March 2, 2004
God is anointing His own to bring them to a perfect mystical union; yet, how is it that when You, my God, accomplish so many marvels and wonders, a work that surpasses the mind of man, the earth is not put ablaze?
God came in Splendour and Glory to us, inundated with His Own Light, and looks at us, afire with majesty, with a train of His Archangels, He descends in this glorious manner, – a formidable sight, to address us;
no sooner than He opens His Mouth then a ray of dazzling Light brightens even more His Holy Face; then He reaches out to us with flames of passion to remind us of the power that He yields by giving us The Inheritance, while calling us all to attain perfection in an ineffable union with the Divine;
yet, O ineffable Beauty, Royal Dignity, the sound of the unfaithful who are buried in darkness is piercing my ears!
yet in spite of their unfaithfulness My gaze of Mercy is fixed on them;
yes, have mercy for those who offend You, and are clinging to vanity and its kind, for they are deeply embedded in the deepest pit;
‘unfaithful lot! you have blasphemed the Will of God and your spiritual fruit is Chaos!
come and summarize your life-span and see what lies ahead of you: putrefaction of the soul and total Death… Sin is Death!’
I have penned Your Words Lord, for nineteen years now; You have my God entrusted me, knowing my wretchedness, with this Noble Ode of Love, this Ode of Resurrection, and since then I have been almost swallowed alive by our tormentors, I have been traduced and reviled without a cause;
but I have granted you protection and rewarded you with blessings… let psalms and canticles mingle for Me, give Me cause to ravish My Heart; a little thing like this is a sweetly scented sacrifice …
I had, in the past, felt somewhat Your Judgment when I had scorned, before I met You and Your Law;
yet, You came to me, out of pity and lifted me… You breathed in me and You made me whole; O Compassionate God! open the eyes of Your people; they are great in numbers who do not see…
should mountains topple to mingle with waves, should rocks melt like wax before My Face, to those who fear Me, I would still be merciful …
Lord, to see You is indeed a formidable sight; majestic in beauty, Your Name transcends earth and heaven and has the sound of a Lyric in my ears; I bless You who are my Counsellor, while in my sleep You are my Plea;
Your Word flashes far and wide upon the earth and wherever it reaches it raises the dead; Your Sovereignty is an eternal Sovereignty;
a thousand gems formed Your mantle as I saw You, stepping out between the clouds; like a Bridegroom who descends delicately a staircase, You stepped forward, and with open arms You spoke to me:
„you are a dwelling place for Me since I have acquitted you; now you will be My pupil under My instructions and I will teach you the way to go…
you will sing a new song in My honour to thwart the evil plans of My enemies who harm My Church; never fear, even if you hear no speech or sound from Me; I am always with you…
I shall be your Lamp to lighten your feet; even though your assailants will fall on you like an avalanche, do not fear, beside you I Am; I have girted you with My Strength to prevail and raise My Church from under the mud and glorify Me;”
then allow me, Lord, once more to mount on Your cherub and fly to You my God, soaring on the wings of the wind1 to hear the Voice of my God and raise the veil of the Bridegroom and contemplate on His Sweetness and His Divinity; for Your Love will be before my eyes…
my spirit in fervour will not keep asking my heart: ‘how much longer will He hide His Face from you?’ for how long will He keep you waiting to carry me 2 to the heights, ascending towards His Courts in which I receive Instruction and Knowledge, and where other ascents are granted to me, reaching other heights, in greater lights of Understanding, penetrating the impenetrable flames of Sublime Love; penetrating in the depths of Light Himself?’
in there, my spirit, in awe, will contemplate the most Handsome, by far more handsome than all the angelic beauties put together; 3 in there my God makes Himself knowable to man;
in God, the outside world disintegrates while His kin integrates becoming the bone of His Bone, the flesh of His Flesh; the Royal Sceptre of Integrity…
My myrrh, My sister, do not be afraid, for I am with you to pen My sayings; I will always help you and run to succour you, when people ask you: „what is the key of knowledge?” answer them this way: „you can call it the Light of knowledge and the grace of the Holy Spirit, who gives you a full understanding of My Mysteries and of Myself; the key of knowledge is an inundating radiance of pure Light illuminating those who use it, to express all My sayings in a most perfect way;” it is as you said: ‘to penetrate in the depths of Light Himself…’ therefore, you who are called to converse with Me in My Royal Courts, and write down My sayings, revealing to you the secrets of hidden mysteries, rejoice and be glad! rejoice for you have been suckled on My Bosom; I have nourished you with divine grace, a therapeutic means healing the infirmities of soul and spirit to follow Me in My traces, on the path of agonies, self-denial, of submission to My Will, and of dispassion; dwelling within you, I blossomed you, having suckled on My Bosom, I transfigured you and made you one with Me; so cease feeling insecure, I am with you;
angel of Mine, I have made a prophet out of your nothingness; those who do not accept you or My Messages, I tell you, on Judgment Day, I will show more mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah than to your condemners; if anyone will come to you and have the audacity to strike you, I will catch him round the corner by surprise; do not mind small-souled people, they are narrow-minded, but mainly, lack humility;
I will lead you to greater heights of knowledge and asceticism, to progress you; I will lead you into sacred paths, so that you have a view of My glory; I want to encourage you and fortify you, and turn your stature according to Mine… pearl born of Me, oh, what will I not do for you! I bless you… ic