January 20, 2001
(Unity Week.)
Lord, why have You blinded so many to Your Works? Is it because of their stubborn refusal to repent and reconcile? Teach me, and pronounce Your Will ….
ah, My child … My Will is that you work with love in the light of My Spirit! My Spirit today more than ever is crying out for reconciliation among My shepherds; to be saved, everyone should repent and reconcile; let each shepherd examine his path; „think of the love My Father, I and the Holy Spirit lavish on you, every moment of your life, shepherd …”
ah, daughter, do not imagine that I am not aware of the demands of the mission I have entrusted you with; to unite My House is not an easy task, let alone to revive it! but take heart because you are not alone; I am with you; do not get discouraged by those who do not perceive My Plan in you, I have taken away the sight from those who claim, „we see,” and given sight to those who could not see; be a model of unity to the rest of the world and bring forth, through your sacrifices, reconciliation among brothers;
Satan has taken to himself to wage war on My Church; with violence he is attacking what I have bought with My Own Blood; he keeps My Church divided, cursing every faithful heart who professes the Truth and My Law;
many of you who belong to the Church are looting it today; you loot by refusing to recognise My Body in the Eucharist, and partake of My Divine Mystery in the manner I truly instituted; you are looting My House when it comes to measure the magnificence of My Divinity and My Presence in the Eucharist; you are looting My House in many other ways; Scriptures never lie and cannot be rejected, but you reject parts of it, looting it in that way too; in My Church, I have given it to enrich it apostles, I have raised and given it prophets, teachers, and after these, miracles, the gift of healing and various other gifts; but you are plundering My House, you are looting it today;
My Eyes are too pure to rest on this rebellion; so do not be surprised when I call; do not be surprised when I, in My Infinite Benevolence and Mercy, descend all the way to you, creation, to look at the window of your hearts; do not be surprised, that in spite of your awesome wretchedness, I am offering you a rich banquet unmeritedly, and that with royal prodigality and majesty I come to vest you with Myself, so that when My Angels will lead you into the eternal joys of heaven and into Our courts, you will be recognised as the flesh of My Flesh, the bone of My Bone; the Verdict then will be announced:
„according to the life this soul led while on earth, she is worth the heavenly dowry of a bride, since she remained faithful to The Bride;1 this soul, in spite of all the trials I have been sending her, rocking her like a ship taken in a tempest, she cleaved to Me and remained attached to Me as an oyster is attached on a rock; by remaining thus attached to The Bride2 and to Me, the Bridegroom, 3 she shared in My Divinity; her union with My Spirit crystallised her, transforming her to be godlike; 4 and like the sun, her rays illuminated her, because she possessed Me within herself; the glory of My deified sons and daughters here in heaven is now hers as well; this is the dowry she will receive from the Bridegroom Himself; He is the Dowry … come, come and share the joys of heaven and of God Himself for ever and ever!”
