November 8, 1987


I am;
if I had not delivered you, you would have been still today in deep sleep;

I feel very ashamed. I am indeed the last to talk. Whatever I do to try to repair and thank You, Lord, will not come near enough to what You’ve done again for me. Even when I want to pray for others, I feel guilty and hesitant because, Lord, how would I dare pray for others who are so far better than myself? How could ‘the most wretched’ pray for someone better than herself? It reminds me of Your words about the plank in the eye and the splinter in the other one’s eye. I feel I’ve got a plank, a whole forest, so how could I with all this wood in my eye dare utter a sound? Unless, Lord, you deliver me. I ask You to allow me to ask You to clean me. Have mercy on my soul. If You want, make me worthy to enable me to pray with dignity for my brethren.

Vassula, I am pleased to hear your words, for not until you realise your unworthiness will you begin your way to perfection;

If it is within Your will,
allow me, Father,
to ask for Your help.

daughter, replenish your lamp from Me, do not wait; grow in My light, little one; whoever will believe in this Message will believe not in you but in Me; I, the Light, descend into the world through you, so that whoever believes in My Message need not stay in the dark anymore; your witnesses know the truth, they know that these words are not your words, no, My Vassula, all what is written comes from Me, the Lord; I tell you truly that whoever welcomes you, welcomes Me;

No, My God, I’m not worthy!

why, Vassula, have I not purified you, have I not anointed you Myself to be Mine? indeed I will be manifesting Myself through you, so honour Me daughter;

come, I will teach you My ways; I and you; let Me breathe in you, let Me rest in you, daughter; rest Me from those who wound My Soul; oh Vassula, if you only knew … My Blood is gushing out again today;

Oh God and it’s Sunday! Why?

little one, they are piercing My Heart through and through;

My God, let them pierce me instead!

hear Me, you will be; they will pierce you; come now, allow Me to rest in you, share My Cup daughter;

(Why, why is it like this, what is going on, why are they doing this to our God? A God of Love, of Peace, a Father, a Friend? How could they? I feel sick. Jesus is again today bleeding, suffering from our wickedness. The world, one could say, has been kidnapped by Satan, and Jesus is trying again to save us.)

My God, you give me so much pain to feel you so hurt. You, only Infinite Goodness and an Abyss of Love, why are they tormenting you? I cannot bear Your sufferings anymore, but I care for Your sufferings, Your pains. Lord, I care and love You.

Vassula, My Vassula, victim of My Soul, victim of My Heart, bear My sufferings and share them with Me, drink from My Cup, feel My scourgers; beloved of My Soul, what will I not do for you out of Love? I will allow you to share My sufferings; I have chosen you to be the victim of My Bleeding Heart, by all the sorrows of which yours is capable of bearing; victim of My Soul by all the anguishes, denials and mockeries your soul can bear; come, you will share My Cross;

I am your only Love; I have reached My goal; allow Me to be the sweet torture of your mind and soul; you please Me, for now I have extirpated all My rivals, they are all gone; none are left! it is I, your Jesus, only left with you! how I delight! and now let Me love you without restraint; let Me reign over you; I have found a place for My greatness and bounty; I do not love you for what you are, but for what you are not;

come, your nothingness infatuates Me, your incapacity leaves Me speechless;

Lord, I feel embarrassed.

Vassula never seek to be something; stay nothing for every divine work I will accomplish will be purely Mine and not yours;

My Church will be one, under one Authority; have I Myself not asked Peter to feed My lambs? have I not chosen him to feed My sheep, have I Myself not uttered these words:

„you are Peter and on this rock
I will build My Church;”

why this arrogance among the nations, these futile plots among the people? I had selected Peter, a man after My own Heart, the rock, on whom I would build My Church; why then distort My Command?

Whom are You referring to, Lord?

I am speaking to those who scheme and plot against My foundation, do you not realise that your plots will lay futile?

Lord, I do not know whom are you referring to.

I know, Vassula, all this is obscure to you, but it is as clear as day for those deceivers! My Eyes are fixed upon them; My sword lifted and ready to strike; they know themselves and believe Me, their days are numbered; yes, cast your eyes around you, deceivers! why are you surprised? you will perish for I am doing something in these days that it will be hard to believe had you been told of it!

beloved, let Me answer your question in your mind: My Message will be read by those deceivers too; beloved, feel Me; I am in pain as you; My Cross is on you, bear It with love; My Cross is the door to true life; embrace It willingly; Vassula, abnegation and suffering lead into a divine path, this one of holiness and virtues; 1

O come, beloved, I am with you, 2

Lord, I feel so terribly sad, I know I should shed no more tears and reserve them for later, to compensate. I am ready to shed my blood instead, replacing my tears, if none will be left.

My Vassula, remember you are not of this world, you belong to Me; can you see My Sacred Heart? 3 enter in My Sacred Heart; in its depths, you will find your rest; I will take you and thrust you in its depths; My pain is unbearable; 4 do you remember when you were but a mere child, what I had done to you?

(Jesus gave me the same vision of then, when I was 10 years old. That was the first call.)

you were unable to move; I am divine Power, beloved, therein you belong; 5 come now, I need to be consoled; let us rest in each other;

(Jesus was very much in pain and sad.)

How could I console such distress?

by loving Me ardently; love Me and console Me, Vassula; love Me with all your soul;

I do love You and You know it, Lord.

love Me without measure!

Teach me to love you without measure.

I am; come now, I have a secret I wish to tell you; fear not, I will whisper it in your ear;

(Jesus told me the secret that gave me so much joy!)

Oh God! Will you really do this?

I will, beloved, I will; never doubt, all will be done accordingly, My Vassula;

Jesus, My God, thank You. Allow me to bless You.

I bless you too, beloved; come, it is late; we will rest in each other;

Yes, Lord.

come then;

1 I felt hopelessly sad.

2 Jesus was caressing my head.

3 Jesus pointed at a lit Chest and Heart.

4 For having me in exile.

5 Jesus pointed with His index finger to His Heart.