February 8, 2007

My Vassula, peace to you; offer Me your hand more often in order to write My Messages; while you offer Me your hand I revive your strength and at the same time My Blessings are poured on you like an anointing oil! you will never weaken when you answer My Callings; oil will always be poured on My beloved to fragrance you and through you those that approach you; My Name is like a fragranced oil poured on whom I choose to converse with; unveiled and blessed with sweet encounters and appearances of My Presence, I have you now as My Own territory enclosed in My Arms; – this is what Scriptures say through My beloved disciple John:

„I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband;” 1

yes! this is My Church, everyone who lives in Me makes part of My Church; anyone who manifests love is My bride; everyone who lives holy and a true life in Me will rightfully call Me their Bridegroom, and themselves My Own bride for I will be their God and they My sons and daughters; we shall be kin… there is no greater Love than My Love for all of you; there is no fathom to My Love in My Heart, generation;

the reason, Vassula, I have given you this extraordinary charism to educate you in My Courts and form you with My Own Hands using you as My tablet on which I engrave My divine Messages, enkindling with Fire, was that you become My herald of Unity and My Echo echoing Me to all My creation to shake their drowsiness, to crash like a clap of thunder upon those who are deaf to My Merciful Calls; to proceed without fear in My Church and speak in My Name giving peace where there is unrest, life where there is death, 2 hope where there is despair, love where there is hatred and rivalry, consolation where there is affliction and sorrow, healing where there is plague; ah, Vassula, Fire where there is godlessness; – appease the Father’s wrath, My child, and proclaim to the world My Holy Name and what a Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God, Prince-of-Peace and Eternal Father I Am; lift up the Cross of Unity I offered you with trust out of My Eternal Love and follow Me; love Me as I love you; ic

1 Ap. 21:2
2 this is metaphoric