oh, if you knew, generation, how many times I have yielded My Royal Sceptre … how I long to say to each soul:
„beloved, come, step into the path of your permanent Home, the only true dwelling and the only True Resting Place for your soul; come and step into the nuptial chamber of My Heart; I invite you to follow the road of virtues which lead to Me; as a tender Bridegroom, I will adorn your soul with My Treasures, but foremost, I will adorn your soul with My Divinity; I will adorn you like a queen, 5 majestically with My Name and with My very Presence; I will turn your soul into a living altar, into a permanent hymn hymned to Me, your God; I, the great King, the One who is beyond nature, will mingle with your soul so that you and I become one;
„on your own you can do nothing, this is why My Presence, which is pure Light is indispensable to illumine by grace your whole body; and as I reveal Myself to My angels I will reveal Myself to you through this light, and only then, you will be able to say:
‘I can see …’
then, I will make Myself known to you; I will converse with you, and you with Me; the Triune God by nature will lean all the way to converse with the one I re-created and who became by grace a god born of Me; an adoptive heir of My Kingdom; you who are so weak and so corruptible if you truly repent looking at your so deplorable soul, I can make you similar to My Perfect Image;”
My work and My plan which is the splendour of your so wicked times, is to draw all souls into My Sacred Heart; then all My Glory will be revealed to them in this Heart and all humanity will see It together; yes, indeed, My intention is to draw all of you in the wake of My Glory; from thereon I will be your portion, your delight, your Bridegroom vested with My Glory; and as a bridegroom who delights in his bride, in our espousals I will whisper in your ear:
„and now come and bless your Lord of all things, the Maker of great deeds is everywhere; come close to Me, for I am your protector and your support; My loving bride, who consented to hear Me, may you rejoice in Me, your Lord; may I remain in your heart like blended incense, and may My Words taste6 as sweet as honey in your mouth when you eat them; let them be like music in your ear, My beloved;”
I will then reveal to you the treasures I had kept for your generation: I will offer you the treasure of My Mercy, instructing you that in My Mercy, Words coming from My Mouth are uttered; by My Words I raise the spiritually dead, I reform the apostate, I heal the sick and free the captives, My Mouth is like a sharp sword;
I form through My Mercy with My Word, prophets, who will plague those who live in darkness, but will console My people; through My Mercy I open the eyes of the blind, and those who lay in layers of dust I lift them to contemplate the Light; and all who trusted in their own power I reveal to them, through My Mercy, My Glory and My Majesty, so that their hearts turn to Me, their God;
in these days of grace, My Mercy is one of the greatest treasures My Heart kept for your times; not that I ever stopped to shower you with My Mercy, but, in your times, which are so evil, I show more compassion to those who are bowed in the dust and their bodies crushed to the ground by sin than ever before; in the desert of your heart I planted celestial seeds, so that everyone may see and know the greatness of My Mercy;
then, have I not said as well, that in the last days My Spirit will be poured out on all mankind, no matter how wretched you would be? such is the richness of My grace … today I lift you by grace; in My Mercy, I am showering on you My graces so that I make you understand who is the One who brings freedom, and who is the Giver of Life, so that you can see what rich glories are awaiting you;
your epoch has more dead than alive, through its sins, its impiety, and its indifference towards Me; ever since the world was created I never ceased to demonstrate My everlasting power and deity, I am known from everything that came to be from non-being; but then, even in your earthly substance I can live in you, I can bring this earthly substance into life, it is through grace that you have been raised; so, am I to see My creatures forever in works of rebellion heading towards death? would I not act with Mercy?
with Me are great riches, lasting wealth, enriching those who approach Me with a contrite heart; in our espousals I will offer you the treasure of knowing how to possess Me; the treasure of the Knowledge of the Triune God and of Understanding Him; have you not heard that only by Holy Wisdom a house is built and that by understanding it is made strong? by knowledge, its storerooms are filled with riches of every kind, rare treasures of divine value and so desirable by the sages of all time?
in other words: by knowing Me, your soul and mind are filled with My transcendent light and My Glory; your soul is filled with My Divinity, with Myself; then and only then, your heart will apply to discipline and your ears to instruction, purchasing the Truth and cherishing it dearly; even your very nature will be transformed, My beloved ones, to My Deity; all your intentions will be moved by My Holy Spirit who untiringly was removing the dross from within you to endow your spirit with My Spirit and through My Spirit the Imperial Wealth which is, My Sovereignty;
you will ask, „and what is it to understand God?” to understand Me is the first principle of Wisdom; it is to acknowledge Me as your God and to fear Me, to fear Me is avoidance of all evil;
it is as well to have seen Me with your spiritual eyes while still on earth; it is essential for each one of you to have tasted Me while on earth; it is important for each soul to search for this vision7 and if your soul has not been able to attain My heights, 8 struggle and persevere to raise your spirit through contemplation; how else would you know your God? how would you, if you have not seen Me, be one of My sons and daughters arrayed in My Light thrice Holy?
