June 21, 1988


I am; pray for the renewal of My Church; pray for those souls who oppose Peter, pray for those who are trying to silence Peter; the days now are numbered and My Soul is submerged in sorrow; My Sacred Heart is imbued with bitterness, My Soul is yearning for them to realise their Error;

those that oppose Peter are opposing My Church, they are opposing My Law, they are opposing Me, their Lord and God; they are condemning Peter-of-My-lambs, thus condemning My Law; blinded by Vanity himself they do not see clear anymore that by condemning Peter they are not following the Law but instead become judges of My Law! O listen to what the Spirit says to the Church! return; come back, beloved one; 1 it is I, the Lord, who have selected Peter, Peter who today bears the name, John Paul II; I am telling you, beloved one, My Sacred Heart has chosen him; come back, reconcile for My sake, beloved; I, the Lord, will forgive your sins and will purify you;

RETURN! return all of you to Peter for it is I, your God, who has chosen him; it is I who have given him a disciple’s tongue, and through Me he is able to reply to the weary; oh, creation! is there no more wisdom left in you? creation! you are failing to appreciate My Fathomless Love I have for you, and yet, I answer to everyone who invokes Me; I am with you when you are in trouble, I am your Refuge;

today I, the Lord, will add one more commandment; write: „bend! bend to be able to reconcile and unite, humble yourselves to unite;” child!

Yes, Lord?

I give you My Peace; be obedient, allowing Me to use you as I wish; trust Me, you are in your Father’s Hands;

I am but following You,
and my soul is in peace
as a child with his mother,
trusting You fully and as a child,
I want to obey You.

remember My Presence, I am with you; we, us?

we, us?

Yes, Lord. Yes, St. Mary.

1 Archbishop Lefèbvre.