November 21, 1986

peace be with you; I, Jesus, called you; be peaceful and write:

I am always with you; you1 are not invoking Me; I can see how you are changing; bureaucracy is overpowering My Church; listen to My anguished cries: you are revealing Me in a different way than the way I have taught you; some of you are damaging My Church; I stifle, I suffocate, to see you knocking down what I had built; how can I see all your sins and not cry out? how can I be pleased when you remind Me of the Pharisees? why have you forgotten what came out of My lips? how could you not love one another? how could you honour Me when you select and reject? 2

I was not nailed on the Cross for only the just; may your eyes be enlightened so that you can see My riches;

November 22, 1986

peace be with you; I, Yahweh, heard you;

I’m not progressing and I feel discouraged. I don’t know what will happen to me with this. What will become of me? What is this all about? I’m not sure anymore! Why these dictations?

do not get discouraged; demons are trying to deceive you; I have formed you; do not allow them to discourage you; do you know why these demons want to discourage you? they are evil and are determined to stop you, daughter; they were angry at My Plan since the beginning; you are progressing; I have restored you since the time you have accepted Me; are you feeling happier having recognised Me?

Yes, I feel I need nothing more than You. You fill my life.

come then, let us train; listen now, and beware of voices which do not come from Me; stay alert as now; I am Yahweh, God Almighty, and I am the Author of revelations; what you can see, daughter? can you see what I have for you in My Hall? 3 a table which is full, full of blessings, abundant and with all the fruits of My garden; I prepared it and laid it out for My children… daughter, what can you see now? can you see My fountain? 4 yes! this sparkling water is for you to drink, 5 it is living water; feel the surrounding of My House; yes! it is big and there is space for many; I have rooms for all of you; 6 My House is Holy; My House is Peace; come now and see; tell Me how you feel; do you feel happy? 7 yes! there is love and peace; I am present; you can feel My presence; I am Peace;

daughter, now that you have seen the splendour of My House, go and tell them; go and proclaim to My children My glorious Name; bring them this message of peace; tell them of My table which is laid out for them of the space My House has to offer and that I, Yahweh, am waiting for them; let them come to Me so that they share My glory; daughter, you have done well; I will progress you; I, God, love you; go in peace and love all your duties, beloved;

1 Jesus speaks to His teachers.
2 His Teachings. The Traditions of the Church.
3 „On this mountain, for all peoples, Yahweh Sabaoth is preparing a banquet of rich food” (Is. 25:6). God gave me an interior vision. I saw a big hall, with enormous columns. It reminded me of Milan’s Cathedral. But in the middle from one end to the other was a long table. That table contained so much food! Different plates and near each other!
4 Even then when He was talking I saw on the right side, not far from the table, a fountain. The water that sprung up was broad and crystal-clear; it had a different aspect from any fountain I’ve seen, because it looked alive. The water seemed silverish and as though it was lit from within. I was looking at it from the right side of that Hall and I was near it.
5 „Oh come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money, come!” (Is. 55:1); „Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me! Let anyone who believes in Me come and drink!” (Jn. 7:37-38); „I will give water from the well of life, free to anybody who is thirsty” (Ap. 21:6).
6 „There are many rooms in My Father’s House; if there were not, I should not have told you” (Jn. 14:2).
7 God allowed me to move from where I was near the fountain. I looked up and saw a veranda surrounding His Hall and there were doors. I understood that there were rooms. Then on the floor I was standing there were two doors opened. I entered into one. I crossed the room which led me in another veranda and I looked at God’s Glory; above all, I felt Him present. The air was still and everything was so quiet. It was glorious. His Presence was Love, Peace; I felt His Splendour and His Majesty in His Hall but also outside. And strangely I felt at home. I did not feel as though I was a visitor, I felt as though I belonged there. Then I walked out of that room back into the Hall. I heard some noise from the other room with the door opened. I entered and saw a child. Near the child sat a woman. She was watching the child, who was making childish noises. I felt that they were souls. Yahweh had robed them for His Feast. Ah how I felt in the House of Yahweh! „All find their home in You, my Lord” (Ps. 87:7).