December 10, 2001
O Lord, raise me up
when I am most afraid of being deceived;
show me that I am walking
in Your Presence, in Your brilliant Light;
let me hear the flutter of the wings of Your angels;
and the lyre of the saints;
no, I do not want to be concerned with
great affairs or marvels or emblems of this world,
all of these things disinterest me;
enough for me to serve You, my Lord;
to serve in Your House
and be allowed to take strolls in Your Courts
and to inhale the scent of Your garments
that are offered to each soul;
to watch Your Hands and Fingers dripping with pure myrrh
when You are about to anoint a soul,
and the pleasure You take in doing so;
Your goodness towards us is infinite
and in grace You lift us to see Your Glory;
My Vassula, rely on Me; I am more than a watchman over your soul; carry My Eucharist1 in your heart and fragrance Me in turn!
I am the author of this great work; sweeten My Heart for I am filled with grief and disappointment; evangelise and speak and say the words I have given you; embellish My Church and fill My children’s hearts and mind with all that I Am; efface your fear of being deceived; you are not; I am your Father2 and I care for you; perhaps, daughter, you ought to come more often to Me and write? will that please you? (…) oh, no, I will find you the time;
And You? Do You want that, my Lord? I shall embrace Your answer.
daughter; I have still in front of Me many blank pages that need to be filled by anointing them with My noble theme;
My work is like an embroidery; I have designed all the details on the material, for this reason I had to find a blank piece of cloth on which I would design with My Own Hand the ornamental pattern of roses I had in mind; with gold thread I embroidered you, enlivening the roses to spread their sweet scent around, perfuming all the cosmos;
you are also as a loud book; there too, there are a few more pages left to be filled in; you are the work of My Hands and I must complete My Work; have you heard? „zeal of My House devours Me?” 3
Yes, my Lord, I have read it in Your Word …
I am the Guardian of My House and of My household; I am tormented to watch My House being riven; have you read? „owing to neglect the roof-tree gives way; for want of care the house lets in the rain;” 4 My House has been neglected; every house is paid by someone; I have bought My House with My Own Blood; why has no one listened to My supplication while I prayed to the Father that you may be one? today, had you responded to My call by showing obedience, you would be sharing one Cup around one altar;
ah Lord, but how many truly believe
You are speaking to me
telling us that Your greatest desire is unity?
unity and sharing one Cup
assembled all around one Altar?
they must open their heart and they will believe …
Oh Christ,
how much more must Your Precious Body
be pierced and lanced and fragmented
before we realise that we may have divided Your Body
as tools of the ‘divider’ himself;
we have done it unwillingly and unwittingly;
help us to find and preserve that remnant so sacred called Your Church;
help us to put it together again;
if the churches are able to go beyond the negative obstacles that hinder them to unite, obstacles that according to Scriptures are against the fulfilment of the unity of faith, love and worship among them, I will be faithful to My promise of releasing a time of peace in the entire world; this peace will draw every being into My Mystical Body, fulfilling My Words given to you all in My prayer to God the Father, when I implored:
„may they be one in Us, as You are in Me and I am in You, so that the world may believe it was You who sent Me;” 5 this supplication uttered by My divine Lips is echoing every second from heaven still; My Words intonated were meant that the whole of the creation must be affected into a spiritual unity and not a unity by a signed treaty; to fulfil My Words the churches must seek first humility and love, graces that can be obtained through the Holy Spirit and through a great repentance;
do not be surprised at My undertakings; the one who is called by grace becomes one with the Triune God and is no longer alone because We live in him; We inhabit him; having thus made Our dwelling in him, We possess him and he possesses Us; and this is how We called you, daughter, for Our praise and for Our honour, to serve Us, not for an hour or two, but rather that you should be with Us all day long without a break and be constantly in search for the well-being of My Church; may your labours bring peace and that the Church benefits from all My sayings and that in doing so replenishes itself with My blessings;
may you make progress in My divine love, daughter, and that My kiss to you refreshes your body and soul; do not be perplexed or troubled again when your oppressors persecute you, be like a lily, free from worries; let my fatherly kiss console your heart and soothe away your adversities and all the perplexed thoughts that do not come from Me;
receive with gladness all My soothing words and understand how close6 I am to you …