Presentation of the Greek edition of the book „Heaven is Real but so is Hell” 
at Malliaris Education Bookstore, Thessaloniki

On June 7, 2018 we flew to Thessaloniki for a subsequent presentation.  Vassula was scheduled to once again speak about her book Heaven is Real but so is Hell at a local bookstore:  Malliaris Education.

Due to her approval in Crete, we were feeling very optimistic about the presentation.   When we arrived at the airport, loads of butterflies filled the airport’s inside-out area, which I took as a sign that this presentation too will be successful.  Niki, Tereza, Filippos and Hildegard greeted us at the airport; they escorted us to the hotel check- in.  Prior to the presentation’s commencement, we had a meal at a local restaurant.   Accompanying us was a monk (Vassula’s friend) who came from Mount Athos, and he attended the book presentation that evening.

The presentation hall, which used to be a theatre, was very beautiful, with many, comfortable seats, good lighting and acoustics.  With about thirty-five participants, the hall was almost full to capacity.  This made us very happy.

The Bookstore Manager Welcoming the Audience

Vassula talking about her autobiography

The bookstore manager welcomed the audience; he gave a speech about the hall’s history and then invited Stella to present Vassula; I would simultaneously interpret, if needed.

Vassula began her speech by welcoming the audience; they all seemed thrilled to be there.  She talked about Heaven is real but so is Hell, emphasizing that it is her autobiography.  The Lord uses anyone and everything He wants to use, giving individuals different charismas to benefit His Church.  She reminded us that when reading the messages, we should replace her name with ours because the messages are for all of us, not only for her.  If they were given only for her benefit, Vassula would not have travelled around the world to proclaim them, and this gift would have remained hidden.  She concluded by saying that the meaning of life is to love God and our neighbor; our thoughts should always contain Him, like an unceasing prayer.

Vassula Responding to Questions from the Audience

The audience asked many interesting questions after Vassula finished her speech.  Here are some of them:

  • Why did God choose Vassula, a person who did not have any form of catechesis, instead of a priest, a monk or a nun for this mission?
  • Since we have the Holy Bible, why do we need these messages?
  • Which prophecies mentioned in the messages have been fulfilled?
  • If Vassula could see the departed souls, what did they look like when they appeared to her at the beginning of her mission?
  • What is Vassula’s opinion on Ecumenism?
  • Since God is the Father of all, could we pray in to Jesus, to Buddha, to Mohammed and in general to any divinity in the same manner?
  • (And the most common question that surfaces at every presentation): Since God is good, why does He allow bad circumstances, such as wars and misery to occur?

After concluding the question/ answer session, the recipients bought the book.  They then lined-up to receive Vassula’s signature and to take a picture with her.  Everybody looked so happy; even the cameraman bought the book and approached Vassula, telling her his name is Daniel.  She smiled, and told him that he had the same name as her angel.  He was happily surprised to hear this!  

Vassula signing her autobiography

As a side-note to our highlights, we had brought with us two True Life in God Magazines that featured the Russia pilgrimage.  A picture of a beautiful Russian church was on its cover.  Unfortunately however, nobody wanted a copy because it was written in English.   Nonetheless, the next morning while we were having breakfast, we saw two Russian monks at the hotel lobby.  They   were most-likely either heading to Mount Athos or returning from there.  I immediately remembered the magazines.   Hildegard approached the monks and gave them the magazines.  They were happily surprised. They thanked her, and took them.  

At that moment we realized that nothing happens in vain or by chance!