January 18, 1988

Lord, if everything comes from Your Will and whatever will happen, will be because You willed it, then I do not understand why, if You want Your message received, why do You not make those that are informed about it accept it, since You are wishing it? Why do You not enlighten them?

O daughter, beloved one, rejoice and be happy that I have converted you, healing you; My Mercy reaches from age to age for those who fear Me, but for the thorns that pierce Me, the prophecy of Isaiah is once again repeated:

„you will listen and listen again, but not understand, see and see again, but not perceive, for the heart of this nation has grown coarse; their ears are dull of hearing and they have shut their eyes for fear they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart and be converted and be healed by Me;”

daughter, I had foreseen their obduracy from all eternity; their rejection of today’s Providential Works have forfeited their privileges;

Vassula, pray hundreds of times to attain what I seek in you most and that is love, belief and hope;1

I enlighten those who prove sincere; I will not enlighten the wise because sincerity lacks in them; I, the Lord, seek the humble and lowly; the smaller you are, the more My Greatness will be inclined to bend towards you and reach you to lift you; the smaller you are and insignificant, the easier it is for you to penetrate into My Sacred Heart; Vassula! can you see?

(Jesus gave me a vision of a corridor and an enormous block of rock was blocking it. Beyond it I could see that a strong bright light was behind, but the block was cutting off the Light from entering this corridor.)

they are those that block the Path to Me, and their enormity obscures the Light for all those who seek Me; for these, I, the Lord, say: I will not endure with your grandeurs, your haughtiness wearies Me; My Cup is full; when the time will come, I will call them one after the other to repent; woe to the unfaithful, they will have to face Me!

Jesus, what I start to understand is that those who are Your real disciples, lowly, and humble, will rejoice with Your revelation but many who are unfaithful to You, will not like this revelation. In other words it’s good for some and bad for others.

yes, Vassula, now you know; 2

St. Mary, although I’m wretched, would You be my support? Encourage me, wouldn’t there be one of the ecclesiastical authorities who would listen? Just one?

Vassula, daughter of Mine, Jesus loves you, I love you; blessed one, Jesus and I will help you now; pray to attain His favour;

Yes Mother, help me to find the right words.

I am, flower; I love you all, never doubt;

Thank You for helping me.

Love will help you endure many trials, My child; Jesus will give you His Strength; I will encourage you always; fear not, I am protecting you; 3

I am the Lord, beloved soul, honour Me now and walk with Me, I will give you My Strength to accomplish My desires; how I love you! I love you to a degree your soul will never grasp;

My Message of Peace and Mercy, Love and Righteousness now descends among you;

glorify Me; My Love will save you from My Justice; Justice which is bound to befall upon you, if My creation will not listen again; I come out of My boundless Mercy to warn you; I desire My creation to repent and recognise Me; Fatima’s Shrine weeps loudly for the abuses and rejections over Garabandal; My Soul is in deep sorrow again; the same sorrow I had in Fatima; how could they doubt now when My Spirit is in them and they in Me? My Message at Fatima was ignored and not until it was too late did they accept My Message;

I love you all; I am the Lord who speaks – never doubt: pray for those souls who walk in the dark;

O Peter, 4 nominated by Me, hallowed by Me, My Eyes never left you; I have been watching you all these years; I am now at your door, brother, My own; I am knocking, will you let Me in? do not deny Me Peter; I love you; hear Me; hear My Voice; it is I, the Lord; peace upon you, soul, rejoice! I have come to unite My Bleeding Body, I have come to gather My lambs, I have come to irrigate My garden; I am Jesus, your Saviour;

behold! 5 behold Peter, My Sacred Heart once again is being pierced by so many thorns, thorns that have been driven in Me by those I love! My Soul is once again Wounded; they are treading upon Our Hearts; 6 both Our Hearts have been once again crowned with two wreaths of thorns; My side is wide open and My Blood is gushing out; I am at your door now and with Me I carry My hidden Plan of Salvation; it is here;

this Revelation is My Voice; I love you all with all My Heart, with all My Heart I love you;

1 Those who are blind and deaf should ask the Lord in prayer to perceive the Truth.

2 Jesus said it in a sad voice.

3 St. Mary here was referring not to fear Satan who is constantly trying to discourage me.

4 Suddenly Jesus turns to Pope John Paul II as if talking directly to him.

5 Jesus opens His clothes to show His Heart. He wants to show Pope John Paul II His Heart.

6 His Heart and our Blessed Mother’s.