November 17, 2014
I am united to you dear soul! yes, love unites you to Me; all I ask from My creatures is love, to love Me, and the weight of their sins will be lifted by Me; love is to endure through tempests when they come upon you; you prove with this endurance that you come from Me, Vassula; you have seen done, among you, all the things that seemed impossible to accomplish, except if done by My Hand;
I am here now, to console you and reassure you of My Power; My Kingdom is Power and I work through weakness, and through poverty! I came to you showing you My motives, sharing with you My desires; I do not want you to think of Me as someone who only uses you, but think of Me as your Saviour, your God, your faithful Friend, drawn by untameable love for you; by offering yourself to the world you show My Kindness, My Mercy and that alone gives them the desire to give glory to Me, your God;
I have taught you how to profess not only My Messages, but also the Gospel, My Word; yesterday I made you understand to be confident in Me and pleasing; and as I said, everything that came to pass, and is to pass will be revealed and brought up in Judgment Day;
this Day will be My Day: God’s Day alone… and every tongue that accuses you, in My Day of Judgment will be refuted; human pride will be humbled; and remember: that your faith and trust will be your shield from the evil one’s burning arrows that are aimed on you: so have faith in Me and trust Me for I can protect you and shield you against the Sovereignties and the Powers who originate the darkness in this world, the spiritual army of evil;
and as for you, give glory to Me by sharing My cloak and together I will lead you into rifts, into valleys, into crevices, among good people and bad people, we will be travelling into nations who never knew Me; into polluted countries where prostitution and vice is practised, in countries where they exchanged Me and sold Me for lust; I want to heal their disloyalty; I want them to know Me as their God and Father; I will not hide My Face, I will show My Face and as they will turn their gaze upward, I will forgive them and heal them; I will give them the bread of understanding;
My heart is ready, God, I mean to remain in You and You in me; yes, let Your Glory be seen over the earth! To bring peace and rescue all of Your children;
Lately I’ve been moaning and groaning about my oppressors, I will do not more, at least I’ll try!
I know that You are all powerful, and therefore I leave all matters in Your Hands …
no objections anymore?
I’ll try not to stick on objections with Your help!
so do not be of those who trip over their words…
I want to resist!
even if you fall several times I will lift you; since your intentions are good; I will teach you to be strong so that you will be able to say when the serpents’ bite sting you: „struck me, have they? but I am not hurt; beaten me? I don’t feel a thing; slandered me, and so? let them; lapidated me, have they? when? I have not felt pain…”
with you I will travel; tired with so much journeying you never said: „enough! I give up!” why?
because You are with me!
yes! and because you find your strength in Me; and your strength is revived by Me so that you never weaken to give up; let Me stay in your garden for ever;
and allow me to take my shelter in You;
rest in Me, your God; I am a shelter for everyone; everyone can come to Me to unburden their hearts to Me and I will console them and shelter them! behold, I Am is with you, have My Peace ic