I too possessed Him;
Your purpose unfolded before my eyes, and I recognized the Way, the Truth and the Life, so how could I keep my Beloved waiting? my cheeks, rosy with the full flush of joy, like those of a happy child, burst out with joyous laughter sounding like trickling water, like a small rippling stream, after having recognized that my Bridegroom is my Redeemer and All, robed in Majesty, standing majestically upright like a column of fragrant incense!
My Beloved, since your birth I have made no secret of My Love and Faithfulness to you; before you were born, Vassula, you were Mine! My Eyes had never left you; I had espoused you mystically 10 to Myself to prosper in My Hands for My greater Glory and proceed with My designs I had for you; I am known to crown and achieve all My plans with success, for I am loaded with Royal Power, Splendor and Majesty; indeed as a Bridegroom who lavishes his beloved bride with gifts, I have been crowning you every moment of your life with garlands of Love; with the most precious Gifts, My Cross, My Nails and My Crown of Thorns, for My rewards are ineffable; and now, take heart and place your right hand in Mine, and allow Me, your Bridegroom, to keep you with royal prodigality solely for Myself in the Nuptial Chamber of My Heart, your permanent Home;
O yes! inebriated with Love I wedded you, 11 then I allowed you, My bride, 12 to lift the Veils covering My Divinity to contemplate My Holy Face day and night, face to Face; your feet suddenly swayed when you contemplated My Luminous Countenance, but I held you tightly in My Embrace and I strengthened you and encouraged you by offering you a sublime Gift, I offered you to partake of My Divine Mysteries; I offered you My Mystical Wine to drink; inebriated with My Mystical Wine you asked for more; victoriously I offered you My Cup; I courted you with all My Heart by offering you My Mystical Bread as well, Sign of My great Love and Gift of the Bridegroom who displays His Love to His anointed bride; in the Nuptial Chamber of My Heart, I proved to you that you are the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh, since I was feeding you with My Mystical Bread and Wine; ah, Vassula, I had stored these Gifts for you from all Eternity for your Redemption;
since the time You gave me a rebirth, I have proclaimed Your Righteousness, and I believe I have made no secret of Your Love and Faithfulness, nor of Your Kindness to me in each Assembly;
You sealed my forehead with divine Kisses, You made my tongue as ready as the pen of a busy scribe; 13 thus, You form Your brides, You crown them with wreathes of Love, entertaining them with amorous Kisses of Your Mouth, along with the sound of Your ivory harp; You dress them richly with golden brocades, you crown them with jewels from Your Crown of Thorns; You sanctify their breath, You rain upon them a downpour of Blessings; and like travelling doves You cover their wings with gold to carry far and wide Your Blessings so that the nations shout and sing for joy;
God, You are so loveable; You are the most handsome; Your Theme, religion and virtue; Your Glory, beyond compare; Your Path, covered with sapphires leading to the Mystical Chamber of Your Heart; therein You immortalize each bride with Your Mystical Bread and Mystical Wine to enter worthily into Your Kingdom while Your Angels are trumpeting Your triumph! and You, in Your lordly style, You are encouraging Your bride whispering softly in her ear: „I Am 14 now is your Bridegroom, each day, every day, for I am joined with you and are one with you; plunge totally in Me, and be one spirit with Me so that you no longer belong to the world; now that I have seduced you and that you are enamoured of Me I will be possessing you and you will be possessing Me; you are now your Beloved’s and your desire is for Me; I will transform you into god as a result of Our Divine Union;”
yes, indeed, My loving bride, hear My Voice and enjoy My fragrant Sweetness in My Canticle, if you only fully realized how ever so near you I am; My desire was to set you like a seal on My Heart; I am now your sweet fragrance, Vassula, embracing you entirely, intertwined with Me you are inside of Life, 15 you belong to My Imperial Household; whoever drinks worthily of My Mystical Wine, will be inebriated with Its sweetness, and will well up inside their heart thirsting for more; and when they will eat My Mystical Bread, their heart will leap with ineffable joy and satisfaction; near Me, their soul will be arrayed with light, coming from Me; blended in My Light I will then allow them to drop off their bridal veils to contemplate Me now and then to sweeten their heart;
understand now My Beloved, Vassula, that I have raised you for Myself, and for My Salvific plan to be My Echo; I have placed you as a flower among thistles to remind the world that all souls to which I am joined become My brides; anyone who finds Me, finds Life; I will raise My Voice, chanting to the ends of the earth together with My Angels, to the deserts, to the cities, to the graveyards, to all the inhabitants of the world, that they may Know that even if they have forgotten Me, I have never forgotten them, because they are too precious in My Eyes; My Canticle will turn the deserts into lush gardens, and in the barren heights, sparkling rivers will well up;
I will make all things new… 16
ah, in My Divine Canticle are countless heartbeats, throbbing incessantly with sighs of nostalgia, longing to herald My Canticle to stir every heart; do not ask why I am called Life, your Bridegroom tells you, I who am above all lights am Life because without Me you cannot live or be 17 in darkness, and nothing else is able to exist; this is the Christ, your Saviour, who tells you to take refuge in My Mercy;
I have displayed My power in you, My Vassula, and performed marvels, and through you, My bride, I have revealed my Tenderness and My Mercy to the world; I will continue to fill your mouth with Divine Wisdom; the closer you are to Me, the easier will it be for your Bridegroom, together with His Mother, who is your Mother too, to keep grooming you until you reach perfection;18 My Work would be incomplete were I unable to perfect you in your love;
through My Canticle I am revealing once more My Eternal Love and Faithfulness for My Bride; 19 the mountains, the hills, are echoing My Royal Canticle with Blessings; the fragrant flowers in bud, explode open to the sound of My Canticle, sending their fragrance high up in the skies, bowing low at My melodious Voice; I am displaying My marvelous Kindness, guarding you like the pupil of My Eye;
so come, 20 how much longer will you hide in your dark tomb? how much longer must I wait for you to open the door of your heart? let Me in to unfold like a scroll, and reveal the path of Life to you; I will gird you up with My Sweetness and Purity to resemble an ivory tower; I am your Royal Garment; ah, 21 Vassula, blessed of My Heart, from your lips that I have anointed I will speak; I will act through you, showing My appearance on you as I have veiled you with Myself many times; I will never cease conversing with you and teaching you from Wisdom;
behold! now I am calling all of you who are My seed, who are the bone of My Bone, the flesh of My Flesh, to come and taste the intimate delights of Your Bridegroom’s Heart and you will have the entire Godhead living in you! repose now your head on Me, My dove, and allow Me to repose in your silence; ic