I am not inaccessible nor unattainable since I mingle with your soul; I unite Myself with you and we become one; then once united, to remind you of your heritage, I make Myself knowable to you; in majesty and splendour I lead your soul into My depths to reveal Myself with royal prodigality; you have read that the depths of God can only be known by the Spirit to understand spiritual things; Scriptures say:
„an unspiritual person is one who does not accept anything of the Spirit of God: he sees it all as nonsense; it is beyond his understanding because it can only be understood by means of the Spirit;”
a spiritual man, on the other hand, is able to judge the value of everything, and his own value is not to be judged by other men, as Scriptures say: „who can know the mind of the Lord, so who can teach him?” 9
the treasure of knowing and understanding Me is heaven on earth all the time; it is to rule with kindness, justice and integrity on earth; having received this treasure by grace through the Holy Spirit you will know My Will in you; We have once said: 10 „if anyone wants to boast let him boast of this: of understanding and knowing Me …” this treasure is beyond the price of pearls; ah, then comes the treasure of intimacy, intimacy with Me, your God; the bursts of flames coming from your heart out of enflamed love, will be the first signs of your intimacy with Me, the prolonged periods of thirst for Me, ceaselessly seeking Me, will be the dawn of your approach into that intimate union I so desire from each soul, so that they can come and taste My Sweetness and, with all your soul, you shall enter into the delights of heaven and you will sing the melodies of My angels in heaven in honour of My Mercy I had upon you;
then, as David cried out once to Me, aflamed by his love, you too will cry out to Me his own words:
„God, you are my God, I pine for You; my heart thirsts for You, my body longs for You …. I feel inside me like a land of drought, weary and waterless without You, I long to gaze on You; on my bed I think of You, I meditate on You all night long; my soul clings close to You … 11 although I am young12 you have given me more understanding than the aged, 13 because I keep Your divine instructions; oh, how delightful it is to befriend You my sweet God; Your Presence, so intimately intertwined with My soul, rejoices me and is sweeter than honey; Your fragrance perfumes all the universe and inebriates my soul while invigorating my very being;”
in your awakening, you will discover that I am your Beloved, your Heaven, your Eden and that in Me you can live; you will discover in My light, that I have put in your heart, the magnificence of My Works, and you will praise My Holy Name; you will discover that My Gaze upon you is like a magnet, and I will be rejoicing by looking at you, for I will be looking at My Own reflection, I will be looking at Myself in you … so do not be surprised when I will come to you to tell you:
„I am Governor in you now and I have no other desire than to see Myself in you; My Presence in you, kindles a desire and thirst for Me like a flame; every sigh of longing will be inhaled by Me as a perfumed bouquet of roses, appeasing Me from the offences done against Us14 by men;”
I am Perfect and I want you perfect as well; have you not read: „as the governor is, so will be the inhabitants of his city …” 15
then I, in My turn, will reveal to you the heavenly hosts while singing to you religion and righteousness in poetry; I will assemble all the saints in heaven, I will assemble all the courts of heaven to reveal to them My majesty and My sovereignty in you and how I made out of you a royal diadem for My Head, a royal prodigy of your times; all your ornaments will be divine as they would be offered by Me; your former slavery will become freedom in Me;
today, I am looking down from heaven to count the clean hearts:
– what am I to say? was My Sacrifice in vain? My Spirit is broken … I sacrificed Myself for you in order to set you free from all wickedness and to purify a people so that it could be My very Own and would have no ambition except to do good;
I have done everything so that you could be justified by grace and become heirs to My Kingdom; I have been intensively teaching you all and with great compassion, My Law, renewing you with the Holy Spirit of Grace, even to repeating Myself invariably; I now teach, giving you instructions in the way of Holy Wisdom; it is not a new doctrine but the same one of the Bride, 16 in which you can rely on;
you all belong to My House; since I have bought My House with My Own Blood and I have shed every drop of My Blood for everyone … you are My House17 …
you have asked, daughter, in the beginning18 that I pronounce My Will; I repeat to all of you that My Will is that you work with love in the Light of My Spirit so that you may all be one; ic;
(The above message was not given in one day; the day it started was January 20 and it continued for several weeks and through the next months, because of my intensive travelling.)