January 20, 1999
(The Lord gave me a vision: I saw some young boys between 8-10 years of age playing in a very dangerous and foolish way. They were walking on the edge of a ledge which surrounded a tall building of about seven floors high.
Some of the boys were hiding behind a water pipe-line as though playing hide and seek, all of these games were played from outside the building. Below them were meters of void. Another boy even jumped from his window to just barely make it to the neighbouring building in the window. I shut my eyes, not bearing the thought that I might see one of them miss his step, slip and fall. Considering the height, the fall would be deadly. I was frightened for them and I could not understand why they risked so much their life by playing so dangerously, then I understood why they were fearless. It was because they were not seeing, understanding and realising the danger.)
Vassula, I give you My peace in this week of unity; I, God, have called you to a life of peace; so what have you seen, daughter? what have you observed? have you heard Me say before these words: „do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell;” let Me reveal to you this vision: the boys you have seen are some of those who are near you and who had been once prompted by the Spirit to follow My Messages and had offered their help too; today Satan is sifting them and has led them without them realising to play dangerous games; if they fall, their soul would be fatally wounded; but if they listen to My Spirit they will put an end to their misdeeds and they will live;
well? what was the supreme law I had given you in Scriptures? was it not: „you must love your neighbour as yourself?” to this day all those1 you have seen in the vision I have given you, think they are righteous, but if they are, let them show it by their good will with humility and graciousness in their actions and by their love for one another; some of them had shown no respect for those who are poor and no respect for the one I chose to bear My Words2 and carry My Interests; and yes! like in the vision, were you to warn them they would not listen …. and in the meantime like you, in your vision, I too, tremble with fear for their fall could be fatal!
My children, who were called and prompted by the Spirit are now yielding to temptations, yet, were they to allow My Holy Spirit to be their guide, they will be in no danger; for this they need to come to Me and repent; they should not abuse My goodness and My tolerance, but they should take these instead to lead them to repentance and they will be forgiven and they will not lose My Heart;
I promise that anyone who decides to do good, giving Me honour and will make peace with Me and neighbour, he will obtain peace and will come to realise that in their weakness and in their sleep they were led astray; I want no more trouble from anybody; nor should anyone delude himself into thinking he is righteous, I repeat My warning, do not delude yourselves into thinking you are righteous; when one works or has decided to work for Me they should follow Me in My Footprints bearing My Cross wholeheartedly and with honour and joy; when this is done with goodwill they will be properly rewarded for all the work that had been done well in My Name;
no one is anyone’s master; 3 I am the only Master; I urge them to repent and turn to Me and prove to Me their goodwill;
consult Me anytime, Vassula, and I shall answer you; I bless you, cling to Hope; 4
courage, daughter; ic;
(This message was given to two of the TLIG Associations. I personally did not know that there were disagreements and quarrels. I knew which Associations were concerned after the vision and our Lord made me understand who they were.
There was one especially ‘bossing’ around everyone. Jesus was not pleased; nor was he with the others. They risked a fatal fall and that is why God intervened out of His boundless Love.)
(Later on:)
My Vassula: tell Me, is there in the world or around you anything that can give your soul more exquisite and amorous delights than being with Me, just Me, alone? what does My Presence give you?
(While I was searching for words to express myself, I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me …)
– A foretaste of the Beatific vision;
– A contemplation of Your Glory;
– An indwelling delight, that which is given to the saints with merits; I have none;
– An intellectual awareness that in Your transcended light, You, the Godhead, who fill all things without being contained by their limits can dwell in me ….
– I find in Your Presence, joy, light, sighs of longing, longing to penetrate even more in contemplation so that I may see what no eye has seen and hear what no ear has heard …
daughter, hold on to Me and together, My Arm around your arm, just like a bride is led to the altar by her father or a relative to meet her Bridegroom, I will lead you into My Kingdom to reign with Me, 5 surrounded by a throng of exalted angels with an unbounded joy you will be led in eternal glory; and once more all heaven will shout for joy and will sing:
„God has been at work! shout aloud, you earth below! shout for joy you mountains; with royal prodigality the King of kings has found His pleasure in His chosen one; and now let us praise the Lord who created her; exalt the Lord in your praises;”
yes! I have allowed you to hear My Voice; I have allowed you to see Me face to face; and why? why have I favoured you?
To save our generation through Your message?
to show My Infinite Mercy to all of you, and through what I have entrusted you with to carry, I would chime poetry through your mouth at every step you would take and save this generation ….
incense and appeasing fragrance of My Heart, you are not alone, I, your Lord and Saviour, am with you; adornment of My Church, lift your eyes up to Me6 and be blessed,
My Beloved has put all His Heart
into song out of love for His creation;
He placed harps to echo through
the world to Live a True Life in Him;
brimming over with Divine Mercy like torrents,
He fills every need;
Your Name, O Holy One, most Pure,
reached even the most remote people,
Yes! You have put afire entire nations
with Your divine sweetness,
preventing the people from sinning
and silencing the mutters of those who oppose You.
have I ever deprived a soul from My Love and Mercy?
when I am living inside a city, can that city7 fall? have you not read: „there is a River8 whose streams refresh the city of God and it sanctifies the dwelling of the Most High;” I am God;
O Spring of our soul
how can I express the way You have reached us in our misery?
Here you are, offering us Your Love and Mercy;
like golden pillars on a silver base, You steady our legs;
You transfigure our faces with one glance of Your Eyes,
making them appear like the Lamp shining on the sacred Lamp-stand;
Yes, indeed, only the River of Life
whose streams refresh the city of God,
sanctifies it for Him;
the Scriptures say,
in fact they are Your Own Words, Lover of mankind,
that if anyone loves You, he will keep Your Word
and that Your Father will love him
and that both of You will come to him
and make Your abode with him. 9
I am a Source of ineffable delights and through My Infinite Mercy I wish to transfigure your soul into an Eden, suitable for Our Trinitarian Holiness; I wish to lead every soul back to Myself so that they would have access into their Resting Place; so My Vassula, be determined to safeguard for My sake My teachings; see? the soil has given its harvest, mountains and valleys bow down10 at My passing; through this revelation My Voice is heard; never mind the proud of heart; remember, My beloved, that I have the power to overthrow kings and kingdoms were these to become an obstacle to Me;
„peaks of pride, have you the right to look down on a mountain11 where God has chosen to live, where Yahweh is going to live for ever?” 12
My Holy Spirit has uttered sayings in your ear sweeter than honey, even than honey that drips from the comb, raising you and others from the dead, see? salvation comes from Me;
be, My beloved, an example to the others and love My Spirit for He will give you one day the wages of your labours and …. do not fear those who believe they have the power to subjugate all things, because I am with you and on your side;
My Vassula, again I am asking you to be like a lily in My Garden13 to perfume Me; fragrance Me, My chosen one, I sigh for your love, for your abandonment, for your dispassion;
O you, in whom alone I have entrusted this treasure coming from My Heart! 14 remain in My embrace now, perfuming Me in your nothingness and I in My turn will be perfuming you to be My heaven!
hold on fast to Me and on to what I have given you freely; never weary of writing;
I am with you; ic;