March 27, 2002
I have learnt from You, Lord,
that our mind can never ascend to heaven through its own efforts
but that it is totally dependent on the Holy Spirit,
and it is only through grace that our mind can be lifted
allowing us to see the things that no eye has seen,
penetrating thus into the mysteries of our Triune God …
Then, in Your Goodness and boundless Mercy
You allow everyone who wishes to follow You in the path of virtues
to walk side by side with Your Majesty,
while from Your Mouth divine Knowledge is uttered
from the Fountain of Wisdom;
Who has ever climbed the sky on his own?
If there is anyone,
let him come forward and tell me all about it …
Blessed is he who humbles himself,
he will be lifted to the heights
to see God …
peace be with you, My child, hear Me; all you have said is true; no one on his own can raise himself up unless I lift him through grace; and now listen: have I, or not, raised you to walk freely in and out in My heavenly Courts?
Yes, You have, Lord …
then, have I not turned you into My harp to play music to the nations and wake them up with melody and song?
Yes, You have, Christ …
to bring rescue to those I love, have I not spoken in poetry to them to save them, since I know that man lasts no longer than grass, no longer than the wild flowers and that from the first gust of wind he is totally gone, and ah, I would not want to lose him …
have I not been crowning you with love and tenderness, filling your mouth with honey1 and pouring anointed ointment all over you?
Yes, You have, my God …
then tell Me, My beloved, why do you have a shadow in your eye? 2 no wicked sceptre has ruled this heritage3 … I have always made My favourite friends travel by rough roads, and sometimes, so that they benefit from My companionship and My compassion, I allow them to stay bereft and lonely with no one to escort them …
My favourite friends enjoy My favour; they are the masterpieces of My creation, for their hue is as radiant as sapphires embellishing with their radiance My Church and the cosmos as well; My favourite friends are so preciously dear to Me that, ahh … 4 so great is My favour on them, I could not deprive them from being harried nor from any stone cast on them;
perhaps you would think that I am insensitive, wrapped up in such thick clouds, too thick for pleas and prayers to reach Me, but it would be complete folly from My part were I to facilitate their path! have you not learned from My teachings? so go and tell your heart what you have learnt, say, „my portion is Christ, but equally so is His Cross and in the same measure;”
I am not abasing you, on the contrary, I am lifting your soul to ascend in the heights of heaven in order to see the things that no eye has seen; I am the one who has driven you to walk in My Light; you do not need to be a craftsman or a philosopher to understand all of this! My favourite friend and fragrant tree, I have given you a good portion of a rare relish; it was indispensable for your progress … now listen to Me and write these words:
establish Our Beth Myriams everywhere you can; lift the oppressed and help the orphan; protect Me, rescue Me from the gutter, shelter Me and feed Me, unload My burden and fatigue, support Me and encourage Me but above all love Me; all that you do to the least of My brethren you do it to Me …
I bless the supporters of My life, may they remain virtuous and all-loving;
I am with you … ic;