December 25, 1990

(Christmas Day)

I shall announce Your Name to my brothers1
and praise You in full assembly2
whether they3 like it or not.

daughter, although many of you do not know the way to Peace and the way to Unity, do not despair; hope in Me, I shall come to comfort you soon; and you, My child, your pleadings4 have been heard in Heaven by everyone; I shall come to unite you; My Word has been given and My Will shall be carried out; in the meantime summon a nation you never knew and give them the instructions I have given you, and if a ‘sage’ now and then accuses you of calling Me Father, remind him that today a Child is born and His Name is Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God, Eternal-Father, and Prince of Peace; 5

pray for those who call themselves doctors of the Law, that their spirit becomes a humble and poor spirit; pray that all nations come to My Light and that the vengeance eating their hearts be ripped off so that I may wrap their hearts in My Peace; pray that east makes peace with the west and the north with the south; pray that this excessive pride and haughtiness that seized certain shepherds of Mine be replaced by humility; pray that they understand what I have meant by: „Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant; and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave; yes, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many;” 6

imitate Me, your Lord, and you shall live

1 The Greek Orthodox.
3 The Greek Orthodox.
4 For unity.
6 Mt. 20:26-28